Acceptance of Homosexuals in the Philippines (Paper review.)

The acceptance of Homosexuals in the Philippines is a subject  over which there remains significant disagreement. Partly this is to do with a truly exasperating refusal, on the part of Academics, to adopt common terminologies and taxonomies, a fault which is certainly political in origin. We argue that there is no room for politics in science. Adding to this is the confusion introduced by such things as ‘Queer Theory,’ Philosophical Postmodernism and Identity Politics. These make it hard to dig down and find accuracy in the published literature; indeed, one often suspects that the authors working in this field are guilty of deliberate obfuscation.

All the girls featured in this post are males. Yet you, if you are a man being honest, find them attractive. That is because attraction is to gender, not sex.

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Women and not-women: the masculine female


Originally posted 2021-04-05 15:26:45.

When you teach women that they are the same as men, then there are consequences. Making them into masculine not-women is just the first.

Women begin to think they should perform an ersatz masculinity. This is pronounced in corporate or military situations, where rank matters. How can a promoted woman give orders to a man? Only by performing masculinity. Then, if you fix the game so these not-women can win with less effort than men, which in most scenarios is the only way they can, it gets worse.

substack - men-attracted-to -transwomen

As a result the route to success success becomes  ‘being masculine’ when it should mean ‘being a great mother’. The more masculine women are, the more success they are likely to be given, in our culture, while motherhood is decried as an impediment to their ‘careers’. (By which they mean ‘jobs.’ Equality of exploitation in wage-slavery, what a victory.)

But at the same time, masculinity repulses men and mothering qualities attract them. (see Freud.) So men begin avoiding these women as sexual partners. I mean, who the fuck would marry Cathy Newman? So career success, for women, increasingly equals ‘catastrophic personal life.’

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Feminism has always been a lie.

Originally posted 2020-05-13 13:50:35.

Feminism is a deception perpetrated on women and society by a small group of females, in order to implement a Communist Revolution. If you don’t believe me, read Gloria Steinem: ‘the only thing Marx got wrong is that the means ARE the end’.

The sex-doll issue, which was bubbling in the news-feeds as feminists set it up for attack — until COVID-19 stole the show — is illustrative of how they use sex to exercise power over men. No women are harmed in a sexual exchange between a man and a piece of plastic, yet somehow it is still ‘demeaning to women’ for this to happen. How is that even possible? It’s a SEX TOY.

I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig. Andrea Dworkin

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LeNTAS: Let’s Not Talk About Sex


Originally posted 2020-05-06 14:57:22.

LeNTAS: Let’s Not Talk About Sex. That’s what ‘SOGIE’ really means. For those who have not heard of this utter nonsense, the initials SOGIE stand for ‘Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression’. It is an excrescence of so-called ‘queer theory’ — something that has no scientific basis whatsoever, so should be called ‘queer opinion’.

Anyway, this particular dose of bunkum has at its centre the propaganda that Sexual Orientation (whom you are attracted to) has nothing to do with either your ‘Gender Identity’ or how you ‘Express’ that.

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Gender Sex and Sexuality

sex market

Originally posted 2022-03-07 16:39:23.

Perhaps surprisingly, gender seems to still be a mystery to many, so let me try to explain.

First of all, let’s state what gender is not – it is not sex. Sex and gender are not synonymous. We might summarise it by saying ‘gender is what gets us into bed and sex is what we do once we’re there.’


Sex refers to a system of reproduction. In sexually dimorphic species, like us, there are two sexes. One has a system that produces a large, immotile gamete, or sex cell and the other a small, rapidly moving one. The former is called female and the latter male. The small gamete, called a sperm cell, carries an X or a Y chromosome. The larger one is called an ovum and, since these are produced in females, who only have X sex chromosomes, all ova are X. When the sperm and ovum come together, they produce a new individual with either XX (female) or XY (male) chromosomal sex or karotype. Thus, sex is fixed for life and cannot be changed.


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Transgender? Sex, Sexuality, Orientation and Gender


Originally posted 2019-06-17 07:22:12.

‘Transgender’ is a catch-all term that is used, today, to include all forms of  ‘Gender Non-Conformity’ or (better) ‘Sex Non-Conformity’. These are expressions in which individuals, for a variety of reasons, reject the social norms of dress and behaviour. Most ‘transgenders’ in the West today are in fact expressing fashionable youthful rebellion, just as hippies, punks, New Romantics and Emos did, in their turn.

However, there are some for whom this is a much deeper issue. Individuals of one sex who wish to appear to be and even live as a member of the opposite sex, do exist, although the numbers are hard to pin down.

To understand this, we need to quickly recap on sex, sexuality and gender.




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Foucault, de Sade and Sex: a bourgeois orgy

foucault de sade justine

Originally posted 2019-05-29 09:58:23.

Frenchman Michel Foucault (1926-1984) is one of the most important characters in the development of Cultural Marxism and through it, Identity Politics and the Social Justice Left. Normally considered to be a Postmodernist, Foucault mixes the ideas of his great heroes, Jean-Paul Sartre and the Marquis de Sade (1740-1816).

Michel Foucault

There is little good to say of Sartre, a typically French, bourgeois self-loather much like Foucault himself, but I shall return to him in another piece. De Sade is another kind of fish altogether.

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The word ‘homosexual’.

Originally posted 2022-09-12 12:33:30.

What does the word ‘homosexual’ actually mean?

Over the last five years I have read deeply into the historical and modern context of the word ‘homosexual’ and how its usage evolved, from it being coined in the nineteenth century.

The word ‘homosexual’ as it is now understood in the West, was not so understood, anywhere, until the 20th century. It did not become general even there until after Kinsey published in the early 1950s, and was not dominant till much later. Whether you consider that sex between two males must be ‘homosexual’ or not, and I do not, that does not mean that either or both parties are themselves ‘homosexual’. One is an activity, the other is a personality type, formerly known as a ‘catamite’. Conflating these has been most unhelpful.

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Not having sex kills men: so get some in 2019

Originally posted 2019-01-03 11:47:09.

It’s well known that women live longer, on average, than men do. Partly, of course, this is due to the fact that men tend to have more dangerous jobs, in our modern world.

That was not always the case: until little more than a hundred years ago, men’s life expectancy was relatively much longer, because of the high levels of death in childbirth. But most men don’t die in mining accidents or in wars. So what actually kills men? Could it be that not having sex is what kills them?

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