Dar al-Harb: The Islamic stimulus for war.

If the Popes believed that their God intended to keep them in control of Jerusalem, or indeed, in such high esteem at home, then they were to be rudely disabused. Central to Islam is the notion that the entire world not under its control is Dar al-Harb. (This is the second chapter of the book World War Three.) The Qu'ran or Koran is the codification of messages believed by Muslims to have been received by Mohammed from the Angel Gabriel. It says a territory may exist under two conditions: Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb. These mean, roughly, 'Land of Submission'. and 'Land of War'. Dar al-Islam isĀ  territory whose inhabitants have accepted or submitted to Islamic Law, Sharia, or which has been occupied by Muslim armies who then enforced Sharia. Dar al-Harb is all those lands and territories which are not under Islamic control and where Sharia is not in sway. A Muslim's sacred duty, expressed in the Qu'ran, is to do everything in his power (women have no say in Isl
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One Reply to “Dar al-Harb: The Islamic stimulus for war.”

  1. This is a succinct but excellent summary of the evil of the islamic death cult. Islam definitely brings misery anywhere it appears. See the runaway best seller, Essays on the Ideology and Malevolence of Islam. Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble until banned.

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