Originally posted 2018-10-02 09:15:10.

Transtrender is a word that should be familiar to everyone in the West.
How things have changed; from a position, 15 years ago, when very few people knew what even transsexual meant and far less had actually thought about it, we have seen an explosion, first of ‘transgender’ and now, ‘transtrender’.
Suddenly we are faced, we are told, with thousands upon thousands of ‘trans’ people appearing all over society. While it is true that there is an uptick in genuine referrals to gender clinics, transtrenders rarely seek to actually transition; they seek instead the social status of a ‘trans’ label.
Because that is really all transtrender is: a label, a cultural fad, an Identity Politics membership card. It is no more real than Emo, New Romantics or Punk. But it might be a bellwether for much deeper social ills.
Real transsexuals
Yet we know that real transsexuals have been with us, likely since the beginning of human history. From the Red Lady of Pavilland, to the Hymns to Inanna to the Hindu Vedas, to Ancient Greece and Rome, to the priestly reports of encountering transsexuals and transvestites everywhere the Spanish Conquistadores went, from the Molly Houses of old Europe, to the Queens of the East end, males who live their lives as women and seek to attract male partners, were, and are, everywhere.
These people are still here and they remain a marginalised and poorly understood group. We call them HomoSexual TransSexuals, Transkids, HSTS, Type One Transsexuals or True transsexuals They form a surprisingly homogeneous group — they tend, in each ethnicity to look and behave very similarly. They tend to be small, and lightly built for their height; if they are tall they will be slender and willowy. They tend to neoteny, that is, the retention of childlike features, making them remarkably pretty. They tend to be artistically inclined.
They often have naturally feminine voices — these are not learned; they can’t speak any other way. They often have digit length ratios closer to the norm for women than men. They probably showed significant Gender Non-Conforming Behaviour in childhood, typically from the age of four or so. When other little boys (which is what they are) were having crushes on little girls, they were having crushes on men, typically older, very masculine men. They might have worn girls’ clothing if they were allowed, or preferred to play with dolls than guns or constructor sets.
But the most important measure of all is that they are strongly and uniquely attracted to the same sex, from childhood. Males overwhelmingly prefer to play the recipient role in anal sex. This type has been described for literally thousands of years and when sexologists began to take an interest in this in the 19th century, they made up the first type they described, although the word ‘homosexual’ was not at first used at all.
However, in comparison to the other terms then in use, ‘homosexual’ had a clear definition. ‘Homosexual’ just means ‘exclusively attracted to individuals of the same sex’. Boys are sex male and if they are attracted to men (sex male) they are homosexual. (The same is true of females in reverse.) This is why they are called as they are: HomoSexual TransSexuals or HSTS. Please put aside any of your cultural issues with this word, or, if you are a USican, the horrific sexual dysfunction that prevents you even using the word ‘sex’.
HSTS sit on a scale of development with other feminine homosexual males, and here we shall keep using the strict definition of the word — ‘homosexual males are attracted to masculine men exclusively, for all of their lives’. It should be obvious at once, that within the ‘gay’ community, there are many who are not homosexual by this definition. Any man who has previously had, or concurrently has, a sexual relationship with a woman, is not homosexual. Such men are bisexual. They might espouse the gay lifestyle and once out, only operate on one side of their sexuality, but if they willingly had sex with a woman, ever, they are not homosexual, in this definition.
A political term
‘Transgender’ is a political term. It has come to mean ‘anyone who does not conform to the social and behavioural norms expected of their birth sex’. So indeed, transsexuals are also transgender, but so are homosexual males, since their sexual behaviour is not masculine. But within this umbrella group is another type, the one with which Westerners are most familiar.
These are male-to-feminine transitioners who are not naturally feminine and who retain a normal male heterosexual desire for sex with women. They do not form a part of a homogeneous group. They are essentially indistinguishable from related males. They were not GNC as children, they did not play with dolls, they were not ‘sissy’ and, perhaps most tellingly, they are not attracted, at least in the first instance, to men, although they may become so as a function of transition. However, these last are bisexual, not homosexual, and we use a special term for this form: pseudo-bisexualism.

