Sweden: How feminist emasculation broke a State

Sweden is proud, today, to say that it has a woman president and a largely female Cabinet. This is lauded by feminists the world over. Yet Sweden is unable to provide the basic level of protection that its own citizens require. And those who suffer most are women, who are the victims of rape jihad at the hands of Muslim immigrants. The Duty of State The primary duty of a State is the protection of its people. This is the social contract we make: we consent to be governed in return for protection. If we require to look after our own security, why should we pay a State to do it? Why not buy a pistol or a shotgun and learn how to use it? Why not form militias or vigilante groups and defend ourselves? If it's defend yourself or be raped or murdered, what right does the State have to demand taxes, or hobedience to its laws? The point of having a State at all is to avoid anarchy; but that is precisely the result, when it cannot protect its citizens. So a state that cannot provid
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2 Replies to “Sweden: How feminist emasculation broke a State”

  1. Oh, Rod…it appears you’ve found religion and lost your way.
    As a Scot’s Irish English American female, I have only one thing to say…
    You’re a zealot. And zealotry – Muslim, Christian, Fascist, Capitalist, Slut-Trumpian, Zionist under the influence of an attractive blonde or otherwise, is dangerous. ZEALOTRY of any kind is dangerous.
    I didn’t work two and three jobs in this fucked up country as a single mom, going hungry so my kids could eat, so you could tout capitalism and insist women bear more children than they can afford. Capitalism is a polite way of describing the things we can afford to buy off the plundered labor and resources of people farther down the food chain. That’s all there is to it. I hope you choke on the goods and services you feel you’ve “earned.” I’m not anti-capitalist, but I am anti unfettered capitalism. Furthermore, I am no snowflake. I nearly starved to death, in this fundamentalist christian whack job nation trying to raise two children on my own after a divorce. Last year I buried my second and beloved partner of 22 years during the middle of a pandemic because we couldn’t afford health insurance for him. And we both worked full time…we weren’t poor…but you can’t afford health insurance in America if your employer doesn’t offer coverage. I had to watch him die of a treatable cancer while I went on working to pay the bills. Go fuck yourself. You’re the snowflake. You don’t have to live in this fucked up country. I’ve seen the sides of wild west capitalism, racism and misogyny that aren’t so pretty. Now, to make matters worse, there’s hatred everywhere…between neighbors…divide and conquer. Murderous whack jobs with long rifles …all because their fat-spoiled- intellect-of-a-turnip-mob- flunky-hero lost an election and they were asked to wear masks during a pandemic…oh, boo fucking hoo. will the family values coalition ever recover from such hardship? “Wear a mask you say? Oh, the humanity!”
    If you’d like to discuss abominations, I’d like to suggest corporate ‘personhood’ for our first topic.
    But the joke’s on all of you trumpsuckers…when trump said he could “grab them by the pussy,” he meant yours. Your pussy. Sales 101, kiddo. And you fell for it. Enjoy the Faustian contract you’ve signed.
    As an atheist, interested in how the whole god myth began, I’m enraged that I just downloaded a book you co-authored and will profit from.

    1. You’re a Brandonist, so I imagine the disappointment you have to live with every day must really sting. So I forgive you your intemperateness, though it adds a certain schadenfreude. All the division you describe comes from the Left and always has; it is a vehicle for hate and envy and always has been, ever since its party defended slavery and Jim Crow. But now the puppet for whom you rigged an election is on a losing streak and you don’t like it. Tough. Must be awful; rigged one election and still lost, rigged another and got a fuckwit with senile dementia. Now the Rats party is in full damage control mode. I don’t think even USicans are stupid enough to believe you again, after that. Can’t wait for the mid-terms, petal, there will be enough libtard tears to refloat the Titanic.

      I’m sorry for your partner though; it must have been utter hell living with you. Or are you just like this on your ‘red days’? But let me assure you I shall be carrying on, on this and other platforms, exposing idiocy wherever I find it. Now I have to do a congrats piece to celebrate the verdict in the Rittenhouse case, which has — despite all the Libtard attempts to pervert its course — seen justice served. After all, the worst he could be accused of was pest control. Toodle-oo.

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