Acceptance of Homosexuals in the Philippines (Paper review.)

The acceptance of Homosexuals in the Philippines is a subject  over which there remains significant disagreement. Partly this is to do with a truly exasperating refusal, on the part of Academics, to adopt common terminologies and taxonomies, a fault which is certainly political in origin. We argue that there is no room for politics in science. Adding to this is the confusion introduced by such things as ‘Queer Theory,’ Philosophical Postmodernism and Identity Politics. These make it hard to dig down and find accuracy in the published literature; indeed, one often suspects that the authors working in this field are guilty of deliberate obfuscation.

All the girls featured in this post are males. Yet you, if you are a man being honest, find them attractive. That is because attraction is to gender, not sex.

books by rod fleming

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Baklas, sex and motorcycle maintenance


Originally posted 2020-10-02 18:30:19.

I’m at the local motorcycle repair shop where Sherwyn, a most competent mechanic and pleasant cove, is replacing a brake master cylinder on the Blaze. He first thought to replace only the seals, but he can’t find the right size. A new cylinder is 400 pesos, just under six quid, an unwell encephalopod. I just tell him to get on with it. Sherwyn works in the open space outside a motorcycle parts shop, where he seems to buy most of his stuff, although, as today, sometimes he has to go further afield. While I wait I sit on a wooden bench in the shade and observe the street life. Baklas soon begin to appear; it’s like they’re in the woodwork.

books by rod fleming

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Ladyboys by the Sea and Botticelli

Originally posted 2017-07-22 00:16:22.

Beach beer and paddling with ladyboys in the Philippines. I wonder what the collective noun would be here? A delight of ladyboys? Pictures made in 2016.

Jelly and I  went to the beach to relax and drink beer with some ladyboy friends.  Two, Azumi and Icey, paddled around in the water and I photographed them. Icey reminded me of Botticelli’s ‘Birth of Venus’. She had amazing – dyed of course – auburn hair that fell in cascades around her face and adopted a perfect contrapposto, holding a towel over her head to keep off the sun.



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Kabaklaan: the performance of beauty


Originally posted 2020-04-29 18:49:58.

Transwomen in the Philippines are classified locally as ‘gay’. The specific word used might be ‘bakla’, ‘beki’, ‘bayot’, ‘bading’ or any one of several others, depending on location and dialect.

Note that here, ‘gay’ does not mean what it does in the West. It means you are male but not a man; that you have ‘green blood’. In Luzon, the most popular local term is ‘bakla’. Their lifestyle is called ‘kabaklaan’ and it is centred on the  performance of beauty.


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A woman or a ladyboy? How shall I compare thee?


Originally posted 2022-03-14 16:27:25.

When you teach a woman that she is  the same as a man, then there are consequences.

If you fix the game so they win with less effort than a man, it gets worse. Women begin to think they should perform masculinity and this is really bad, especially in the corporate or military situations. How can a woman give orders to a man? Only by being his mother or by performing masculinity.rodfleming-<div class="ko-fi-button" data-text="Buy me a coffee!" data-color="#FF5F5F" data-code="" id="kofiShortcode127Html" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"></div>As a result success for a woman today means ‘being masculine’, when it should mean ‘being a great mother’. The more masculine a woman is, the more success she is likely to have, while motherhood is decried. But at the same time, masculinity repulses men and mothering qualities attract them. (See Freud.) So men begin avoiding these women as sexual partners. I mean, who the fuck would marry Cathy Newman? He would have to be blind and deaf as well as stupid.


books by rod fleming

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Beautiful boys to Ladyboys; how little has changed

definition of homosexuality

Originally posted 2022-09-21 15:39:16.

The Greeks deeply appreciated the sexual allure of beautiful boys. I mean that old goat Zeus even kidnapped one, Ganymede.

The Romans, too, enjoyed them at every level of society.  Beautiful boys were imported as slaves by the thousands, to satisfy the Roman desire for them. These boys were coiffed and dressed as girls. They were ladyboys — whether they liked it or not.

beautiful boys
Captives in Rome,1888. Charles_Bartlett. Slave-boys, probably Celts, in the slave-market at Rome. Many would have been purchased, effectively, as sex-toys.

The Islamosphere is so passionate in its male love for beautiful boys that the Prophet himself commented upon their allure. The Ottoman Empire was legendary for its enthusiasm for boys, suitably feminised; ergo, they were ladyboys.

beautiful boys

books by rod fleming

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Binibaes, trans idols of the Philippines.

binbaes of pasay

Originally posted 2022-06-06 16:10:01.

