Roman Sex is important

Roman sex

Originally posted 2023-08-29 17:04:28.

Why is the Roman sex model so important, even today? And I don’t mean a knee-trembler up a dark alley in Milan with a hot tranny. I mean the model of sex and sexual behaviour which was central to Roman life. Why is it still important?

roman sex tranny
Completely gratuitous pictures of a hot tranny you might actually meet in Rome.

Western societies are based on a Graeco-Roman model, with some aspects leaning more towards the Greek and some the Roman. Sex, despite centuries of Christianity, remains broadly Roman.

books by rod fleming

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Genders: there are only two. Here’s why.


Originally posted 2021-02-06 14:49:58.

Many people are confused by the claim, widely accepted today, that there are multiple genders. In fact, this has even been enshrined in law in some countries.

However, this feels wrong. We intuitively know that it’s a lie. And of course, it is. But explaining why and how the lie is made is not so easy, partly because most of us never consider this, or even gender at all. Some people think that gender is the same as sex; which it is not. So let me explain.

books by rod fleming

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Transsexuals and transvestic Autogynephiles: How to Spot Them.

Originally posted 2017-01-25 06:38:55.

There are two distinct types of ‘transwoman’ — Transsexuals and transvestic Autogynephiles. These are people born male who present as women. Other than that, the two types have no similarity to each other. However, this has been deliberately confused by individuals in one of these types, to advantage themselves at the expense of the other, and also to harm women. This has caused widespread misunderstanding. We need a field guide. Read on!


books by rod fleming

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Gender Evolution: Division of Tasks and Groups

Originally posted 2017-08-03 11:32:54.

Gender is innate.  It is not a social construct This article discusses how it evolved.

Early human society was fluid, with survival always the goal. It was, in general, divided by sex. Women and children formed a home group, which focussed on protection of the children and nursing mothers, foraging, perhaps trapping small game and birds, and the preparation and cooking of food. This group would have been a sisterhood of equals, but led, in all probability, by the elder women, the grandmothers, who were also the teachers, the midwives and shamans.

The other group was of men and older boys, based on the hunt. This group had to be able to respond quickly to the changing circumstances of the hunt, which could, especially when hunting large game, be lethal. A command system developed, probably around the best and most experienced hunters. We call this the ‘away’ group.

These two groups have long been identified and are still obvious in non-Western societies today. They are the evolutionary basis of gender.

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Cognitive Dissonance and Transgender/Transsex

Originally posted 2017-11-11 19:51:15.

Cognitive Dissonance is the feeling of discomfort we get when what we perceive clashes with our expectations. We all walk around in a mental model of the world. That should be obvious. But this is an immensely sophisticated system. When you enter a space for the first time your eyes target the most important elements and your mind blocks in the rest. As the moments pass, in response to sensory stimuli, the less critical areas are built up in your mental model in much the same way a as a computer works ‘in the background’

This process relies on assumptions that are made at a cognitive level. The sky is blue. I can measure that by using a type of light meter called a colour temperature meter. So while I cannot know how you perceive blue, I do know that whatever blue looks like in your head, the sky is that colour and we can agree on it.

What if you walked outside and the sky was yellow? I’m not talking about some beautiful sunset, just the regular sky. Ten minutes ago it was blue, now it’s yellow. What do you think of that?




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Brain Sex?

Originally posted 2017-08-01 11:27:00.

brain sex skull
Pic: Rod Fleming

Brain Sex? What is that? Some sort of cyber-intercourse?

No. ‘Brain sex’ is how many transgender activists explain how their condition came about. They specifically say that, ‘Transgender occurs when an individual of one sex has certain sex-related structures in the brain that are typical of the opposite sex.’

In other words, according to this notion, ‘brain sex’ is a physical condition and not a psychological one. Putting that more technically, what is being claimed is that what they call ‘transgender’ — not a scientific term — is caused by a form of intersexuality that is localised in the brain. This is ‘brain sex’. However, physical heteromorphism of this type should be observable. So is it?

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Bisexual, pseudo-bisexual – What’s in a word?

Originally posted 2018-03-10 08:26:36.

The terms homosexual, bisexual and pseudo-bisexual are often misunderstood and misused. So here’s an explanation with particular relevance to transsexualism.


In the general vernacular, this is taken to mean ‘attraction to same sex’; so a homosexual male is sexually and romantically attracted to other males and a homosexual female to other females.


These are people who are attracted both to their own sex and to the opposite one. In practise, this can be sequential (one after the other) or concurrent (at the same time). In other words, the bisexual individual might form monogamous relationships, sometimes with the same sex, sometimes the other, or might establish multiple relationships with individuals of both sexes at the same time. It’s likely that social factors and the level of partner tolerance will affect this.


This term applies to a very specific sample and is NOT the same as the above. Pseudo-bisexualism is a function of one of the Male-to-Feminine trans forms, the non-homosexual or autogynephilic. In this the male subject becomes obsessed and sexually aroused by the idea of himself as a woman. As a result of this, he creates a second mental model of himself. This man is not homosexual so this erotic target must be a woman. As this gathers strength, the pseudo-bisexual autogynephile will seek out sexual or romantic encounters with men in order to validate it.

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Matriarchy is not what feminists think it is


Originally posted 2016-09-09 13:34:56.

Western feminists, for over half a century, have argued that gender itself has been the fundamental  agent of women’s oppression. The solution often claimed, is to establish a matriarchy. But very few understand what a matriarchy really is.

Where society was based on forms of meritocracy — often on the power to make financial profit — artificial barriers that might exist in less fluid societies could be broken down by women excelling and so they could rise in the culture.

books by rod fleming

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Manly manly gay ‘man’ vs cute pretty tranny.


Originally posted 2021-12-30 13:34:28.

The New Gay Man seeks to preach a doctrine that being ‘gay’ is about manly manly men* TM (with perhaps a little sweaty sock essence just to make it all more convincing) having sex with other manly men, their clones.

Yet when we look through history, where is this manly model? Nowhere. It is an invention, an artefact of the 1960s. It is an expression of rank homophobia, expressed by men who themselves claim to be homosexual. As such it stinks — and not just of liniment.

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So what can a feminine boy do, confronted by this? Until very recently, if he expressed his natural femininity in any way at all, he could look forward to being administered shots of testosterone to ‘man him up’ not to mention the routine beatings and insults which came not only from the mainstream culture around him, but also from the manly manly New Gay Man…a young homosexual male can be anything he likes these days, my dears, except a girl. Oh, no, that is never tolerable. That is the line one must not cross.

books by rod fleming

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Boracay, A Hidden Tropical Paradise

Originally posted 2017-07-27 13:50:03.

boracay beach
The beach at Boracay

Boracay: White Sand and Plenty of Fun


 Boracay is a bouquet of impressions. Triangular sails silhouetted against the sunset, tropical forest all around, an avenue of palms along the beach. Pure white sand, clear, unpolluted tropical water, adventure excursions, fun night-life and a laid-back atmosphere—not to mention exotic dancing girls. All this at prices that remain very reasonable. Does this appeal? Well, instead of Phuket or Bali, consider a trip to Boracay instead.


Boracay (pronounced bor-AH-cay) is an island in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines. It’s a popular resort amongst Filipinos and other Asians. It has an amazing beach, lots of eco-tourism and adventure sport, and great night-life. However it is relatively unknown by Western tourists, and remains fairly unspoiled and friendly. Plus, for Brits and other anglophones, English is almost universally understood and very widely spoken in the Philippines.

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