Women and not-women: the masculine female

When you teach women that they are the same as men, then there are consequences. Making them into masculine not-women is just the first. Women begin to think they should perform an ersatz masculinity. This is pronounced in corporate or military situations, where rank matters. How can a promoted woman give orders to a man? Only by performing masculinity. Then, if you fix the game so these not-women can win with less effort than men, which in most scenarios is the only way they can, it gets worse. As a result the route to success success becomesĀ  'being masculine' when it should mean 'being a great mother'. The more masculine women are, the more success they are likely to be given, in our culture, while motherhood is decried as an impediment to their 'careers'. (By which they mean 'jobs.' Equality of exploitation in wage-slavery, what a victory.) But at the same time, masculinity repulses men and mothering qualities attract them. (see Freud.) So men begin avoiding these women
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One Reply to “Women and not-women: the masculine female”

  1. Yeah, pretty much. The only woman I’d even consider getting with at this time–currently an ALT in Japan–is white and American, but she’s made it abundantly clear, having taught in HISD (Houston Independent School District) in the past, that she is horrified by the agendas being pushed onto kids these days, especially the “transgender” agenda and how feminism is “feminazism” (her exact word) and how any kids of hers will be home schooled. But as she’s still in Japan and as of now has no plans to return to the US (gee, can’t imagine why), I’m moving on with my life.

    Believe me, based on my observations of the last 15+ years or so? You’re pretty spot on. No way am I getting roped in by some crazy man hating sort who will make my life living hell all over again. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t consume my share of porn (most of it involving ladyboy types, I’ll own up), and I admit to having a “stripper girlfriend” (my favorite dancer at my men’s club du jour who I spend the most money on and am building a provider/client relationship with that disappears as soon as I leave the club), but otherwise? No way no how am I dating anybody. My earnestly clueless father–who, at age 71, you’d think he would know better by now–is all but up in arms about my refusal to date and why I don’t date, always crying at me about “Don’t paint all women with such a big brush.” This from the man who’s on his third marriage, whose first two wives including my birthing vessel were psychos, and whose current wife is a social worker who (IMO anyway, I may be wrong) appears to have turned him into a proper little servile sort. I used to like her, but as time has gone by and my eyes have been opened, I’m seeing a dynamic I didn’t notice before that I don’t much care for. I really wish he’d shut up and leave that well enough alone. This from the man who was also an unapologetic philanderer in his younger days, while chasing his rock n’ roll dreams, further.

    But yes, rest assured that a sweet ladyboy is far more appealing these days to me than a natal woman is, in terms of anything resembling a relationship at all. For all the reasons listed here and then some. But if it’s in my cards to be a lifelong bachelor and die alone, then I will live that life and live it as well as possible before I go, whenever that is. “Lonely,” you say? Hey, at least I know where my money is going at all times (to me and my cause) and I can come and go as I please and have my own life as I see fit, thank you very much. That is far preferable to me at this time and I don’t regret it.

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