Identity Politics = Totalitarianism

'Identity politics' claims, on the face of it, that everyone has the right to identify as anything they want, and we all have to accept that. Sounds great, doesn't it? Brilliant. So egalitarian. And yes, if I decide that I 'identify' as a Prosthetic Vogon leading a constructor fleet across the galaxy which intends to obliterate the Earth to make way for an interstellar superhighway, or that I am Superman, Napoleon or for that matter Jesus Christ, then it matters little; I'm just barking mad and decent people will humour me until I become so delusional that I need to be locked up for my own safety. I would be, in common-sense terms, a harmless lunatic. Suppose, however, I decide to 'identify' as something else, something that will impact on others. Say I, as a man, decide that I 'id
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6 Replies to “Identity Politics = Totalitarianism”

  1. Wow. Is this when you got dumped? I wondered if you were a fairweather trans ally… This is ridiculously homophobic and ignorant. Reading only bullshit studies by cis people who are writing half-biographical studies of their fetishes and ignoring like, the actual trans people. Don’t ever write about trans people ever again.

    1. Here we have an excellent example of a narcissistic rage response. This occurs when an individual’s delusions, especially those linked to ‘identity’ are challenged.

      Don’t let the name fool you, this commenter is clearly an autogynephilic man. As we discuss elsewhere, such men suffer from a sexually derived psychosis called a paraphilia that leads them, usually through masturbatory reinforcement, to pretend to be women. They are not transsexual at all, and are simply men in women’s clothing.They can stand no criticism of any kind, and their reactoin to the real, peer reviewed science, as exemplified in the work of Drs Ray Blanchard, J Michael Bailey and Anne Lawrence, is to attempt to smother it in a cloud of verbiage and bullying, as we see here, that has no scientific basis.

      These men, I reiterate, are not transsexual, though they may be considered transgenderists. They are usually homophobic and, bizarrely, transphobic as regards true transsexuals or Blanchard HSTS. I look forward to being able to correct their fallacies again. I would challenge the gentleman in question to post a picture to show us what he really looks like; mine is public.

      Naturally I will continue to support true transsexuals in my writing and elsewhere, and have no intention of not doing so because a man in a woman’s dress dislikes the truth.

  2. I agree, in a way, that we are not “real” women, in the sense that weren’t born as such obviously (otherwise we wouldn’t need transition).

    However, that really does not matter to my pratical life. I live as a girl, am in college (where nobody knows), have been trying to date (challenging as I’m not post-op), and am not at all interested in politicizing or imposing my identity on others. My gender is what other people see me as, a girl. Before I began HRT at 18, I was harrassed by strangers and school boys for femininity and people had a difficult time determining my gender (because I’m high voiced, mannerisms, and being short). Some people went as far to claim I was a girl disguising as a boy.

    This was very difficult to live. And the boys I was attracted to didn’t want me in return. Not even gays boys liked me (actually most gay boys I met in high school were catty and mean towards me, no idea why). When I started transitioning, I start passing really quick and boys started to hit on me relentlessl, which was a huge surprise for me. Friendships with girls feel even more natural as I know have even more in common wit them. Now I’m told by people I’m a very pretty young girl but I still find it hard to believe it.

    So, to sum up, I obviously do not know what it’s like to be born a biological female. Even though, I would prefer to be such as I wouldn’t have had so much unecessary trouble growing up and would have more choices. However, it’s not relevant to my social, sexual, personal life as I’m perceived by everyone as a young woman and don’t feel the need to out myself.

    To me, it’s strange that one should impose their identity on others. If it does not come natural to you, why do you think it would to others? This is what baffles me about AGPs who haven’t transitioned asking to be called she when they’re not even making na effort to presente, or “act” the part. And, to be clear, I never felt the need to act “femininine”, it’s just ingrained in me. And even I, before transition, no matter how girlish I was, demanded people call me she. People called me what they perceived me as.

