Wolf pack: analogy of male homosexuality


Originally posted 2018-10-15 10:57:00.

Wolf pack social hierarchies give a useful insight into homosexual male society in the West, the New Gay Man culture.

The great myth of ‘gay sex’ is that it occurs between two big alpha males. In reality, usually what happens is that weaker, submissive males offer themselves for, or are simply coerced into, sex with an alpha male, to use the wolf-pack analogy.

Wolf packs contain both patriarchal and matriarchal hierarchies, which makes them even more interesting, but for now we’ll concentrate on the male, patriarchal side.

There is a phenomenon called ‘situational homosexuality’. In this, weaker males may sexually pair with stronger ones, if women are not present or available. One example of this is ‘prison sex’ which occurs in all-male prisons (we’re only discussing male homosexuality here. )



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2001 Panoramas at Ethie Woods, Angus

Originally posted 2018-10-06 11:00:50.

I took most of these pictures at Ethie Woods near Arbroath in Angus Scotland in 2001. Some were taken in our home in Arbroath. The camera was a Russian ‘Horizont’. this was a panoramic camera that used a swinging 28mm lens on 35mm film. The images were interesting but not really sharp. This was partly because the 28mm lens was not that sharp anyway, but also because the film had to be held in a curve so that it registered with the focal plane of the rotating lens. This was somewhat beyond the Russian technology of the day and since the lens could not be stopped down to reduce the consequences of this, the images suffered.

I sold the camera after a short while, but looking back, the somewhat soft-focus effect was really attractive in its own right.


books by rod fleming

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Feed Yoda! He Needs Food!


Originally posted 2022-08-22 14:56:46.

Please don’t let Yoda starve!

Hi I hate having to do this but needs must. We are doing much better than before but we are still short on a monthly basis, of about 200gbp. Right now we do not have enough to feed Yoda, or the others. Sam has forbidden me to discuss her health issues but you can take it that these are not getting better. I am continuing to produce material, as promised but I need to feed Yoda (as well as Sam!) So please make a small contribution .

I’m effing hungry. FEED ME!

How to Feed Yoda

You can feed Yoda by making a contribution through

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/rodfleming

Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/rodfleming

Paypal Me: paypal.me/plashmill

Alternative Paypal: rodafleming@gmail.com

If you would like to help Sam directly, then you can buy her a coffee on Ko-Fi too at:


Or treat her via Paypal: paypal.me/SVillasencio

(https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/SVillasencio) or ellorans23@gmail.com

I don’t like having to ask for money like this but do need to support Sam, as well as feed Yoda. I believe that what I do has value and the videos and articles I have produced are worthy of your support. If thirty of you put your hands in your pockets for a few quid/dollars then we would not have a problem.

I give my deepest thanks to those who have helped already and those who continues to do so. It pains me to have to ask you to help again, but these are extraordinary circumstances, so, please.

Some people have said they don’t like me asking for money. Well if you’re enjoying the material, you should contribute. If it’s all right for a millionaire like Jimmy Wales to ask for money – alongside thousands of others – it must be okay for us to do so and trust me, we need it more than most.

Thank you.

Buy my books! That helps!

books by rod fleming

Girly-boy beauty: Poking fun at preconceptions


Originally posted 2018-09-22 08:30:07.

Sexual transformation from boy to girl has always been hot.  Enter the girly-boy: the transsexual or TS.

The oldest records we have prove the early existence of TS individuals, often priestesses or shamans. Their direct descendants are in the hijra of India, the kathoey of Thailand, the bekis and baklas of the Philippines, the travestis of the Americas, Blanchard HSTS and a host of transsexuals, trannies and shemales across the planet.

From the ‘Dancing Boys’ of Afghanistan to the kathoeys and baklas of Asia, from down-town Sao Paulo to Paris, in every culture, all through history, boys become girls in order to attract men. The beautiful girly-boy has always been with us, and she is not going away.


(Note: This is a light-hearted, humorous article. If you are a USican, a feminist or a Western Autogynephile, you might need a humour transplant before reading it. Just saying. Everyone in the pictures is over 18, thanks. Those capable of taking life with a pinch of salt, and wit, read on.)

books by rod fleming
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Lesbians and Temporary Wives

temporary wives

Originally posted 2023-02-27 19:32:46.

