Sexual Inverts and transition

Originally posted 2018-12-10 06:24:25.

Sexual inverts, or, in males, ‘feminine homosexuals’ — along with a range of much less polite vernacular terms — make up a class of homosexuals which have been identified, for over 100 years, as having characteristics of the opposite sex.

I’ve just been reading over a group of papers on this, with one typical being Zucker 1993 ‘Physical Attractiveness of Boys with Gender Identity Disorder’. That is by no means the most recent, with numerous studies by a swathe of researchers making the same findings, along with 2D:4D finger length ratios and other measurable parameters.

The observed facts are that male sexual inverts are naturally feminine (and female ones are masculine.) This was first noted, in the modern era, by Karl Ulrichs, was written about in depth by Havelock Ellis and has NEVER been refuted. It remains the scientific consensus.

books by rod fleming
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Autogynephilia: a cure?

Originally posted 2018-12-08 03:32:29.

Autogynephilia is defined as ‘a man’s propensity to be aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman’. It is a paraphilia or mental disorder which afflicts heterosexual men.

Autogynephilia is typified by a range of behaviours which the subject considers ‘womanly’. He gains sexualised or directly sexual gratification from them . These can range from cross-dressed masturbation to knitting to wearing typically female clothing under masculine work clothes. He may live full time as a woman and even undergo surgical transition, or he may be a ‘crossdreamer’ wherein all the cross gender gratification occurs in his imagination. All of these are symptoms of Autogynephilia.

Autogynephilia bears no relationship whatsoever to True or HomoSexual TransSexualism (HSTS) which is the natural end-point of Sexual Inversion, in which a subject of one sex has the sexuality normally associated with the other. Autogynephiles always remain ordinary men with an obsessive compulsive condition that makes them want to ‘be’ women. The question is, can it be cured?

books by rod fleming

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Bisexualism in males

Originally posted 2018-12-07 07:00:29.

Bisexualism in males has a chequered history. Beloved by its proponents, it lacks convincing support, at least in the West, where it is taken to mean, more or less, ‘equal attraction to both masculinity and femininity’. Actual studies are conflicting and the consensus must be that more depends on the way the question is put than reality. Look at the following pictures. Can it really be possible to be sexually attracted as much to the one as the other?

I don’t think so. Yet there is one form of bisexualism in males that is well-supported and documented. It is a function of Autogynephilia, a common fetish of straight men.


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A scale of Sexuality: Sexual Inversion

gently but firmly

Originally posted 2023-03-15 18:36:15.

A scale of Sexual Inversion has been hinted at in several online conversations of late. So what would a scale of sexual inversion look like?

First, as a negative comparison, let’s look at Kinsey. He, an etymologist and a taxonomist, proposed a ‘scale of human sexuality’ from 0 (Fully Heterosexual) to 6 (Fully homosexual.) The wonder is that this was accepted anywhere, since it flew in the face of pretty much all previous understanding. Nobody proposed that male sexuality was a scale of variation, till Kinsey; they all suggested that homosexuality was an anomaly, most likely caused by factors in utero not then understood — which in fact it was, and remains: Sexual Inversion.


books by rod fleming

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Autogynephilic men: cure or management?

Originally posted 2018-12-19 06:43:49.

Autogynephilia is ‘a man’s propensity to be aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman’ (Blanchard)

Autogynephilia is the cause of all non-homosexual Gender Dysphoria in males. This is completely different in nature from Homosexual Gender Dysphoria (HGD), which is a function of Congenital Sexual Inversion and  leads to Homosexual Transsexualism or HSTS. It bears no relationship to Autogynephilia.

Briefly, Completed Sexual Inverts or HSTS are indeed Transsexual, but Autogynephiles are transvestites, even though the source of their sexual satisfaction might not be clothing per se. Essentially, the body they inhabit becomes the ‘woman suit.’

books by rod fleming

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Transsexual women attract straight men. How?

The Sex Market

Originally posted 2021-03-11 18:53:25.

It’s easy to see why men are attracted to transsexual women — they’re gorgeous — but how do they cope with the presence of a penis, if she has one?

