Happy Trump Day!

Well, it's here at last, Trump Day. The twentieth of January 2017. This is the day we begin to roll back the tide and reclaim both our culture and our homelands. Trump Day marks the turning of the tide, and that is why millions of screaming, whining pseudo-liberals are so upset. There is nothing they loathe more than a powerful white man. And Donald Trump is just such a man. A vicious alliance of lesbians, race-supremacist blacks and of course Muslims, who will use any opportunity to bite the hand that feeds them, has lined up in 'protest' at the democratic will of the American people. That people elected Trump as an honest broker, a harbinger of change that would put an end to nearly a decade of appalling cavilling to the most destructive and hate-filled forces in Western society. Clinton They rejected the ghastly alternative: a corruption-drenched transgender whose bloody hands provoked war across the planet, who actively participated, with her mentor Obama, in the cr
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