Gynaecocracy, the feminist collective, will fail

Why is it that matriarchy, which is so successful at the micro-social scale, as we see in traditional communities across the world, is not de facto the governing system at a global level? If the reason were simply that 'men use violence to impose control' as feminists would have it, then matriarchy simply would not work on the micro scale, any more than it does on the global one.  So what is happening? How is it that gynaecocracy, which is the matriarchy scaled up to national or global level, is not ruling us now? I have investigated thoroughly the way that Western culture has evolved. The impetus, first towards sedentary living, then to settlement and ultimately to civilisation (city-based culture) came from women. Women need to protect and provide for their children and this becomes progressively easier as populations become more settled. That this is a highly successful strategy is clear from the population figures: 10,000 years ago, the point at which it is generally taken that
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