This is a transsexual woman.

What is a transsexual woman?

First of all, when I use the term ‘transsexual woman’ I’m referring to a HomoSexual Transsexual, HSTS, otherwise known as a True Transsexual. This person will have had Childhood/Early Onset or Homosexual Gender Dysphoria. I am not referring to non-homosexual transitioners, who are ordinary men with an obsessive-compulsive delusion called Autogynephilia or AGP which they have let get out of hand. These individuals are Pseudo-Transsexual. They feel a different form of Dysphoria and are essentially high-performing (or not) transvestites.


Girls have dicks too

So how does it work? All boys, when they are little, believe that girls have a penis just like they do, although they may either forget this or lie about it in later life. This was  first described by Sigmund Freud and led him to his theory of Castration Anxiety. Freud was not the only one to notice this and it has been well documented. Boys, if they see a naked girl, will assume she is hiding her penis; that she has ‘tucked it in’.

books by rod fleming

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Why would a man not want to date a trans woman?

Originally posted 2018-10-05 06:25:07.

Something that I have thought about a lot over the last ten years is this: why would a man not want to date a trans woman? I see, practically on a daily basis, the hot stares of men as they scope a trans woman. Men can’t stop themselves.

Most amusing, perhaps, is the Western male, the Anglo-Saxon particularly (Mediterranean types have a different take on life.) So often I have been sitting in a bar watching one of them, or sometimes in the same company. I have seen them practically salivating over a girl nearby, and then their reactions as one of their companions leans forward and murmurs something crass like ‘You’ll get more than you expect with that one, mate, it’s a bloke!’

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Transtrender, transmen and pseudo-matriarchy

Originally posted 2018-10-02 09:15:10.

Hatsepshut of Egypt, arguably the first historical female non-homosexual transitioner

Transtrender is a word that should be familiar to everyone in the West.

How things have changed; from a position, 15 years ago, when very few people knew what even transsexual meant and far less had actually thought about it, we have seen an explosion, first of ‘transgender’ and now, ‘transtrender’.

Suddenly we are faced, we are told, with thousands upon thousands of ‘trans’ people appearing all over society. While it is true that there is an uptick in genuine referrals to gender clinics, transtrenders rarely seek to actually transition; they seek instead the social status of a ‘trans’ label.

Because that is really all transtrender is: a label, a cultural fad, an Identity Politics membership card. It is no more real than Emo, New Romantics or Punk. But it might be a bellwether for much deeper social ills.

books by rod fleming

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Homosexual transsexuals: The true transsexuals

Originally posted 2018-08-24 06:56:57.

One of the most important articles on the subject of homosexual transsexuals was written by Dr J Michael Bailey and the late Kiira Triea. This has been published widely on the internet and in the blogosphere, but I take the liberty of republishing it here, to widen the spread of its influence.

Homosexual transsexuals are often hard to spot, since they are so feminine. It’s not usually a question of establishing whether they are transsexuals or transvestites, but whether they are transsexuals or girls. Outside an environment that gives context, it’s  almost impossible to tell, especially where the girl was lucky enough to begin hormones early. Encountering one in a mall, like this, nobody would have a clue. Ain’t she a poppet?

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books by rod fleming

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The Warm Pink Jelly Express Train: transsexual lives


Originally posted 2018-09-26 06:30:05.

warm-pink-jelly-express-train-675x1024On the tenth anniversary of completing the first draft of The Warm Pink Jelly Express Train, I am republishing this article about it. It describes an affair between a Brazilian transsexual prostitute and a Western straight man.

The Warm Pink Jelly Express Train was a very difficult book to write. Compared to my previous one, Poaching the River, it required profound reflection and much research.

Poaching is essentially a romanticised memoir; The Warm Pink Jelly Express Train is nothing like that. It is far deeper and more introspective and writing it, shaped my current world view.

My ideas about gender in particular were formed by the research and writing of The Warm Pink Jelly Express Train. Although it is  a breathlessly-paced romantic adventure, it required me to dig deep into the natures of gender and sexuality, something I had never done before.

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