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Rod Fleming Comment
All that is scurrilous, all that is disrespectful, all that is wicked, you will find here.
- Zionist: how I became one (and remain so)
- Woman attacked for wearing bikini
- Witch-burning is Back: as the Left wants it
- Why Antisemitism is the Root Cause of the Palestinian Problem – Jim Ashby, guest poster
- War with Islam: ideology, not people
- Unlimited sex: the foundation of Islam
- Tryst on Februar Fowerteen – A Scots Allegory
- Trump restored rights to women. Fact.
- Trudeau’s Cynical PR Stunt Mocks Disabled People
- Transgressive and Conservative gay: two models
- Time has run out: War has begun
- There is no enemy but Islam: it must be named and shamed
- The Squatter at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
- The Red Pill opened my eyes — you should take it too
- The Reasons for World War Three.
- The New World Order, the Rats, and modern slavery
- The importance of self identification.
- The Hadith: Sahih al-Bukhari
- The German bully of Europe
- The Fall of France: Macron’s election and the Greater Germany
- The English Don’t Wear Kilts
- The Autogynephilic rats and how they chatter.
- Thatcher, Britain’s First Woman Prime Minister
- Terror is the reality of Islam. We must name it to fight it
- Super-emasculated males, men and female supremacy
- Socially aware, libertarian, scientific, secularist
- Schadenfreude
- Russia, Ukraine, and the New World Order
- Reims Bikini Attack: Suspects named
- Qandeel Baloch: killed by Islam.
- Pot, Porn and Prostitution – 3 Ps
- Porn: a Bellwether for Freedom
- Obama: a history of disaster
- Muslim kills 84 in Nice terror attack.
- Mishcon de Reya: Scene from an Imaginary Western
- Marijuana, hashish, pot. The 3 Ps Part One.
- Jihad: the Islamic struggle for the World
- Je suis Paris
- Islamophobia: a reasonable fear
- Islam: Read all about it right here!
- Islam: a danger to society
- Islam and the death of freedom
- Identity Politics = Totalitarianism
- Homage to Catalonia: a message for Europe
- Happy Trump Day!
- Google Diversity Row: A revealing storm
- Good European nation? Not Germany
- Fear of Islam is common sense in 2020
- European Culture
- Europe’s immigration crisis erupts
- Enoch Powell and the rivers of blood.
- Enlightened Culture versus Snowflake Culture
- Eisenhower and the Global Policeman
- Demonic genocide: Islam in Practice
- Debunking Postmodernism: exposing the lie
- Dar al-Harb: The Islamic stimulus for war.
- Dancing into The New Feudalism
- Congratulations on our Independence
- Communists: promoting political cult mentality
- Civilisation: A manifesto for its rescue, before it’s too late.
- Charlottesville: Innocent death, death of innocence
- Capitalism: is there an alternative in free societies?
- Ben Affleck is a Misogynist
- Baby murder: a victory at last.
- Access to sex, contraception, pederasty and rape
- Abortion: the egregious slaughter of the innocent
- A Bonfire of English Vanities
- 2016: a bad year? No, a new beginning.
- Women and not-women: the masculine female
- The free sex market and why feminists hate it
- Sweden: How feminist emasculation broke a State
- Prostitution: why feminists hate it
- Milo Yiannopoulos and the feminist harpies revisited
- MeToo didn’t really work out, did it?
- Matriarchy is not what feminists think it is
- Letter from an American womyn in dystopia.
- Gynaecocracy, the feminist collective, will fail
- Feminists, Postmodernism and Marxism
- Feminism: Terminator required; apply within
- Feminism: a toxic social neurosis
- Feminism: a cancer that destroys our culture.
- Feminism promotes male transgenderism 1
- Feminism is a Lie: it’s the Gynocracy again
- Feminism has always been a lie.
- Feminism delights in women’s unhappiness.
- Abortion and women’s power