Sexual terminology: what you should know.

Sexual terminology has become a major issue, or well, at least one that should raise a laugh. So let's clear it up, shall we? Physical Sex: Either male or female, defined at conception. This is immutable and cannot be changed. Male: an individual specimen with XY chromosomes. Will normally have a penis and testicles. Female: as above, but with XX chromosomes. Will normally have a vagina, clitoris, ovaries and breasts (in adulthood.) Sexuality Sexuality describes how and with whom we wish to  have sex. Sexuality serves to ensure that males mate with females to reproduce. In most animals, it is completely straightforward: male animals penetrate female ones and females are penetrated by males. Sexuality, in animals, seems to be entirely a function of sex. In humans, sexuality is complicated by our high degree of self-awareness. In our species, in some individuals, sexuality is not directly related to sex. In other words, some males have female sexuality and some f
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11 Replies to “Sexual terminology: what you should know.”

    1. Thank you.

      As regards sex and sexuality, of which gender is a part, I don’t present arguments. I only present the facts as stated in the peer-reviewed scientific literature, which it is clear you have not read, and the results of my own observations, mainly in Asia but also in Europe and South America. These confirm the following: Ray Blanchard was right in all of his major premises; gender is partly innate, which element is driven by birth sex, but largely sexual and social; there is no such thing as ‘gender identity’; there is no equivalent to AGP in females, so transmen, insofar as they exist, are broadly equivalent to transsexuals (Blanchard HSTS) meaning that they are a class of homosexual women, as transsexuals are a class of homosexual males; that all of these phenomena are subject to huge variation as a result of cultural influence.

      I have made comment about the abusive nature of ‘gender neutral’ parenting and against ‘gaslighting’ children into believing they are trans. I also argue that the so-called ‘gender binary’ is an innate and essential part of the human condition and it cannot be dispensed with.

      Thank you for informing me as to the etymology of my surname. Gosh I would never have thunk it.

    1. No. Apart from a tiny number (<1:20000) of CAIS and ADH people, (who are male but are born with vaginas) and other rare intersex conditions, physical sex can easily be determined by birth genitalia. While true transsexuals, that is, highly feminine homosexual males, have a gender that is not in accordance with their sex, this is a result of their sexual desire for men.

      Genital Reconstruction Surgery (GRS) is a dangerous practice that provides no benefit. Even true transsexuals would in most case be better to retain their penises and live as women, using testosterone blockers, hormones and other forms of cosmetic surgery to enhance their femininity and support their gender. I know many post-operative transsexuals (again, not transvestite autogynephiles, who are mentally ill) who have undergone this unnecessary procedure and not one has had her life improved by it. Those who have long-term partners would be with those men anyway, and those who are living with their past concealed -- one day it will all be discovered and their lives will be ruined.

      GRS exists and remains legal because of widespread failure to understand what Gender non-Conformity (GNC) actually is. There is no such thing as 'gender identity'. Gender is innate for most of us and where it differs from norm, this is because of sex drive. Gender is not a social construct, as the deliberate lie of feminists and New Gay Men would have us think; it is an innate part of being human and has evolutionary roots. In fact, without it, we would probably have gone extinct.

        1. That is basically the rudimentary method used by the hijra and thirunangai of India. It has been practised since at least 3000 BCE. The um candidate works into a religious trance and then, using a razor-sharp knife, removes his own testes and penis with one upward cut. The removal of testes doesn’t feminise but it arrests masculinisation. Estrogen has to be taken to feminise, and without either testosterone or estrogen, the subject may develop osteoporosis. Indian transwomen take various traditional preparations, the nature of which are a religious secret, but I suspect come down to the urine of pregnant animals (see below.) Today they take contraceptive pills which are cheap and effective, especially in the absence of testes.

          The first successful cosmetic GRS ops were done I believe in Morocco in the 1950s by a French surgeon, but I would need to check that. At least one was done pre-war but the patient died. (Lily Elbe)

          Hormones have been used for at least 2500 years — Scythian transgender women drank distilled pregnant mare’s urine and the Greeks and Romans mentioned this. A powerful feminising agent used today, PreMarIn, is Pregnant Mare urIne, so it would have worked. Amazing, huh?

