SOGIE is a lie. Sexuality and gender are inseparable

Originally posted 2017-07-19 21:48:02.

SOGIE stands for ‘Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression’. It is a popular concept amongst many Western LGBT, and they are assiduously trying to export it.

SOGIE, basically, posits — contrary to what you might think — that sexual orientation — whom you want to have sex with — and your gender are separated. Further that your sense of gender identity and your expression of that are also unrelated. So a person who looks like a man, behaves like a man, sexually desires women like a man, can still ‘identify’ as a woman — and everybody else just has to go along with this. But it is  utter nonsense. Sexuality and gender are two sides of the same coin and they CANNOT be separated.

A  standard explanation of ‘SOGIE’ is at the bottom, with my comments on it.


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Transsexual, transvestite and transtrender


Originally posted 2017-05-29 12:06:26.

Most ‘transgenders’ are not transsexual, they’re either transvestite or transtrender.

Only males can be transsexual, in the purest sense and to be so they must identify as girls from childhood and be exclusively attracted to men. They will usually take the receptive role in sex, though a small number may either desire to penetrate or be prepared to do this.  Most male ‘transgenders’ are actually transvestite — wearing male clothing and affecting conforming mannerisms, but remaining heterosexual. Many have a condition called Autogynephilia.

‘Transgender’ is not a scientific term. It is a socio-political umbrella term that covers everyone from true transsexuals to fetishist transvestites to fashionista transtrenders. The purpose of this unhelpful conflation will become clear once you understand the different types.

The profiles I’ll discuss in this article apply ONLY in the West. Although the fundamentals of gender are innate,  many expressions of it are cultural. So in different cultures we see differences in gender expression.


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Transition Desire: The Facts

transition desire

Originally posted 2021-12-27 17:51:09.

Ray Blanchard’s Typology and his Theory of Autogynephilia are not separate and do explain Male-to-Feminine Transition Desire.

In fact, sex researchers since the time of Ulrichs and Hirschfeld had proposed a model of highly feminine homosexual males and masculine homosexual females. This understanding led Hirschfeld to assist in the very first transition programmes involving Genital Reconstruction Surgery.


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Help with Autogynephilia


Originally posted 2021-11-22 17:19:13.


I receive many requests for help from men with Autogynephilia or with symptoms confusingly similar. I have only rarely tried to help directly in the past but from now on, will do so. It seems that my help is increasingly necessary.

For most men with Autogynephilia, the very last option they should consider is transition. This is especially so if the man is over about twenty-five and indeed, for many, younger.

The crucial factor for any transition is whether it can be successful. That is, can he pass  as a woman? Most of the publicly visible men with Autogynephilia can’t. They are instantly recognisable as men, even if they transition in the ‘sweet zone’. Contrast this with the other main type, Sexual Inverts who, if they complete at all, are usually extremely feminine, passable and have no difficulty navigating society as women. In fact, they can’t successfully do so as men.

hsts-identify-Sexual Invert
This beautiful young woman is a completed Sexual Invert. It is almost impossible for an Autogynephile to achieve her standard of beauty. And note: no make-up or padding.

Most Autogynephiles in the West transitioners over the age of thirty and in fact most significantly older. As a result, they basically will never pass. The effects of testosterone will have shaped them so that their appearance is masculine and heir socialisation as young and adult men will have shaped their behaviours in the same way. For a person like this to pass successfully as a woman is a tall order.


There is a subset of individuals who transition in their teens or early twenties, as soon as they begin to have feelings associated with the condition. But here we are talking about adolescent/young adult transitioners who likely began hormone therapy at sixteen or even before. I know several such trans women and while they are easily identifiable as Autogynephilic, they can be strikingly beautiful.

For most men, the condition can be crippling and as far as I can see, most ‘therapists’ either deny the condition exists or that there is any hope other than transition, for men with it. And they will happily take large amounts of money for doing so.

Men are similarly not helped by those men who have already transitioned. These are very unlikely to admit to having made a catastrophic mistake that has ruined their lives. Like the man who spends a fortune on a new car and finds out it’s a pup, they will play down the damage and worse, encourage others to make the same mistake.

That means there are few resources to help men caught in this vicious and debilitating condition.

If you think this individual passes, then you’re wrong. This Autogynephilic man survives on the charity of others, who are either too polite or too afraid to be honest. Do not be that guy.


I have spent many years studying Autogynephilia and I am as well versed in it as anyone, certainly more than the quacks claiming to help — by putting you on the transition express train, next stop vaginoplasty. So I will help, directly, if you contact me. I can’t do it for nothing because I have to eat, but I am very reasonable and I do understand how financially devastating Autogynephilia can be.

