Sexual Inversion: identifying HSTS

hsts-identify-Sexual Invert

Originally posted 2020-11-02 15:40:45.

Identifying – or self-identifying – a genuinely pre-transsexual HSTS is relatively straightforward. But before we get to the symptoms, let’s look at the cause of all this. It is called Sexual Inversion. There are four basic parameters to consider in diagnosing this: Sex, Sexuality, Gender and Gender Dysphoria.

Sex, of course, is the product of our chromosomes; everyone is either male (XY) or female (XX), apart from a small number who have chromosomal variations, who are usually called ‘intersex’ – but here too, their condition is defined by their chromosomes. Sex can never be changed.

Sexuality describes our basic sexual impulse. We either have male sexuality or female sexuality. Male is sometimes called Active and is the desire to penetrate and female is Passive or the desire to be penetrated. In most people these are aligned but in a small percentage of individuals this is not so. This results in males with female sexuality and females with male sexuality. This is Congenital Sexual Inversion. This is a physiological condition and so forms an aetiology or scale of variation.

books by rod fleming

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Homosexual Transsexual vs Autogynephilic males

Originally posted 2017-08-29 18:01:06.

By Guest author

Much has made about the differences between autogynephilic transvestites (AGP) and homosexual transsexuals (HSTS). However, most of this work remains largely clinical and as such, it fails to connect to the sympathies of the public. An exception to this of course being J. Michael Bailey’s The Man who would be Queen, an almost pop-science interpretation of the data on transsexualism. Even this, despite being a nice read, is written from the perspective of a researcher. What I am getting at, if not already obvious, is that not much is written from the perspective of Homosexual Transsexual women.

I am a Homosexual Transsexual woman, and was invited by Rod to write a piece or two based on my experiences. I don’t usually get to share these with other people, and I thought this a good opportunity. I won’t get into much about my childhood — after you’ve heard a couple of Homosexual Transsexual’s childhood remembrances, you’ve pretty much heard them all — but I will give some basics.


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Sex and HSTS: by Guest Author Amanda Grimes

Originally posted 2017-09-06 20:20:29.

I am an MtF Homosexual Transsexual (HSTS), who, having socially transitioned just after my 23rd birthday, some 30 years ago, underwent Sex Reassignment Surgery at age 25; this is how I see the issue. I will attempt to be as candid as possible about what is honestly a deeply personal and private part of my life.

I am doing so because there are a great deal of myths and misunderstandings surrounding the topic of sex with transsexuals and what they do or do not enjoy and or what they do or will not do during sex and about the men who have sex with them. This article is written from my own perspective based upon my own experiences and in addition recounting what I have been told by other HSTS whom I have known personally.


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Sex Atypical Boys

Originally posted 2018-04-27 09:52:47.

Nearly all Sex Atypical boys, if they persist, will become adult Homosexual transsexuals (HSTS) or pseudo-masculine Homosexuals.  These are exclusively attracted to masculine men. This has been established beyond doubt and one would have thought that, in our enlightened era, we would be happy to go along with this. But a movement has coalesced that aims to challenge this: the ‘gender critical’ movement.

Characteristics of Sex Atypical boys

The obvious clustering of physical and behavioural characteristics around childhood Sex Atypical boys, makes it clear that these individuals are naturally shifted towards opposite-sex norms. In other words, people who are Sex Atypical in childhood are naturally so.

Which type they will develop into, the True Transsexual or HSTS, or the pseudo-masculine gay, cannot be predicted in childhood. To attempt to condition them towards one or the other — almost exclusively, in the West, towards the pseudo-masculine form, is grossly abusive, yet it is clearly what the gender-crit movement exists to do.



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