Originally posted 2016-07-25 11:58:15.
The Hadith constitute the third pillar of Islam. They are ‘commentaries on the life of the Prophet.’ They are second in authority only to the Qur’an itself. The other pillars are the Qur’an and the Sirah . Together with the Sharia these form the ideological basis for the ‘religion of peace’.
Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the literal word of Allah. The Angel Gabriel transmitted it, exactly as spoken, to Mohammed. He memorised it because he couldn’t write. You make your own judgements as to how accurate his recall was likely to have been. (The Qur’an was not actually written down until some 80 years after Mohammed’s death, which is also worth considering.)
The Qur’an is confused.
The Qur’an is at best confused and mysterious.
Luckily for Islam, Allah conveniently declared Mohammed to be the ‘Perfect Man’. His very life was to be an example to all Muslim men. They were to follow and as far as possible do as the Prophet would have done in any given situation.
The Hadith are not a discussion directly of the Qur’an, but a narration of the Prophet’s life. They provide the framework that Muslims are required to refer and adhere to, in their own lives. The Hadith are not metaphorical or revelatory; they purport to be the literal history of Mohamed’s life.
We have already looked at the Doctrine of Abrogation, which means that only the more violent passages in the Qur’an have current authority. The Hadith make a bad situation worse.
Horrific accounts of violence and terrorism.
The Hadith describe, in great detail, the acts of violence, terrorism and genocide perpetrated by Mohamed. They describe how he took a child wife when she was six and consummated that marriage when she was nine. They describe how he took slaves and raped the women of the tribes he defeated.
Consider the description of what happened in 627CE, when Mohammed exterminated the last remaining tribe of Jews in Medina, the Banu Qurayza. Mohammed and his men attacked them without provocation and defeated them. The Qurayza surrendered and accepted his terms. Despite this he had all the men and boys bound and beheaded, and then took all the women and girls as sex slaves. He and his men raped them.
According to Sahih al-Bukhari, ‘(Mohammed) then killed their men and distributed their women, children and property among the Muslims.’ (5:59:362.)
This is exactly as Muslim jihadists are doing in Africa and Syria today. Their justification for this utter inhumanity is in their own core texts.
A litany of wickedness.
The Hadith describe a litany of the most profound wickedness: the life of a depraved monster. And this undiluted evil is the example that all Muslim men must follow. Suggesting that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ would be almost funny, were it not so hideously untrue. Millions of people, for over a millennium, have been murdered, enslaved and raped, by Muslims, in the name of Islam.
Many — if not most — Muslim clerics and activists would rather Westerners did not read the Hadith, because of the graphically described violence and the way it is exalted. As a result, the sites that host copies of them often ‘disappear’. I am hosting the copies you see below but the site I got them from has now been closed.
Please download and re-distribute the Hadith.
It would be very helpful if as many people as possible could download the Hadith and re-distribute them. Islam is not a religion of peace, it is one of the most incredible violence. This is exemplified in the descriptions of Mohamed’s life.
I do not say this lightly and I invite everyone to download and read the documents I have linked to, so that they can decide for themselves. We are dealing with a social cancer that may yet destroy civilisation.
The Hadith are long documents and there are several versions. I will put links to the best known, the Sahih al-Bukhari, below, and add links to other Hadith in later posts.
A strong stomach is required.
The Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari downloads