This group puzzled researchers for nearly a hundred years; indeed they were not seen as a group at all, but as a disparate and confusing collection of different types. Dr Ray Blanchard, in his ground-breaking, definitive work, solved this. He argued that while we could see all the significant similarities there were between HSTS, the most diagnostically useful one was their homosexuality, which I have discussed. He wondered if a sexual cause could unify this other disparate population and he discovered that there was: they were all in love with the idea of themselves as women.
Blanchard made this the basis of his famous definition. He said that ‘all male to female transsexuals who are not homosexual are instead autogynephilic’ and that ‘autogynephilia is a man’s propensity to be aroused at the thought or image of himself as a woman.’ That this is the case, and that these individuals can be defined using a sex-based diagnostic tool, just as HSTS can, is absolutely clear to anyone who knows any — although they are frequently at pains to deny it.
Two forms

Until recently, in the West, that was it. We had two forms of MtF and these were easily recognised. Further, transition desire in females was largely HSTS — that is, the females were strongly attracted to women and are the exact inverse of HSTS in males — they tend to be dominant, aggressive, bulkier, more masculine looking and so on. Indeed, until recently, Dr Ray Blanchard, the premier researcher into this, stated that he thought no female equivalent to AGP existed.
It does appear that testosterone is implicated here. Male HSTS appear not to fully masculinise, whereas female HSTS appear to be over-masculinised. This can only be a function of either the supply of testosterone or the body’s reaction to it. Since the 1960s we have known that this is caused by anomalies in hormone delivery to the foetus in utero. Many studies since have confirmed this and you can read some of them on here. This aligns perfectly with an earlier understanding, that affected individuals have a condition called Congenital Sexual Inversion, which was described, although the cause was not understood, in the late 19th century. Although this term is now unfashionable, it remains the most accurate and widely supported explanation, especially in the light of the in utero studies.
So, until around eight or so years ago, everything was understood. And then something changed.
Female non-homosexual trans (gender dysphoria)
There is indeed another form of female who appeared as male, but these were and are transvestites. Like the writer George Sand, they believed that they would be taken more seriously if they appeared to be men. Given the social nature of women’s sexuality, we should not be surprised by this. This seems to be the missing link, the elusive female form of non-homosexual gender dysphoria.

Blanchard has coined the term Autohomoeroticism (AHE) to describe this phenomenon. It is the tendency to find the the thought of being a homosexual of the opposite sex to be sexually arousing. This may be a component of Autogynephilia too. Instead of the focus on the self as a direct object of male sexual desire, AHEs seem to seek to occupy conventionally male social roles.
They might desire to be ‘fathers’, sometimes calling themselves ‘gestational parent’ which is an obfuscation for ‘mother’ as if they cannot relinquish fully the female status that being a mother brings them. They might describe themselves as ‘gay transmen’ by which they mean that they pursue sex with homosexual men. This often brings them into direct conflict with such men, especially if both desire to be recipient sexual partners.
This phenomenon is also clearly affected by the efforts of feminists to make masculinity toxic and unfashionable. It is noticeable that AHEs tend to pursue conventionally feminine homosexual males rather than the hyper-masculine New Gay Man type. What seems to be occurring is that these women are attracted to super-emasculated males instead. This, in a bizarre inversion, makes these relationships lesbian.
AHEs are, like AGPs, transvestite rather than transsexual, since they are not homosexual. Here the stimulus is the adoption of a social identity, rather than a purely sexual one.
Unfortunately we have no idea as to the relative numbers of this type of case.

Gender Clinics
There has been a flood of referrals to ‘gender clinics’ — the UK’s biggest, the Portman and Tavistock in London, reporting a 4500% increase over the last 8 years, with the majority being females. This is a direct inversion of the previous norm, wherein most were male. What is happening?
Well, as society becomes more tolerant of different expressions of gender, we should see more people taking advantage of that and transitioning. But, especially in the case of FtM, and its disproportionate increase, this does not seem to be the full explanation.
Two other factors need to be taken into account when we look at this phenomenon and when we do, it becomes deeply concerning.

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