          As a libertarian I think we all own our own bodies and so long as what we do to them harms nobody else, it’s our own business. I do think GRS should be a last resort because of its irreversible nature; and the fact is there are literally millions of pre-op TS out there who still have their dicks and they are fine. But still, it is a choice that should be available.

          Thank you for your comment

  1. Hey Rod! I have yet to re-post my comments on your blog as I have been lazy (and it’s been way too warm to stay in the pc room). Rest assured I will get around to it! I keep amassing more info too…

    Anyway, I am arguing with some folks on Youtube who seem to think that this is proof that AGP transexuls are just another kind of transexual, because 1) some HSTS transexuals feel sexual arousal when they imagine themselves as women 2) some AGP want to be penetrated by men.

    This is the study that apparently ‘takes down’ Blanchard’s typology:

    “”Still, the fact remains, that androphilic trans women who according to the theory should not report “autogynephilic fantasies” do so. This should be enough to sink the autogynephilia theory. In addition Veale documents that there is nothing in the data that suggest that suggest that the patterns seen reflect an underlying “essential” difference between the two types.””

    I am posting this comment here, as your definitions, especially those regarding the emasculation fetish, seem to explain the behaviour or AGP who are attracted to men.

    What say you about the HSTS who are aroused at the idea of being women? When I was perusing r/asktransgender, there was one post from a gay man who said he got a boner when he put on a dress. I would assume that HSTS, and those gay men, who are aroused by the idea of being women, are simply exhibiting paraphilic behaviour because, as we have discussed in the past it is relatively easy for biological males to condition themselves fetishistically.

    Your thoughts?

    P.S. I am subbed to your YT channel and will listen to some of your content today!

    1. Hi CJ

      Crossdreamers is a propaganda site, nothing there is reliable. Veale’s work is specious. He makes no effort to understand the crucial nature of the ETLE, and indeed denies, it, whihch remders his conclusions false — false premise = false conclusions, always.

      No ETLE, no AGP, and NOPODY has ever shown that women have this. And if they did, it would have to be autoandrophilia, (which doesn’t have any evidence for existing either.) Even if women do get turned on by their own bodies, so what? So do men, every time they crack one off. The point is, a woman getting hot and bothered because she’s touching herself and thinking she’s a sexy woman, is normal; a man doing the same and thinking he’s a hairy beast is the same; BUT a man doing it AND THINKING WHAT A SEXY WOMAN HE IS, is a person with a fetish called AGP.

      The basis of all of this is the ‘real woman’ lie. ALL MtF are male. HSTS just happen to be naturally very feminine while AGPs certainly are not.

      I know about the Masochistic Emasculation Fetish notion, it’s the brainchild of one particular AGP, but it does not account for the ETLE, so does not challenge Blanchard. There’s no dounbt that manyAGPs love to be emasculated, but it’s really another expression of AGP, not another condition or a replacement for the theory.



      You are in danger of stealing my thunder here. Yes I know about the ‘gay men’ who like to put on women’s clothes and get aroused by crossdressing. They are not actually gay, they are AGP. Gay culture has actually conflated the two forms, exactly as AGP activists would like to see happen for transwomen. This is where the myth of the ‘masculine gay man’ comes from. They’re not gay, they’re AGP, who are into being penetrated so they can have ‘sex as a woman’. ALL gay men are feminine.

      Best R

  2. Hey Rod, I just found this article and your comments on ThirdWayTrans’ website:

    Honestly, the more I learn about AGP, the more confused I get. I have done hours of research and only *barely* scratched the surface. Reading the comment thread on ThirdWayTrans gave me a headache!

    I also notice that your ideas regarding AGP and brainsex have evolved over time, as you have learned new information.

