Better Than Sex: Travel and Ladyboys


Originally posted 2017-09-26 21:51:09.

Only a woman would say anything was better than sex. Well, anyway, there is no risk of a ladyboy claiming such a thing, at least not when she is young, beautiful and has a body full of testosterone, oestrogen and progesterone, the particular cocktail of this hormone soup dependent on the individual.

Whatever, it does nothing to diminish the sex drive, which is, basically, turbo-charged. A ladyboy (homosexual transsexual variant, aka a batang bakla) is essentially as randy as a teenage boy should be, thinks of cock all the time and dreams every night of being ravaged by hordes of lusty Lotharios. I am not kidding.

That this passionate desire to be fucked blue is shared by Filipina women really does make the place special; the sexual juice is oozing out of the walls.

books by rod fleming bakla

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Sex, Sexuality and Gender are real


Originally posted 2021-02-08 14:09:30.

Sex, folks, is real. So are Sexuality and Gender. But these are not always related as people might expect them to be. So let’s have a look at them.

In all sexually dimorphic species there are two morphs, which are directly linked to reproduction; that, after all, why sexual dimorphism exists. One of these produces large, relatively static cells called gametes, which contain half the DNA needed to make a new individual. The other produces small, highly motile gametes, which contain the other half. The former are called ova and the latter spermatozoa or sperm.

books by rod fleming


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Cognitive Dissonance and Transgender/Transsex

Originally posted 2017-11-11 19:51:15.

Cognitive Dissonance is the feeling of discomfort we get when what we perceive clashes with our expectations. We all walk around in a mental model of the world. That should be obvious. But this is an immensely sophisticated system. When you enter a space for the first time your eyes target the most important elements and your mind blocks in the rest. As the moments pass, in response to sensory stimuli, the less critical areas are built up in your mental model in much the same way a as a computer works ‘in the background’

This process relies on assumptions that are made at a cognitive level. The sky is blue. I can measure that by using a type of light meter called a colour temperature meter. So while I cannot know how you perceive blue, I do know that whatever blue looks like in your head, the sky is that colour and we can agree on it.

What if you walked outside and the sky was yellow? I’m not talking about some beautiful sunset, just the regular sky. Ten minutes ago it was blue, now it’s yellow. What do you think of that?




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Manly manly gay ‘man’ vs cute pretty tranny.


Originally posted 2021-12-30 13:34:28.

The New Gay Man seeks to preach a doctrine that being ‘gay’ is about manly manly men* TM (with perhaps a little sweaty sock essence just to make it all more convincing) having sex with other manly men, their clones.

Yet when we look through history, where is this manly model? Nowhere. It is an invention, an artefact of the 1960s. It is an expression of rank homophobia, expressed by men who themselves claim to be homosexual. As such it stinks — and not just of liniment.

<div class="ko-fi-button" data-text="Buy me a coffee!" data-color="#FF5F5F" data-code="" id="kofiShortcode360Html" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"></div>

So what can a feminine boy do, confronted by this? Until very recently, if he expressed his natural femininity in any way at all, he could look forward to being administered shots of testosterone to ‘man him up’ not to mention the routine beatings and insults which came not only from the mainstream culture around him, but also from the manly manly New Gay Man…a young homosexual male can be anything he likes these days, my dears, except a girl. Oh, no, that is never tolerable. That is the line one must not cross.

books by rod fleming

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Christmas: An Orgy in the Philippines

Originally posted 2018-01-04 07:48:24.

Well it’s been quite a couple of weeks here at the fun factory, so if I didn’t wish it before, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year — and if you are one of those miserable cunts who insist on saying ‘Happy Holidays’ well, fuck that, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See, I’m not vindictive.

Anyway, it has been quite the Festive Season. Here I am in sunny Pampanga, Philippines, with the delightful Sam Villasencio and we are getting along just fine. On Christmas Eve we went to see friends of hers who live nearby, which turned into a typically Filipino party with Red Horse shots and much music and dancing.

