Roman Sex is important

Roman sex

Originally posted 2023-08-29 17:04:28.

Why is the Roman sex model so important, even today? And I don’t mean a knee-trembler up a dark alley in Milan with a hot tranny. I mean the model of sex and sexual behaviour which was central to Roman life. Why is it still important?

roman sex tranny
Completely gratuitous pictures of a hot tranny you might actually meet in Rome.

Western societies are based on a Graeco-Roman model, with some aspects leaning more towards the Greek and some the Roman. Sex, despite centuries of Christianity, remains broadly Roman.

books by rod fleming

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Sexual Inversion and Gender

sexual inversion

Originally posted 2023-01-11 17:05:20.

In Sexual Inversion, the expected norms are shifted innately towards those found in the opposite sex. This affects body morphology, neurology and most importantly, sexuality. This produces major changes in gender.

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Gender is a complicated set of appearances and behaviours which depend on many things. Mainly, however, gender is dependent on sexuality, since its primary function is to attract mates. It conditions how we feel about ourselves, the way we like to dress, the way we present to others, the social roles that we play, the responsibilities we feel we have to family, friends and society and so on.

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Moser’s mischievous intervention.

Originally posted 2017-09-10 12:28:09.

In 2009 Dr Charles Moser entered the discussion about Blanchard’s Typology of transsexualism. It is worth revisiting Moser because his mischievous intervention not only hindered the progress of the science of transsexualism, but damaged some people, while favouring others.

As you may know, Blanchard separates male-to-feminine (MtF) transsexuals into those attracted to their own sex from their earliest arousal, and those who are either not attracted to their own birth sex or who develop such an attraction, usually partially, in later life. These are called, using Blanchard’s terminology, ‘HomoSexual Transsexuals’ or HSTS and ‘Autogynephilic Transsexuals’ or AGPs. (We will later quote studies that call the latter ‘non-homosexual’.)

Blanchard’s underlying thesis is that both these forms of transsexualism are stimulated by male sex drive. MtF HSTS are, essentially, seen as extremely feminine homosexual males. This is relatively easy to understand and this type was formerly known as the ‘Primary’ or ‘True’ type. The other type is much more complex and shares an aetiology with fetishistic cross-dressing men. These individuals are romantically or sexually attracted to themselves, but as women.

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Charlottesville: Innocent death, death of innocence

Originally posted 2017-08-13 12:19:16.

Leftist violence led directly to last night’s tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. While the actual crime that led to the death of one person and the injury of 19 was committed, presumably, by one of their political opponents, the simple fact is that the Left in the USA has been doing its level best to engineer a situation like this since it lost the 2016 Presidential election.

It is never acceptable to use violence in the furtherance of political ends. Our sympathies go out to the victims of this attack and to their families. They also go out to the young man whose life has been ruined by the commission of this crime and to his family.

Let us be quite clear, however: this foolish and cruel act of violence was the result of a fire stoked by the Left; and it was the result most fervently desired by the Left. Now it has its longed-for martyr, whose memory it will abuse to its own ends.

A farmer having his land liberated by Communist soldiers in China. For the greater good, of course. Another innocent death






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Google Diversity Row: A revealing storm

Originally posted 2017-08-08 14:28:50.

One of the world’s most valuable companies, Google, has found itself splattered all over the internet this week because of a leaked internal memo.

The ‘Google Diversity Document’

The document, written by a senior engineer, addresses cultural issues within Google in terms of staffing and proposes that the innate differences which we know to exist between males and females should be taken into account and used in a positive manner to assist the company and benefit everyone.

My rant on the subject.

You’d have thought the Ku Klux Klan had taken over the boardroom. The hysterical, loony SJW Left, alongside more ‘respectable’ feminists and their poodles have soaked everyone in sight with festoons of vituperative drivel. How dare anyone suggest there are innate differences between men and women? Don’t you realise it’s not Politically Correct to say such things?

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The New Gay Man: Explaining Transgender 2

Originally posted 2017-05-31 17:09:47.

To understand the development of trans culture in the West, you need to understand the development of the contemporary face of male homosexuality,  The New Gay Man. He’s not as old as you think.

We have become used, in the West, to a particular type of homosexual men: outwardly masculine, good-looking, well-dressed, often cultured. It has become such a commonplace that today it would be easy to think that this representation of male homosexuality, the New Gay Man, has always existed and is, indeed, the only such presentation. In fact, the aim of many gay activists is to persuade the public that the New Gay Man is all homosexual men have ever been. But this is nonsense.

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Sex, Sexuality and Gender: Part One


Originally posted 2020-12-01 15:01:20.

Sex is determined by chromosomal makeup. In humans, this has specific and recognisable morphological effects that place the individual into a recognisable set. Sex is either Male or Female, in normal humans. Males have penises and testes and females have vaginas and ovaries. There are some rare conditions which may result in an indeterminate physical condition. These are called Intersex. For almost all humans, however, Sex can accurately be determined at birth, just by looking at the genitalia.

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Feminism: a cancer that destroys our culture.


Originally posted 2017-05-16 12:16:50.

We in the West are lucky. We live in the most varied, rich and progressive culture the world has ever known.

This culture, which has given the world so much, is under attack. The attackers are a vile alliance of female, black, Islamic and gender supremacists. These are collectively known as the ‘woke’ Left. Their target, principally, is white men, especially Christians.

Feminism long ago stopped being about equality between men and women. In the West that was achieved decades ago anyway. The current fashion is to try to persuade us that there is no difference between males and females. The ultimate purpose of this is to replace males with females and, in the end, to eradicate masculinity. But this disregards the science completely, in favour of flat-earth concepts that have no foundation in fact

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Sexual terminology: what you should know.

Originally posted 2017-03-22 09:25:15.

Sexual terminology has become a major issue, or well, at least one that should raise a laugh.

So let’s clear it up, shall we?

Physical Sex:

Either male or female, defined at conception. This is immutable and cannot be changed.

Male: an individual specimen with XY chromosomes. Will normally have a penis and testicles.

Female: as above, but with XX chromosomes. Will normally have a vagina, clitoris, ovaries and breasts (in adulthood.)

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Unlimited sex: the foundation of Islam

unlimited sex

Originally posted 2022-09-13 11:30:31.

Unlimited sex after death is the foundation of Islam.

To understand this you need to know something about the origin of Islam. It was, certainly, based on the delusions of an ambitious, illiterate camel-trader, but it appeared in a culture that was entirely Goddess-worshipping. When Mohamed rails against ‘the polytheists,’ he specifically means these worshippers; so his cult is completely misogynistic.

The Goddess in this case was triple, Al-Uzza, Al-Lat and Menat. Their followers were Mohamed’s sworn enemies and so, unsurprisingly, he wrote out every possible element of femininity in his proto-cult and turned it into one of warfare, killing and misogyny It was fuelled by his promise of unlimited sex after death.

books by rod fleming

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