If you would like to know more, please contact me using the form below. This is a new contact form, as the old one was not working properly and did not notify me. This one does.

British comedian and actor Eddie Izzard held his Autogynephilia under control for decades before finally falling off the wagon in 2020.

Narcissistic rage attacks, marks of the transvestite

narcissistic rage

Originally posted 2022-08-28 14:56:13.

Narcissistic rage, grooming and predation are the hallmarks of the Autogynephilic transvestite.

Narcissistic rage, grooming and predation are the hallmarks of the autogynephilic transvestite, especially the Western elderly form. They are characteristic and more: a badge. All autogynephilic transvestites will at some point indulge narcissistic rage attacks. In other words,  they will all turn nasty in the end. Every single one.

Narcissistic rage attacks: mental condition

Other mental conditions may give rise to narcissistic rage attacks, but rarely are they as vicious, vituperative and mean as in the autogynephilic transvestite. Worse, narcissistic rage attacks provoke such men into plotting or even attempting to execute, strategems that will cause real harm to their victims. They will try to ruin careers and lives, marriages and even have children removed from the homes of their victims, on the basis of smears, lies and fantasy.

Sometimes, they may go further and attempt to persuade – or to pay – others to harm or even kill their victims. Fortunately, these most violent narcissistic rage attacks generally remain in the realm of fantasy, for autogynephilic transvestites are, typically, weak and ineffectual men; though sadly, not all. This is most marked once they have allowed their pseudo-feminine alter-ego, the autogynephilic artefact, to take control.

I’ll illustrate this with two cases, one well-known and the other not.

books by rod fleming

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Transtrender, transmen and pseudo-matriarchy

Originally posted 2018-10-02 09:15:10.

Hatsepshut of Egypt, arguably the first historical female non-homosexual transitioner

Transtrender is a word that should be familiar to everyone in the West.

How things have changed; from a position, 15 years ago, when very few people knew what even transsexual meant and far less had actually thought about it, we have seen an explosion, first of ‘transgender’ and now, ‘transtrender’.

Suddenly we are faced, we are told, with thousands upon thousands of ‘trans’ people appearing all over society. While it is true that there is an uptick in genuine referrals to gender clinics, transtrenders rarely seek to actually transition; they seek instead the social status of a ‘trans’ label.

Because that is really all transtrender is: a label, a cultural fad, an Identity Politics membership card. It is no more real than Emo, New Romantics or Punk. But it might be a bellwether for much deeper social ills.

books by rod fleming

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Socially-induced autogynephilia

this has nothing to do with socially induced autogynephilia

Originally posted 2022-08-01 19:07:04.

We have , over the last decade, seen a new form of mental disorder afflict our young people. This is called ‘transgenderism’ and it has established almost a stranglehold on Western culture. Yet almost no ‘transgenders’ are actually transsexual and this bizarre situation is getting worse every year. So how has this come about?

This article is about socially-induced autogynephilia, so what is that? Surely autogynephilia is a function of sexuality? Well it is, but it can be socially-induced too, given the right climate. Let me explain.

In males there are two traditionally recognised pathways to transition. One is innate homosexuality, also known as sexual inversion. Individuals in this group will be remarked while still very young, usually pre-school. Not all will transition, it depends on the level of social intolerance, but if they persist through puberty, then the overwhelming majority will either be feminine homosexual or transsexual. I am not going to comment further on that here, but I have written numerous articles about this.

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Autogynephilia: a compulsive disorder


Originally posted 2021-02-24 18:32:38.

Autogynephilia  shares characteristics with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and in particular, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD. This latter is often made fun of but in severe cases, OCD can be debilitating. One characteristic of it is that the subject knows that whatever he is doing is not rational, but is unable to stop. This is typical of Autogynephilia, although as the condition progresses, the attachment to reality may fail altogether.

Since gender is how we advertise our sexuality to others, sex, sexuality and gender are normally linked. If the sex/sexuality link is broken, gender will follow the sexuality, not the sex. This is a condition known as Sexual Inversion or transgender homosexuality. In more complete cases this will result in the individual desiring to live in accordance with his or her sexuality and required gender, rather than social norms for sex.

Candy from Pattaya: a gorgeous Homosexual Transsexual

As far as we know, Sexual Inversion is innate. It appears early in childhood, sometimes as early as three. It is just a part of natural variation. Commonly, those who elect to live in accordance with such inverted sexuality are known as HomoSexual Transsexuals or HSTS.

books by rod fleming

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