Sex Atypical Boys

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Originally posted 2018-04-27 09:52:47.

Nearly all Sex Atypical boys, if they persist, will become adult Homosexual transsexuals (HSTS) or pseudo-masculine Homosexuals.  These are exclusively attracted to masculine men. This has been established beyond doubt and one would have thought that, in our enlightened era, we would be happy to go along with this. But a movement has coalesced that aims to challenge this: the ‘gender critical’ movement.

Characteristics of Sex Atypical boys

The obvious clustering of physical and behavioural characteristics around childhood Sex Atypical boys, makes it clear that these individuals are naturally shifted towards opposite-sex norms. In other words, people who are Sex Atypical in childhood are naturally so.

Which type they will develop into, the True Transsexual or HSTS, or the pseudo-masculine gay, cannot be predicted in childhood. To attempt to condition them towards one or the other — almost exclusively, in the West, towards the pseudo-masculine form, is grossly abusive, yet it is clearly what the gender-crit movement exists to do.




For Sex Atypical individuals to live  a sex-conforming role is torture. They are NEVER ‘happy gay or lesbian’ people, even if they claim this. We need to torpedo that myth. What they will be is ‘miserable, failed Transsexuals’. This is because if a Sex Atypical boy has not transitioned by the age of around 23, the masculinisation process will have advanced to the point where it becomes almost impossible for her to pass successfully as a woman. Such a delay will almost certainly require extensive surgery to counteract the effects of testosterone — surgery that would have been quite unnecessary had she begun hormone therapy earlier.

Delaying her completion as long as possible is a tool in the anti-trans armoury; a way to deny her what she really desires until it is too late for her to achieve it. And until recently, this was very successful in the West. As soon as progress began to be made, the gender-crit movement began to push back.


Zucker and Bailey

I consider Dr Ken Zucker to be a well-meaning man  and I am very uncomfortable with the manner of his defenestration; but examining his language in many interviews suggests he supports conversion therapy. What else does ‘get rid of the barbies’ mean? This has made him an unlikely darling of the gender-crit movement.

Similarly Dr JM Bailey, another for whom I have great respect, advises that Sex Atypical children should be ‘gently but firmly’ persuaded to accept the gender normally conforming to their sex. This opens the door, again, to extreme forms of psychological conditioning.

Bailey claims to agree with Zucker in that ‘it is a better outcome to be “gay” or lesbian’ than to be Transsexual, when there is no evidence to support this claim. The usual argument is that it would ‘avoid a lifetime of surgery and hormones.’ But this is at best illusory.Sex Non-Conforming

Sex Atypical children who persist will be Homosexual. Boys will desire men, exclusively, and to be receptive in sex, almost exclusively. This means that, for the majority, they will never use their genitalia in the way that the rest of us do. They rarely seek to penetrate and only to be penetrated, using the anus.

Sex Atypical boys who persist rarely have the kind of body dysmorphia that makes Autogynephilic transvestites hate their genitalia. While some estimates in the USA suggest that up to 70% of such boys do undergo Genital Reconstruction Surgery, these are at best guesses. They do not take into account those who self-medicate, for instance. In global terms, very few HSTS elect to have this surgery. Numbers are certainly under 5%. Why? They live in cultures that accepts that they can have penises.

Sex Atypical boys are not taken seriously

In the West, Sex Atypical boys are not taken seriously as Transsexual, unless they agree to move towards unnecessary surgery. So what is happening is being caused by the medical profession — members of which then talk about the ‘lifetime of surgeries’ which are the result of their own prejudices!

Sex Non-Conforming


The other argument concerns hormones, but we all face a lifetime on hormones, otherwise we’d be dead. Feminising hormones for males aim to produce in the body the same hormone levels as would be found in a natal female. Once stabilised, disease risk levels approximate those for the target sex.


Not a ‘better outcome’ for Sex Atypical Boys

Once these two issues are considered, it should be clear that the ‘better outcome’ argument is a red herring. The real better outcome would be to help the people involved to live their lives as they desire to. But this is not the aim of the gender-crit movement. Instead they seek to determine how others should be allowed to live.

Oh come on. Her, or Peter Tatchell?

But what about the LGB?

New Gay Man culture developed in the 1960s in the USA and is now the most prevalent expression of pseudo-mmasculine male homosexuality there. Every Sex Atypical male child who persists and becomes a True Transsexual deprives it of a new member.

The central planks of this culture are the suppression of femininity amongst Homosexual males and the ‘egalitarian’ sharing of sexual roles. Prior to 1960 or thereabouts, only the receptive partner in a sexual relationship between two males was considered to be a Homosexual. Reading the highly entertaining work of Quentin Crisp makes it clear that his experience — and that of his friends — was of playing the female role in sex, with masculine men. Not once, in any of his writings, does Crisp discuss having sex with other feminine Homosexuals, because it never happened. Why? Because he and others like him would have considered such a relationship to be lesbian in nature.