    It does appear that AGP *can* manifest as a paraphilia and also as an intense desire to be a woman. I like what TWT had to say about some AGP having a non-lustful *attachment* to the idea of being a woman. I believe you added to this by stating that AGP can be a sexual orientation in many cases and not necessarily just a fetish…

    Apparently the fact that a percentage of gay men and HSTS can become sexually aroused by the idea of being a woman is supposed to ‘sink’ the entire AGP theory, but can’t it just be a paraphilia in these cases? Both are still biological males, right? So it’s possible that they can condition themselves, through sissy porn or somesuch, to become aroused at the idea of being women…

    I DO think that there is a biological cause underlying HSTS transexualism, and that whichever mechanism is responsible for sexual orientation also underlies the ‘feminized’ brains of HSTS transexuals. That in the case of HSTS, the brain feminization in-utero is enough to tip them into transexual territory. I was reading a twitter feed this morning and someone mentioned that it has been observed that in some cases of identical twinning, that one twin will grow up to be an effeminate gay man, and the other a transexual. This is definitely something that I would like to research more.

    Also, these two studies are of note, I think:

    The cross-sex-shift hypothesis predicts that homosexual men and women will be similar in certain neurobehavioral traits to their opposite-sex counterparts. Accordingly, it predicts that homosexual men should perform in the direction of heterosexual women, and homosexual women in the direction of heterosexual men, on neurocognitive tests that show normative sex differences. We conducted a meta-analysis on the relationship between sexual orientation and cognitive performance, and tested the effects of potential moderating variables separately by sex. A total of 106 samples and 254,231 participants were included. The meta-analysis revealed that homosexual men performed like heterosexual women in both male-favouring (e.g., spatial cognition) and female-favouring (e.g., verbal fluency) cognitive tests, while homosexual women performed like heterosexual men only in male-favouring tests. The magnitude of the sexual orientation difference varied across cognitive domains (larger for spatial abilities). It was also larger in studies comparing exclusive heterosexuals with exclusive homosexuals compared to studies comparing exclusive heterosexuals with non-exclusive homosexuals for both sexes. The results may narrow down potential sites for sexual orientation-related neural differences.

    Johnny lives in a small town in the Dominican Republic where he, and others like him, are known as “Guevedoces”, which effectively translates as “penis at twelve”.

    Like the other Guevedoces, Johnny was brought up as a girl because he had no visible testes or penis and what appeared to be a vagina. It is only when he approached puberty that his penis grew and testicles descended.

    Johnny, once known as Felicita, remembers going to school in a little red dress, though he says he was never happy doing girl things.

    A final interesting observation that Imperato-McGinley made was that these boys, despite being brought up as girls, almost all showed strong heterosexual preferences. She concluded in her seminal paper that hormones in the womb matter more than rearing when it comes to your sexual orientation.

    1. Hi CJ

      Yes, back then I was still buying the social construct of gender and basically the ‘blank slate’ theory. Over the rest of that year I did a huge amount of reading which, along with my experiences in the Philippines, made me realise it was a crock. We can’t ‘do away’ with gender, as I said we could not, but the reason is that it is innate. It’s hardwired. I’ve updated most of the pages here but it takes a while and I could not possibly update the whole internet. All I can do is be honest and say, yes, I have changed my mind about that in the light of new evidence.

      Yeah I I’d heard about the Guevedoces, just a few months ago. My question would be ‘whom did they have crushes on between the ages of 6 and puberty’.

      The homosexual study is interesting; gay men are feminine and we all know this. It is one of the great lies of the 20th century to suggest that they are masculine. They do a form of theatrical faux masculinity. I’ll add that to my links page.

      Veale’s work is BS, Humanities pretending to be science. There is a big difference between exhibiting AGP behaviour and being AGP. I might start calling what happens with HSTS ‘pseudo-AGP’ (joke) I mean, yes, if you fuck an HSTS in front of a mirror, she’ll love you forever. It doesn’t make her AGP. She’s getting off on watching what you’re doing to her. She is not living out an AGP fantasy, she is feeding directly off the experience. There’s no ETLE so there is no AGP. That’s it. Plenty of natal women like this too (I’ve tried) but they don’t have ETLEs either. Your AGP will be trying to shove a dildo in her bum, not your dick, because SHE DOES. No ETLE, no AGP. They just can’t seem to get this. It’s not the outward behaviour that is conclusive, it’s the location of the erotic target.