How the bini boys became ladyboys: until the 1970s, Manila and other cities in the Philippines were famous for the ‘binibaes’, sometimes called ‘bini boys’.[1]

Binibaes were young males aged from about twelve up, sometimes a little younger, who came to the city to work and seduce men. They dressed and lived as women, but most did not take hormones.

The bini boys dress as girls…The…acceptance of bini boys is revealed in popular comic strips, T.V. series, motion pictures and plays in which they appear as characters, usually in a vein of good-natured humor. As an example: in a Philippine series similar to Batman, the Philippine hero is continually obliged to pull his Robin away from attempted amorous passes at other males.

Few of the bini boys engaged in any sexual relations among themselves although many considered themselves homosexual. In (sexual relationships), the majority preferred passive anal relations but all were equally willing to perform fellatio. The custom…is to seek to prolong sexual relationships. [2]



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Autogynephilic males: a problem in the West but not in Asia

Autogynephilic males

Originally posted 2023-09-08 15:36:51.

Autogynephilic males are men, or at least males, who suffer from a narcissistic, auto-erotic paraphilia that causes them to be obsessed with their appearance – but as women.

Autogynephilic males are invariably heterosexual, in fact we might say ‘hyper-heterosexual;’ they are so consumed with lust for the feminine body that they turn themselves into pseudo-women. I have discussed this in great detail on this website and on my YouTube Channel.

books by rod fleming

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Types of ladyboys in the Philippines


I’m uploading this here because i have been asked by a follower to elaborate on the various  types of Trans expression found here.  I have covered this ground before but not in this form. So these are the types of ladyboys found in the Philippines.


Classifying the types of ladyboys in the Philippines is complicated because they are in part influenced by individual sexuality but also by the culture they appear in. The Philippines is similar to but not the same as other south-east Asian countries and markedly different, in significant ways, from the Anglo-West. It has a good deal in common with cultures found in both Latin America and Southern Europe but is not identical to either.

The Philippines itself does not have a homogeneous culture. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that the country is a huge archipelago of over seven thousand islands. In fact, new islands are being discovered all the time. Although many are not populated by humans, most are and this has led to significant cultural diversity between them. It has a population of approximately 120 million souls.

Ladyboys, Binibaes, ITrannymaxxers
Although she works in Thailand, Yuki is Filipina. Pic courtesy of Cine de Rose Ladyboys

The second cause is the location, on two major navigation routes: east-west and north-south. For hundreds if not thousands of years, visitors have been coming to the islands and implanting both their genes and their cultures. But these implantations have not been uniform; they have varied in effect greatly, say from Mindanao in the south to Luzon in the north.

The cover picture shows me with two ladyboys, just so you know its all real; one of them is Homosexual, the other Autogynephilic, but can you tell which is which?



A unique culture

Today, Filipino culture remains essentially Malay, which is part of the Austronesian language family, but on top of that are European/Christian influences, especially through Spain, as well as Arabic/Muslim, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and of course, US American ones. All of these have had an effect on the overall culture of the Philippines and the precise flavour of the mix is unique. There is no other country in the world quite like it.

Gays in Manila

Ladyboys and gays

In Asian Culture, the terms ladyboy and gay are the standard English translations for a plethora of local terms  such as bakla, kathoey, waria, nuhafu and many others, which all describe the same thing: an unmasculine male. Not all of these present as girls by any means but all consider themselves to be ‘girls inside.’ The dichotomy of gender identity here is not man and woman, but man and not-man. (Professor Don Kulick explains this well.) One is either a man or a not-man; that’s it. All the ridiculous made-up ‘genders’ that are so fashionable in the West are subsumed into one: not-man. To be a man, one must be male, masculine and a penetrator, in sexual terms. Everyone else is a not-man. I belabour this point because in the first place it is crucial to understanding gender in Southeast Asia, indeed anywhere outside the West and also because so many Westerners seem incapable of understanding it.

Essentially, ladyboys and their equivalents are unmasculine males who either pursue sexual and romantic relations with masculine men (not others like themselves,) or make a show of doing so. Note again, the Platonic notion of ‘like goes with like’ is regarded as absurd here; opposites attract, as is logical. Although some ladyboys do have sex with each other, this is situational: they can’t find men to do the honours. Ladyboys in relationships like this will typically identify as Bisexuals, of which more below.


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