Sex Non-Conforming

The New Gay Man, who arrived in 1969, changed all that. Now, all relationships between males were ‘gay’ no matter the role played. But this immediately shut the door to large numbers of potential partners, especially when activists like Peter Tatchell began ‘outing’ them for their dalliances with cute Sex Atypical boys. This meant that New Gay Man culture became a closed shop in which one was expected to play both sexual roles.

In the club scene of the 1980s, for example, the specific role being played by a Homosexual  on a given night might be displayed by signs like which sleeve of his t-shirt his cigarette packet was rolled into or which pocket of his jeans had a handkerchief showing. The idea was to ‘hide in plain sight’, to appear to be no different from heterosexual males, but to be able to enjoy the desired form of sex.

Sex Non-ConformingPurgatory

Playing out this act is a Purgatory for feminine Homosexual males, but for over five decades they had to bite their tongues. In New Gay Man culture they had to suppress their femininity and share sexual roles.

Within this community, feminine males are routinely bullied and reviled for being ‘too feminine’ — something they can’t help at all. You cannot successfully condition such a person to be ‘happy in her own skin’, if by that you mean, to be happy in a conforming role. All you make are bitter, resentful and deeply sad adults who feel betrayed by everyone. My mailbox has many messages from people to whom this has happened and their stories are heartbreaking. It is this that the blanket gender-crit political mantra facilitates: miserable, sad people, betrayed by their parents and the society around them.


On the other hand, if Sex Atypical boys are true to themselves and complete as women, they are reviled as traitors to the New Gay Man’s political cause. By becoming convincing women, they remove themselves from the supply of young meat that New Gay Man culture requires to survive. No HSTS would date a gay man and no gay man would date a Transsexual; but, in addition, New Gay Man culture is defined by reciprocity: in a closed community defined by how sex is performed, he who is penetrated tonight must return the favour tomorrow. That is just never going to fly with HSTS.


True Transsexuals are interested in having sex with real men, not pseudo-masculine gay ‘men’. They want to be sexually taken, as women. That is why they pursue the ideal of feminine beauty in the way that they do. The objective for them is not to ‘pass’ as a woman — they can do that without effort — but to be more beautiful than the competition. The female competition, that is. A girl like this is doing exactly what most of the other young women her age are doing — enhancing their sexual attractiveness to men.

The meat-grinder

Over those five decades from 1969 a small number of Sex Non-Conforming boys, the most passable, the most determined, those with the most supportive parents, escaped the meat-grinder of New Gay Man culture and instantly vanished, with few exceptions. They moved to new towns, changed their names, broke off all contact with former friends and family; this is called ‘woodworking’.

No-one in their new circle knows the truth and they spend their lives making sure nobody ever finds out. The chance observation of someone from their former lives will send them into a tailspin: ‘What if he clocked me?’ And the HSTS will redouble her efforts to remain hidden. This is actually a major impetus towards genital surgery for such individuals, for they fear what might happen if they needed emergency treatment and their sexual status were to be involuntarily disclosed.

That is how it was, for all those years. Sex Atypical boys either had to suppress their own natures or accept that they had to lose everything — parents, home, friends — and live in the constant terror that if they were ever recognised, their new life could be destroyed and they might lose that too. They could never, ever turn to the New Gay Man culture for support, since to that culture they were traitors, betraying everything that ‘gays’ had built up since the 1960s. That is why Jim Fouratt, the New-York based ‘gay’ activist, made his famous outburst that transsexuals were ‘Crazy queens will destroy the way we live our lives!’ He was right; by refusing the  ideology of the New Gay Man culture, and by seeking real men and refusing ‘gay’ partners, True Transsexuals drove a coach and horses through the house of cards that is ‘Queer Theory’.

Sex Non-ConformingA truism

Here is a truism: the more Sex Atypical boys see other boys, just like them but a little older, successfully completing, the more will follow. This is the reason we see ‘gay’ activists in the gender-crit movement.

We are going to see a re-alignment, bringing the West into step with other parts of the world, like Southeast Asia or South America, where transfems are so commonplace that nobody bats an eyelid. Where they are proud to be trans and are not afraid of what others might think, and where they do not accept that they are in some way inferior to pseudo-masculine ‘gays;’ after all, what is one of those, other than a Transsexual who failed to make the cut?

