Copyright and Legal

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Copyright and legal: All published articles are copyright Rod Fleming.

You may quote from them in fair use, but please give attribution. You may not repost whole articles. If you wish to do so, please contact me using the form below and we can negotiate.

Most of the pictures used on this site are either my own, from a public domain source or I have permission to use them. If you believe I have used an image of yours incorrectly, please contact me using the Contact Form, providing a link to the image in question. Please note, you must be the copyright holder of the image to do this, not the subject of the picture.

Documents republished here are either Public Domain or used with permission. If you believe you are the Copyright holder and think documents are being shared improperly, please contact me to discuss this.

Pictures which form the basis of collages, montages and so on constitute new works and are Copyright Rod Fleming.

