Roman Sex is important

Roman sex

Originally posted 2023-08-29 17:04:28.

Why is the Roman sex model so important, even today? And I don’t mean a knee-trembler up a dark alley in Milan with a hot tranny. I mean the model of sex and sexual behaviour which was central to Roman life. Why is it still important?

roman sex tranny
Completely gratuitous pictures of a hot tranny you might actually meet in Rome.

Western societies are based on a Graeco-Roman model, with some aspects leaning more towards the Greek and some the Roman. Sex, despite centuries of Christianity, remains broadly Roman.

books by rod fleming

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Roofs in France: types of tiles used

Originally posted 2015-01-10 04:46:29.

France is divided, basically, into the north, where tuiles plates were traditional roof covering tiles, and the south, where tuiles romaines are found. There is a line just south of Chalon sur Saone where you can see this change quite clearly, and you know you have officially entered le sud, even though the Mediterranean is still hundreds of miles away. I always stop for a glass of wine in a café when I pass this point. Roofs in the north, with their flat tiles, tend to be steeply pitched, whereas in the south the pitch is much more gentle.

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Borderline Personality Disorder and transgender

Originally posted 2017-07-02 14:37:37.

Borderline Personality Disorder is the most widely recognised mental disorder in the West. However, this should not make you underestimate it. Severe Borderline is excruciating for the sufferers.

More than that, Borderline heavily affects the people around them. This is because it is characterised by rage attacks, violent mood swings, irrational and dangerous behaviours, deliberate threatened or actual harm to both self and others and destructiveness.

If you are a man dating, looking for a partner, then you might encounter someone who displays the symptoms of Borderline. While we make our own decisions in life and are responsible for them, I would advise you to read this and watch the associated video. I have also added links to other sites with more information. I think you should inform yourself about this condition before you make a decision as to whether or not this person really is somebody you could make a life with.

if you think that you or someone close to you has Borderline, please consider taking this test:

books by rod fleming
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Is the New Gay Man a failed transsexual?

Originally posted 2017-12-17 08:55:02.

For many years now, the New Gay Man’s promoters, speaking through activists from Jim Fouratt to Peter Tatchell, have claimed that HomoSexual TransSexuals (HSTS) are a form of ‘failed gay man’. But is this true?

No. In fact, far from completed Sexual Inverts (homosexual transsexuals) being ‘failures’, all feminine homosexual males are transsexual but for various reasons some repress or deny this — as demanded of them by the New Gay Man cult.

Updated 19/12/2021

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Sexual Nexuses, homosexuality and transsexualism.

sexual nexuses

Originally posted 2023-07-14 19:05:20.

There are several sexual nexuses which affect gender in those born male. These depend on the three sets of parameters which underlie it. In turn these are: sex itself, that is our biological sex following whether we are male (XY) or female (XX) and all those entail; sexuality, which is either male (active, the desire to penetrate) or female (passive, the desire to be penetrated) and gender, our outward expression, masculine or feminine.

The First Sexual Nexus

These are to some extent variable. At the first nexus, a male might, in a small number of cases, have female sexuality. This we call Sexual Inversion. This person desires to be penetrated and will therefore seek partners who can do this. Mostly those will be heterosexual men, so the subject here becomes completely feminine, in order to attract them. Similarly, some females are sexually Inverted and have male sexuality. They become as masculine as they can, the classic butch lesbian.

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Wood in Traditional Building 2: Poplar and Pine

Originally posted 2014-03-12 13:35:43.

Everyone will be familiar with the beautiful poplar trees that make valleys in Burgundy and elsewhere so charming to the eye. Poplar produces straight-grained timber of prodigious length. The wood is soft and easy to cut, and it holds nails very well. It resists splitting firmly because is has an interwoven grain, so it is tricky to plane well; better to use a power plane. But poplar is in any case best kept for rough work.

It has two big disadvantages; it can to warp severely as it dries, so great care must be taken in stacking; and insects just love it. Poplar should never be used unless it is treated or painted, or else the woodworm will have a field day. However, it is reasonably resistant to rot, and as long as it is used with care, is a useful timber. It is cheap and plentiful, light and easy to handle.

