Social Autogynephilia and Schadenfreude.

Originally posted 2017-10-24 21:35:44.

Autogynephilia is ‘a man’s propensity to be sexually aroused at the thought or image of himself as a woman’. For many practical purposes we might restate that as ‘a man’s overwhelming desire to be a woman’, to ‘become that which he loves’ and so on. It is a man’s deeply-felt identification with the object of his desire. So what might social autogynephilia be?




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Elephant in the Room (and Crocodiles)


Originally posted 2013-09-30 15:05:59.

They’re the elephant in the room, where relations between transwomen and men are concerned.

Elephant, you say?  Well, almost without exception, the assertion is made that the men who like transwomen are straight. Yet when you talk to transwomen in private, a very different picture appears. Half at least of men who seek out transwomen far from being straight or anything close, are closet autogynephiliacs (AGP) (and homophobic to boot). They’re not homosexual, but they are gay.

This is borne out by research done at Northwestern University by Ken Hsu et alia.

We would not expect honesty from these men about this; after all, look at the lengths they go just to deny their own sexuality and maintain a false façade of hetero-normativity. The elephant must be hidden. Their words may be taken with a moderately-sized bucket of salt. But what about the girls? Why do transwomen ever lend credibility to this falsehood? Why don’t they just call out these guys as closet queens from the get-go?


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Sex Atypical Boys

Originally posted 2018-04-27 09:52:47.

Nearly all Sex Atypical boys, if they persist, will become adult Homosexual transsexuals (HSTS) or pseudo-masculine Homosexuals.  These are exclusively attracted to masculine men. This has been established beyond doubt and one would have thought that, in our enlightened era, we would be happy to go along with this. But a movement has coalesced that aims to challenge this: the ‘gender critical’ movement.

Characteristics of Sex Atypical boys

The obvious clustering of physical and behavioural characteristics around childhood Sex Atypical boys, makes it clear that these individuals are naturally shifted towards opposite-sex norms. In other words, people who are Sex Atypical in childhood are naturally so.

Which type they will develop into, the True Transsexual or HSTS, or the pseudo-masculine gay, cannot be predicted in childhood. To attempt to condition them towards one or the other — almost exclusively, in the West, towards the pseudo-masculine form, is grossly abusive, yet it is clearly what the gender-crit movement exists to do.



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The Case of Ms. Taken Identity: Amanda Grimes

Originally posted 2018-04-02 11:52:33.

The Case of Ms. Taken Identity


Amanda Grimes  




As a fully transitioned transsexual I have often heard the phrase “Gender Identity”, in fact it is contained within the name of the disorder with which I was diagnosed, but never have I ever stopped to consider the validity or accuracy of this term until recently. In a recent comments thread on a Youtube video where a somewhat vocal and clearly autogynephilic trans activist was constantly making the argument for her validity as a “real woman” based upon the existence of her self-declared “female identity”. The question “Do you have a gender identity?” was posited to me by another HSTS woman on the thread.

My initial response was to say “No or if I do I am unaware of it”. However, on reflection it seemed to me that question required a deeper examination rather than just a cursory dismissal. Also it raised the question for me that, if I do have a gender identity, what if any part did it play in my decision to transition?


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Gender fluidity: canard or conundrum?

Originally posted 2017-01-30 10:14:50.

Gender fluidity has come much under the spotlight in recent years. It has been suggested that there are ‘thousands of genders’, that ‘gender is a spectrum of gradations’ and even that it doesn’t exist. Yet if you walk down the street in any part of the world, you will see two genders. So how can this be?

This baffling conundrum is what you get when people don’t do enough research. In fact, BOTH the binary model and the gender-spectrum model are valid; but their relationship is being wilfully misunderstood.


In large parts of the world, but best documented in South America and Asia, the principal gender division is not between men and women but between men and ‘not-men’. I have referred to this before and it was well described by Prof Don Kulick in his 1998 book ‘Travesti’.

books by rod fleming

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The Ladyboy Trap: What to avoid in TS dating


Originally posted 2021-05-04 12:13:25.

Well, so there you are. You find yourself with an attraction to ladyboys, traps. transsexuals, whatever. These are not your Western autogynephilic transvestites a la Bruce ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner.

We’re talking about sex crazy, man-obsessed homosexual males who live as women. They are wonderful, beautiful, so sexy that just watching a ladyboy walking down the street will get your dick hard. And they are the Ladyboy Trap. Yes. Those ones right there.

books by rod fleming

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Biological sex is real; to say otherwise is a lie

Originally posted 2017-07-10 21:15:04.

This is a vagina and female reproductive organs. If you are born with these you are FEMALE

The nonsense that biological sex has no basis in reality and that a person can be changed from male to female  is just that, nonsense.

With the exception of a very small number of individuals, in which cases we can always identify a specific genetic irregularity, all humans are either male or female. So there are TWO SEXES. We are not tilapia, frogs or molluscs, and these sexes are fixed FOR LIFE. This is what we observed when we did basic biology in school.

This is a penis and associated structures. If you were born with one of these you are MALE








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Travels with a ladyboy: sexy walk

Originally posted 2017-06-21 13:33:13.

A beautiful ladyboy walking through her village in Bulacan province, Philippines. Please feel free to download and share this video.

How to make love to a ladyboy part 1


Originally posted 2021-11-24 16:48:59.

I have been asked many times about the technical details of making love with ladyboys and at last I decided to do it.  By the way, I know this is in the wrong order, blame my stupid software. The stuff in my head, that is.

Anyway, how does a straight man make love to a ladyboy? With a little care and sensitivity, is the answer. I know there are men out there who like to fucked but most of us are not like that and for those who are, you’re either Autogynephilic or suffering from internalised homophobia. Neither of these are desirable.  The ladyboys we are talking about are what Blanchard et alia call HSTS, that is, homosexual transsexuals and what I call True Transsexuals.


They are exclusively attracted to men, have been girls since the age of two and will only play the female role in bed. We are not talking about the other type, Autogynephilic transvestites here. In southeast Asia these can be fun to play with, but in the West they are a nightmare and should be avoided. Granted there are a few exceptions, but caveat emptor, or maybe, caveat futuour.

In my experience, transsexual ladyboys are lovely girls, attentive, caring and great in bed. They are beautiful and unassuming, if occasionally a little crazy. (It might be the hormones.) Transvestites, who often call themselves transgender in the West, are practically impossible to have a relationship with. I shouldn’t even try with a Western one and certainly not with one who transitioned over the age of around 18. Bad bet.

Beautiful bottom.

It pays to find out exactly what the girl is interested in before getting her into bed. Having spent a night fighting off a girl who suddenly got it into her head that she was the man, I can assure you it’s no fun and you will not get out of that bed without a fight or a sore bum.

Maybe invest in handcuffs. Seriously.


Available on my Odysee Channel.

And on Youtube, below.


books by rod fleming