    Therefore, I do not identify with this movement at all and choose not to be a part of it. I actively avoid it. I think trying to impose yourself on others will only cause resentment. At the moment, in the West, this is happening. AGPs are becoming increasingly more visible while we are fading into the background. And it’s scary to have someone else tell what it’s like to be me, when they actually have no idea of what it’s like. They neither have na idea of what it is to be a biological female, nor a transgirl but many talk as if they have that knowledge.

    1. My complete support to you and thank you for this eloquent contribution. I do as much as I can to highlight the injustice of transvestite AGPs colonising and erasing transsexual experience. It’s nice to know I reach some of you.

  3. Your description of US History reads as if it comes directly from the debunked anti-American communist Howard Zinn’s ‘A People’s History of the United States’. The book is based upon lies told by his fellow Marxists ‘scholars’. It is not fact based by propaganda and disinformation based.

    “ the facts that their nation is based on the theft of land and genocide on a massive scale; that its economy was founded on slavery; that racism and discrimination remain the cancer at its heart”

    America was founded as a desire for freedom and equality for all men regardless of race and it fought several existential wars with foreign powers for sovereignty before fighting a civil war to free all people within the US. Over 600,000 mostly white men died fighting to end slavery and free black people. This had never happened before anywhere in history – and at least two million civilians also died. A year after the civil war slavery was ended in the Native American nations and territories. The US founding fathers personally opposed slavery – even those who owned slaves – but the only way to form a nation out of the colonies and to keep the voting power of slave colonies in check was through the 3/5 th’s compromise. This compromise kept the colonies unified so that a nation of States could be formed which battled for the freedom and equality of all men versus being a subject of a monarch or man.

    Theft of land and genocide were not the means of creating the United States or of its projection of power in other parts of the World. The reason for the oil wars in the Middle East have much to do with the efforts of foreign adversaries and corrupt politicians under the guise of environmentalism shutting down US domestic oil production. The rest of the World – in particular China and Europe have at the same time depended on the US to secure a steady flow of Middle Eastern oil. President Trump opened up the US to domestic energy exploration making the US the leading world oil exporter and simultaneously shut down the cycle of endless oil wars. The purpose of shutting down US domestic energy production is found by following the money and propaganda of those who fund the anti fossil fuel factions which are a combination of US foreign competitors and those with an interest in war profiteering. Their intent is to not only cripple- and destroy the US and it’s way of life but to make trillions at the same time. Bleeding the US treasury dry and loading it with debt, killing and maiming its youth, and destabilizing the US and the West with a massive in flow of able bodied men as refugees. Trump put a temporary halt to the destruction of the West and his election was in part due to a rejection by his base of ‘identity politics’, Marxism, internationalism, globalism, the China threat, socialism, and anti freedom forces in general. Trump ended the oil wars of the ‘corporatist’ Establishment and the Marxist anti-American ‘Obama.’ Trump upset the apple cart for the corrupt Establishment which owns and populates main stream media with their lackeys. The two American political parties are very much global parties but the Democrats are more so than the Republicans as the Democrats are aligned with numerous Marxist, Socialist and Communist groups through out the World and the internationalist Globalist who want the New World Order of one World Government and also the ‘great reset’ which they are trying to push through as I write to destroy the US, rewrite its Constitution, rewrite its History, implement Marxism throughout society and subjugate its people with Critical Race Theory and Critical Gender Theory which are the basis for ‘identity politics.’

    Marxism, socialism and communism has killed hundreds of millions through not just wars but a systematic killing machine of perpetual ‘revolution’. These ‘philosophies’ and their inherently corrupt economic, political and social system that they spawn are ultimately totalitarian and nihilistic.

    1. I have not read Zinn. What I can say is that throughout my life, USica has pursued illegal wars, propped up heinous regimes that massacred their own people and has shown itself to be the most repellent, dangerous nation in the world. Its entire culture is toxic and it should be quarantined. As far as I’m concerned, there is little difference between Democrats and Republicans. They are both toxic Usicans

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