Unfortunately, poplar is usually grown individually, in long thin avenues, or as windbreaks along the edges of fields, and more rarely in plantations. Its presence in the beautiful valleys of central France is a great asset visually. However, this causes a problem when it is cut for timber.

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Wood in Traditional Building 1: Oak

Originally posted 2014-02-18 12:54:42.

Wood is, along with stone and earth, one of the principal materials used in the construction of buildings, and particularly older buildings. The principal varieties used are oak, poplar and beech, known as hardwood in UK.  Spruces and pines(softwood in UK) are also much used, especially in new-build.  It is important to have some understanding of the nature of wood, its uses in the older house and some sympathy for its virtues as well as its limitations.

Wood is used in a wide variety of applications, and the most important of these are the support structure for floors; the roof timbers and associated work; and the interior finishing timber. Timber is also used in the construction of interior walls and in many areas in the construction of supporting walls.

There are three timbers commonly found in older buildings in France, namely oak, poplar and pine. Other timbers are often found as parts of outhouses and sheds.

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Transsexual, transvestite and transtrender


Originally posted 2017-05-29 12:06:26.

Most ‘transgenders’ are not transsexual, they’re either transvestite or transtrender.

Only males can be transsexual, in the purest sense and to be so they must identify as girls from childhood and be exclusively attracted to men. They will usually take the receptive role in sex, though a small number may either desire to penetrate or be prepared to do this.  Most male ‘transgenders’ are actually transvestite — wearing male clothing and affecting conforming mannerisms, but remaining heterosexual. Many have a condition called Autogynephilia.

‘Transgender’ is not a scientific term. It is a socio-political umbrella term that covers everyone from true transsexuals to fetishist transvestites to fashionista transtrenders. The purpose of this unhelpful conflation will become clear once you understand the different types.

The profiles I’ll discuss in this article apply ONLY in the West. Although the fundamentals of gender are innate,  many expressions of it are cultural. So in different cultures we see differences in gender expression.


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Roman sex was the right kind of sex — and it still is

Roman Sex

Originally posted 2023-01-12 20:07:26.

Perhaps incredibly, Roman sex remains the standard model in most of the world. It is only the Benighted West that thinks it’s different.

One of many orgy scenes in the film ‘Caligula’. This was probably fairly accurate.

There was no equivalent, anywhere in the Ancient World, to modern concepts like ‘gay’. There was a class of males usually called cinaidus or catamite, and these were exactly equivalent to the modern Homosexual, highly feminised, submissive, receptive in sex and often dressing as women.

‘Same-sex’ intercourse was commonplace and indeed, enthusiastically pursued, but only according to social conventions. Breaking these would incur no criminal penalty but the culprits might be shunned or excluded from society. This, in Rome, was a severe penalty.


Roman sex was dictated by two sets of rules. The first set was known as the mos maiorum , which translates to “the way of the elders”. It was an unwritten code of honour.


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Tele-series, ladyboys and love

Originally posted 2017-09-11 19:54:09.

March 2016. Jelly I are sharing a studio condo in Maybunga, in Pasig City, Metro Manila. Previously we were in a larger condo and things were much easier. Now the place is like a pressure-cooker.

As ever the television goes on after our morning sex session. This is when I usually try to work and it appears that Jelly has hearing difficulties.

The diet is monotonous. At noon, it’s Showtime, a variety revue hosted by Vice Ganda, a well-known gay performer. Needless to say, Jelly is mesmerised, smiling. There is nothing coming out of the television – even though the volume is full blast. It’s like an anaesthetic.

Curiously, I am reminded of Grampian Television’s ‘One o’Clock Gang’, hosted by Larry Marshall, that was the daily accompaniment to lunch when I was a child. It shows the depth of the penetration; that was 50 years ago and I can still see the faces of Marshall and Andy Stewart in flickering 405-line black and white.

Nothing has changed; The One o’Clock Gang has emigrated and transmogrified into ‘Eat Bulaga’ and ‘Showtime’. But Showtime has a trans anchor. It’s a killer selling point.

The real televisual clue to the lives of ladyboys, however, is in the ‘tele-series’.

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