This is happening in the West right now and it will mean a reduction in pseudo-masculine ‘gay’ expressions, because, as far as we know, there is a finite number of male Homosexuals in any population and one can’t be both. Why would that bother anyone? Well, it clearly bothers the New Gay Man, who has entrenched himself in the corridors of power and seeks ever to further his cause.



Smartphones and Social Media

When you gave your kids smartphones and social media, you gave them the tools to develop networks that closely parallel the real-life support networks found elsewhere in the world. The kabaklaan culture of the Philippines, the kathoey culture of Thailand and the travesti culture of South America are examples of these, vibrant, alive and most of all, supportive. They serve as forums for the exchange of knowledge and ideas, techniques, ways to make money and more; in Brazil, they are even the bank. They nurture the Sex Atypical child through to adulthood and salve the injuries she will surely suffer; they give her hope and goals, targets to achieve, introductions, favour and everything else she needs. They are the broader communities within which  individuals find their real families.

This is going to happen, whether we like it or not, in the West. The only way to stop it now would be massively restrictive controls like strict age-barring on social media and smartphone use. Good luck getting that idea past Zuckerberg and his ilk. They want your kids hooked as young as possible, knowing they’ll be profitable revenue generators for the future.

My advice to professionals in this field is this: the days when you were gate-keepers are gone. The free market has changed the clinician/client relationship. You can no longer decide for people what is the ‘better outcome’. They will decide that for themselves and your role now is to assist them in making that decision. If you want to remain relevant, you need to understand this.

I condemn outright the ‘transing’ of pre-pubescent children and advise extreme caution and a ‘wait and see’ approach. But this should NOT mean ‘give us a few years for the quacks to condition the kids out of this nonsense’. It means genuine neutrality and respect, and an understanding that being Transsexual IS NOT a failure. It is a genuine acceptance of who and what that person really is, and should be celebrated.

The ‘gender-crit’ approach

Sex Non-Conforming

The blanket ‘gender-crit’ approach has many negative consequences. It impacts on research that might be able to establish a predictive set of diagnostic measures  and it condemns many genuine transsexuals to a life of misery. Few Sex Atypical boys in the West will complete after the age of 23; a great deal of effort is expended to lock them into a pseudo-masculine life-path long before this. To suggest that effort is always ‘in the person’s interest’ is at best disingenuous. These are just the most obvious effects of the ‘gender-crit’ policy.

The gender-crit movement is digging its heels in, determined to resist change. Yet they should remember that what was relevant in 1969 is not, today, and they are coming up against resistance from people they cannot claim to be ‘oppressors’ but whom, in fact, they have been oppressing, blatantly, for decades. We are heading towards an older model in which girly boys become women, at least superficially, to attract straight men. The whole New Gay Man/LGB chapter might simply be an embarrassing deviation whose time came and went; I doubt if it would be missed.

Meantime, Sex Atypical boys are unquestionably one of the most severely marginalised groups in Western society, today as always. It’s about time people started speaking up for them, rather than trying to maintain a social status quo which is, in any case, utterly doomed.



2 Replies to “Sex Atypical Boys”

  1. Double edged sword.
    Yes there should be watchful waiting, but by the time a child who has been GNC since 5 or 6 years old reaches 14-15 years old and still maintains they are transsexual it is time to bite the bullet and help the kid transition (never before puberty though).
    Problem is kids now know that HRT and blockers are out there, how do you put that particular genie back in its bottle?

    There has always been this preference for LG lifestyles rather than trans both by the LG and Hetero lobies. When I transitioned 30 + years ago my parents had been content to accept me as a gay boy but went off he deep end the moment I told them I was going to transition. The trope that parents are trans-ing their kids because they homophobic is BS!

    1. Hi Amanda I could not agree more. It should be obvious that after many years of persistence, the GNC is not going away and it’s time to consider transition. Irreversible surgery should never happen before age of majority, but by the time a child is 14 or 15, and, as you say, has shown persistent GNC together with Gender Dysphoria, showing a desire, that is, to change their physical appearance, not just their dress or manner, then it is right that HRT should begin.

      The LG lobby has shown itself to be thoroughly nasty in its treatment of HSTS for decades and it’s high time it was firmly challenged. IT is NOT a failure to be HSTS, it is a successful expression of a person’s true nature. The whole New Gay Man + modern lesbian school is based in homophobia– that is, in a desire not to appear to be homosexual! How more homophobic can you get? But these people are today a part of the establishment.

      A backlash has, I fear, begun, fuelled by the LG movement but also by the usual suspects, that aims to shut down HSTS transition for good. Sites like ‘4th Wave Now’ deny ANY legitimacy for transition, and simply ignore the science. We need to much more strongly challenge them, because all they are doing is using parental fears to harm children, for their own political purpose.

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