      The twin thing makes compete sense, if they were raised separately, because cultural factors like peer pressure are really important. A slight cultural difference in the society the child is surrounded by in growing up would easily be enough to make that difference. More difficult if they were brought up together. Please post more on that if you find any, it interests me a lot



      1. “”BUT a man doing it AND THINKING WHAT A SEXY WOMAN HE IS, is a person with a fetish called AGP. “”

        Precisely. People seem to have difficulty with this concept. As you said in one of your AGP videos, the AGP is turned on by the idea of being the *target*, ie, the woman, when he is in fact a man. When women have sex (or get dressed, or have their periods) they are not aroused by the idea of being a woman, or even a man, when doing these things!

        “”I know about the Masochistic Emasculation Fetish notion””

        I have been reading up on BDSM and other fetishes, and am noticing a fair amount of overlap with AGP fetishes. Also, there are cult-like groups wherein gay men dress in latex and pretend to be dogs… I am not gong to comment much more on this as I need to research it more (one of my comments on your other blog was in regards to this subject) however I will say that I suspect 1) a clustering of paraphilias in one person 2) in the case of the BDSMers, especially where sadism is involved, that there might be a case of ETLE as the sadist wants to vicariously experience what it’s like to be the victim. Perhaps it’s not ETLE, but something similar?

        I also came across some disturbing comments on the paraphialias section of wherein a ‘trans pedo’ described his attraction to children. I immediately thought of Stefonknee Wolscht and his desire to pretend to be a 6yo who is penetrated by an elderly male…(can I just say ewwww)

        “You are in danger of stealing my thunder here.”

        Never! I have learned so much from you Rod. You are incredibly insightful and not at all arrogant. One of the things that peeves me the most about the POMO asshats and those who would defend AGP is how every word of theirs just drips with condescenscion…

        “This is where the myth of the ‘masculine gay man’ comes from. They’re not gay, they’re AGP”

        Yep you mentioned this in the very blog post that I am replying to. It actually makes perfect sense now that I think about it, for the very reason that masculine gay men do not conform to the pattern re transexualism and homosexuality that we have been discussing…

        1) There are plenty of studies establishing that male and female brains are different. Even amongst primates, males, at a very early age, engage in *very* different behaviours than females. Their play and choice of toys is different.

        2) GNC children, who often grow up to be gay, engage in childhood behaviour that is closer to that of the opposite sex than to their own sex. Some of these children grow up to be transexual.

        3) GNC children not only behave like the opposite sex, but they *look* like the opposite sex – hence the existence of effeminate gay men and butch lesbians.

        I mentioned the Guivedorces because of this sentence: “”She concluded in her seminal paper that hormones in the womb matter more than rearing when it comes to your sexual orientation. “‘

        In the case of the Guivedorces, their bodies and their brains match, it’s just that their bodies have to catch up to their brains. They are born with male brains, they engange in typical male play, they are heterosexual (as far as I can tell) and at 12 they develop male genitalia.

        If these ‘hormones in the womb’ are behind brain-sex, then what can we conclude about their effect on sexual orientation and gender identity? Bear in mind that I am not saying that HSTS MTF have ‘lady brains’, as I disagree that they are a form of intersex, however, their brains, and even bodies are, to some degree, feminized. They are literally and truly transexual. They have feminized brains and bodies coupled with a very strong male sex drive.

        Some idiot tried to argue with me earlier that AGP are transexual because the definition of transexual is to transition! Ok, then otherkin are literally trans-wolf if they get their teeth filed and wear floppy ears.

        Here is the twitter thread on sexual orientation and gender identity:

        Check out the comments, perhaps the person who made the comment about identical twins can provide a citation. I am not actually on Twitter (or else i would be following you) as I deleted my account during the election. Trump Derangement Syndrome drove me off Twitter. I just couldn’t handle the toxicity. At this point in time I just read select accounts, Rolf Degen’s is a good one, along with yeyoza.

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