Transtrender, transmen and pseudo-matriarchy

Originally posted 2018-10-02 09:15:10.

Hatsepshut of Egypt, arguably the first historical female non-homosexual transitioner

Transtrender is a word that should be familiar to everyone in the West.

How things have changed; from a position, 15 years ago, when very few people knew what even transsexual meant and far less had actually thought about it, we have seen an explosion, first of ‘transgender’ and now, ‘transtrender’.

Suddenly we are faced, we are told, with thousands upon thousands of ‘trans’ people appearing all over society. While it is true that there is an uptick in genuine referrals to gender clinics, transtrenders rarely seek to actually transition; they seek instead the social status of a ‘trans’ label.

Because that is really all transtrender is: a label, a cultural fad, an Identity Politics membership card. It is no more real than Emo, New Romantics or Punk. But it might be a bellwether for much deeper social ills.

books by rod fleming

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Theryn Meyer & Rachel Levine: AGP extremes


Originally posted 2021-01-25 16:40:15.

One of the most remarkable things about Autogynephilia is its extreme range. Theryn Meyer and Rachel Levine seem very different, but they are not. However, once the condition is understood, one reason for this becomes clear.

Prior to 1980, the concept of the Sexual Invert, the petite, highly feminine male who was exclusively attracted to men and wished to play the recipient role in sex, was well documented. They were never interested in members of the same sex and identified strongly with feminine models, often presenting as girls or at least, in as unmasculine a manner as they could get away with. This last type, in adulthood, was called ‘homosexual transsexual’ or HSTS, by Kurt Freund in 1973.

Freund did not himself originate the concept behind the term, since it was discussed in detail by Magnus Hirschfeld, Havelock Ellis and Harry Benjamin, amongst many others. So this is a well-documented phenomenon that has been thoroughly studied for over a hundred years.

The problem was that this concept, of innate Sexual Inversion leading to transition desire and homosexual transsexualism, did not cover every person coming forward to seek assistance in appearing to be a woman. There were also men, often middle aged, who were usually married and had children and most interestingly were not attracted to men, but to women. They were non-homosexual. How could these be explained?


books by rod fleming

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