Super-emasculated men and the gynecocracy

Over the last few decades, particularly in schools and academia, strong masculine role models have been suppressed in favour of super-emasculated men. This, today, has led to a situation where the majority of teachers, outside the hard sciences, engineering and maths, are either women or effeminate super-emasculated men. When I returned to university in 2010 to complete my Master's I was shocked to see the extent to which this corrosion had progressed -- and that was in Scotland. Not only were a majority of teachers either women or super-emasculated men, the few remaining masculine males were marginalised. There were, literally, no straight male role models. (I became one.) In other parts of the world, this is a hundred times worse. It is obvious that academia in the US and, increasingly, elsewhere, has been infected by an anti-male social cancer which insists that everything male is bad and everything female is not just better, but so much better that maleness itself must be destr
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2 Replies to “Super-emasculated men and the gynecocracy”

  1. Yeah I am just now learning that “transmen” hate HSTS transexuals. They defend the shit out of AGP, claiming that it’s really possible to be a lesbian with a dick. I think this is because these FTM imagine themselves as gay boys who are into gay men. They want to be accepted by gay men as real men but of course this is a fantasy.

    Whenever I start a thread anywhere on trans types, it is the AGP defenders who are the loudest. It is truly nuts. So much denial. FTM who are defending them and people who claim that their “typical lady brains” are why they are lesbian because lesbians like women too and they also have lady brains!

    I think that, regarding transmen, the ones who actually feel dysphoria (not the social kind) and who are sexually attracted to women – I suspect that , as you have stated​, that these FTM are hyper masculinized butch lesbians. Butch lesbians on steroids.

    1. Just about everyone hates HSTS transsexuals. As you say, ‘transmen’ hate them because they prove that gender and sexuality are two sides of the same coin; gays hate them because they don’t have the guts to live as the women they are; AGPs hate them because they’re not fakes. All ‘trans’ indetities invented and adopted by women, other than the ‘butvh lesbian on steroids’ are fakes. These are women who seek to colonise the role of dominant alpha males.

      Western profile AGPs are amongst the most repellent people I have ever met. They adopte victime status and bludgeon reason to death. YOU CANNOT just ‘become’ a women if you are a middle-aged man. The whole ‘lady brain’ tropes is a blatant lie as regards AGPs, as the Savic & Arver and Rametti studies proved.

      In fact no trans person ever changes their sex. HSTS transsexuals are gay males with good looks and comons sense, who know that their natural femininity, with alittle help, can win them the partners they want — straight men. A significant part of gender is those behaviours designed to attract parters. So giess what? Bitch lesbians look and act like men to attract women and HSTS look and act like women to attract men. It’s simple.

      AGP stands alone, it is a purely male fetich that simply doesn’t exist in women, because, guess what, women’s sexuality is different from men’s. Of course this is denied by the PC left but a momnent’s thought reveals thew truth. Women’s best cxhance of replicating their genes is through raising their children to sexual maturity, 12-14 years of age. This means that women are focussed on nurture and protection. Men’s best chance of replication is through impregnating as many women as they can. While men may form strong paqir bonds with women, this is not necessary to the successful rearing of children, as the Mosuo people show very clearly. So it is ineveitable that male and female sexualities are quite different and it is this more than anything else that leads into the social behaviours we call gender. There is absoluttely NO SUCH THING as ‘gender identity’; it is a canard. How could a middle aged man possibly know what feels like ‘to be a woman’? It’s obvious poppycock.

      Sexuality and gender are really the same thing. HSTS have feminine gender because they desire to be penetrated by powerful mascualine men.

      Thanks for your continued support, I appreciate it!

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