Temporary wives been known for centuries in southeast Asia. In the past, this might have been arranged directly with the girl’s mother. The girl would bring all of her father’s business connections with her and would be the primary contact for the foreigner’s trade with the locals, negotiating on her ‘husband’s’  behalf, keeping accounts, arranging payments and receipts and acting as secretary. Some temporary wives became permanent ones.


The tradition of temporary wives began in what was then the Dutch East Indies, but rapidly caught on. Temporary wives had advantages for everyone; the traders got the benefit of local contacts and knowledge and better prices and terms. The girl’s family profited, since naturally she would channel as much business as she could through it.

The man had a stable domestic life and regular sex, which meant he would not become a denizen of the whorehouses and opium dens; and he would have a presentable, locally-fluent companion who could accompany him on business and official trips and engagements. (It was said that the best language teacher in the world was the pillow!) To make it even better, the costs could be set off as legitimate business expenses, since temporary wives were technically employees.

books by rod fleming

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Penetrating Damp in your Traditional House (Damp 3)

Originally posted 2013-06-17 20:37:29.

Penetrating damp is the result of  water coming through the walls.

Once you’re sure no water is coming through the roof by following the previous articles in this category—and the saving grace of that kind of leak is that it is very obvious and marks its presence clearly—the next issue is this one. Here’s an excellent overview of the problem.

I’ll take time for another of my provocative asides here. I’m pretty convinced—actually I am totally convinced—that there is no significant problem of rising damp in most traditionally built houses, at least as long as they have been left that way. Note that last bit. I’ll come back to this later.

 Meantime, if we discount the possibility of rising damp in most cases, we must look elsewhere for the source of water and there are two issues to address here.

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Why your house is damp and how to fix it 2

Originally posted 2013-06-11 21:48:26.

Damp in your old house and how to deal with it. Part Two in a series explaining where damp in old buildings comes from and what you can do to combat it. Most of the advice is applicable anywhere.

Before worrying about how to get rid of dampness that is already in the house, it makes sense to make sure no more can get it first. There are a number of important areas where unwanted moisture can make it into your house. The roof is the easiest to deal with so we’ll tackle it first.

Continue reading “Why your house is damp and how to fix it 2”

Ladyboys at Babe Central

Babe Central

Originally posted 2023-08-10 20:21:34.

There is nothing remarkable about meeting ladyboys here. Sex is on the agenda and ladyboys live for sex.

The area we live, in Balibago, is not a red-light zone; it’s a quiet – well except for the videoke ‘occasions’ – middle-class residential neighbourhood. Most people work outside the sex business, either locally or uptown in Angeles City. There are a few bar-girls who rent houses in the area but they don’t bring it home; that’s not the Filipino way. Here, they’re just ordinary girls with jobs, no matter what the demands of their professional lives might be. On their days off, they sit out in their yards, drink beers and chat with friends, just like women all over the Philippines.

Remember, the Phils is a modern matriarchy; inside the home space, women are in charge, no matter whether they be mothers or whores – and sometimes they are both. You could have a half-dozen bar girls living next door and think your neighbours were bank clerks – which might cause you some surprise, were you to encounter one dancing naked on a bar-top, delicately plucking thousand-peso notes out of beer-bottles with her moistened labia.

Babe Central
Gosh, fancy meeting you here!


books by rod fleming

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The way of the bakla: Kabaklaan

way of the bakla

Originally posted 2023-05-28 13:01:06.

Kabaklaan, the way of the bakla, might not be perfect, but it is kind, supportive and enabling. It helps sex-atypical boys to come to terms with their special sexuality and therefore their gender, in a gentle, even loving way.

A feminine boy will go to the volleyball court and meet the baklas there; but they will not seduce him or try to rape him. They will befriend him, if he is as they are. They will defend him against bully-boys, from his older brothers and their friends, putting their arms around him. They will soothe his hurts and reassure him when he cries. There is no pressure or compunction in kabaklaan, but if a boy wants to learn, then he will find teachers – and note: teachers, not pedicators.

books by rod fleming

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