We men were treated to a twerking display by the girls and I am happy to say

Twerk it baby


that Sam help up the side very well. Food was courtesy of Renz and his wife Joanna but Renz did most of the cooking while Joanna, a classic Pinay beauty, entertained.







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Malolos: Street photography and ladyboys


Originally posted 2017-08-10 23:36:59.

On the 25th of February 2017, my then girlfriend Sammi and I went to Malolos, the capital of Bulacan, to see a ladyboy parade; but it never appeared. Ladyboy levels of disorganisation are, of course, legendary, in addition to which, they were probably working on Filipino time, which makes ‘manana’ sound urgent. Still, a couple of nice cold Red Horses and some good pictures.

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Is the New Gay Man a failed transsexual?

Originally posted 2017-12-17 08:55:02.

For many years now, the New Gay Man’s promoters, speaking through activists from Jim Fouratt to Peter Tatchell, have claimed that HomoSexual TransSexuals (HSTS) are a form of ‘failed gay man’. But is this true?

No. In fact, far from completed Sexual Inverts (homosexual transsexuals) being ‘failures’, all feminine homosexual males are transsexual but for various reasons some repress or deny this — as demanded of them by the New Gay Man cult.

Updated 19/12/2021

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Sexual Nexuses, homosexuality and transsexualism.

sexual nexuses

Originally posted 2023-07-14 19:05:20.

There are several sexual nexuses which affect gender in those born male. These depend on the three sets of parameters which underlie it. In turn these are: sex itself, that is our biological sex following whether we are male (XY) or female (XX) and all those entail; sexuality, which is either male (active, the desire to penetrate) or female (passive, the desire to be penetrated) and gender, our outward expression, masculine or feminine.

The First Sexual Nexus

These are to some extent variable. At the first nexus, a male might, in a small number of cases, have female sexuality. This we call Sexual Inversion. This person desires to be penetrated and will therefore seek partners who can do this. Mostly those will be heterosexual men, so the subject here becomes completely feminine, in order to attract them. Similarly, some females are sexually Inverted and have male sexuality. They become as masculine as they can, the classic butch lesbian.

books by rod fleming Continue reading “Sexual Nexuses, homosexuality and transsexualism.”

Tele-series, ladyboys and love

Originally posted 2017-09-11 19:54:09.

March 2016. Jelly I are sharing a studio condo in Maybunga, in Pasig City, Metro Manila. Previously we were in a larger condo and things were much easier. Now the place is like a pressure-cooker.

As ever the television goes on after our morning sex session. This is when I usually try to work and it appears that Jelly has hearing difficulties.

The diet is monotonous. At noon, it’s Showtime, a variety revue hosted by Vice Ganda, a well-known gay performer. Needless to say, Jelly is mesmerised, smiling. There is nothing coming out of the television – even though the volume is full blast. It’s like an anaesthetic.

Curiously, I am reminded of Grampian Television’s ‘One o’Clock Gang’, hosted by Larry Marshall, that was the daily accompaniment to lunch when I was a child. It shows the depth of the penetration; that was 50 years ago and I can still see the faces of Marshall and Andy Stewart in flickering 405-line black and white.

Nothing has changed; The One o’Clock Gang has emigrated and transmogrified into ‘Eat Bulaga’ and ‘Showtime’. But Showtime has a trans anchor. It’s a killer selling point.

The real televisual clue to the lives of ladyboys, however, is in the ‘tele-series’.

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Transition Desire: The Facts

transition desire

Originally posted 2021-12-27 17:51:09.

Ray Blanchard’s Typology and his Theory of Autogynephilia are not separate and do explain Male-to-Feminine Transition Desire.

In fact, sex researchers since the time of Ulrichs and Hirschfeld had proposed a model of highly feminine homosexual males and masculine homosexual females. This understanding led Hirschfeld to assist in the very first transition programmes involving Genital Reconstruction Surgery.


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