Originally posted 2023-03-01 16:56:50.
Okay, so the Four Horsemen of the Gaypocalypse is tongue-in-cheek. But for too long we have been fed real whoppers by the New Gay Man apologists and activists. The first of these is that ‘gay’ and ‘homosexual’ mean the same thing. They don’t at all, and this curious conflation — of four horsemen into one — has been extremely useful for those New Gay Man and ‘Queer’ activists, and thoroughly bad news for the actual Homosexuals. It is in fact almost impossible to understand alternative male sexuality while believing that the four horsemen are one.
So who are these Four Horsemen of the Gaypocalypse and what is their purpose?
Let’s do that one at a time. The first of the four horsemen is
The Homosexual.

Homosexuals are Sexual Inverts, that is, they were subject to anomalies in hormone deliveries in early development. In males this tends to produce feminisation across a range of characteristics. They tend to be small, lightly built and fine-boned. If they are tall, they will be very slender; waif-like. They may have female-typical digit ratios. Their voices will be naturally soft and often higher-pitched than other males. They tend to neoteny or ‘baby-face’ and can often be ethereally beautiful, especially as children.
In play, they are markedly ‘unboyish’ and hate rough-and-tumble. They dislike contact sports and may prefer sports like tennis or volleyball, though in both their slight build will be a disadvantage. They will prefer to play with girls rather than boys and might enjoy skipping and similar playground games. Although in their early years they may be confused, they naturally self-identify as girls.

These factors become obvious in early childhood, typically by age four but often play preferences can be observed before that. During mid-childhood they may begin having romantic crushes, as other children do. These crushes will invariably be on older boys or men. As as they hit puberty these will become more focussed erotic desires and fantasies which will centre on them being sexually taken by big, powerful, masculine men.
Noteworthy is that these fantasies and desires will never be on others like themselves, at least in cultures where such ideas are not forced upon them. They will always be on masculine men.

Crucially, the consensus today is that Sexual Inversion or if you prefer ‘innate Homosexuality’ is indeed innate, caused by in utero factors. In other words, it is not just a set of learned behaviours. This consensus has been accepted for over a hundred years now and new supporting evidence is regularly published.
Something very similar to the inverse of all of this occurs in females, but it is more complicated than in males.
Over 80% of children who display these childhood characteristics will be either Homosexual or Transsexual. Because this is a conventional scale of variation, the most severely affected boys are the most likely to complete as girls, the inverse in females. However, the surrounding culture is important such that a boy who would complete as soon as possible in tolerant cultures, may persist in performing as a ‘gay man’ in less tolerant ones. Effectively what happens is that the more intolerant the culture is, the more ‘passing’ the individual has to be, otherwise she may not complete.

Fleming’s Axiom
This states that ‘An individual with Gender Dysphoria will transition or complete if he or she thinks the benefits of doing so will outweigh the social disadvantages.’ Put bluntly, the stronger the Gender Dysphoria, the more pressure there is for a Homosexual to complete as a girl; but the stronger the cultural transphobia, the more pressure is on her to appear less feminine. In effect, that means she will only do it if she thinks she’ll ‘pass.’
Pederasts; the second of the four horsemen

Now, while the profile above is often taken, especially by those outside the gay cult lifestyle, to define everyone in it, this is wrong. A huge number of Western ‘gays’ are not homosexual at all; they have none of the characteristics described above. Although the relative numbers remain obscure, one of the most significant groups are pederasts.
The first thing to grasp is that while Homosexuality is innate and caused by circumstances in utero, pederasty is not, or at least not in the same way. It may rather be environmental and so some understanding of how it comes about is useful.

Pederasty is acquired and cyclical. I have written a number of articles on this .
To recap, in pederasty, a young male, typically twelve or older, is taken sexually by an older, more experienced boy or a man. He is pedicated, that is, anally penetrated. In Ancient Greece and Japan as well as elsewhere, this would occur within a stable, socially sanctioned relationship. The partners in these were always of the same social class and the older male had to treat the younger with respect. In these cultures, anal sex between males was common anyway and carried no opprobrium

In the modern West, however, the pederastic model is much more like the Roman, where the younger males were usually slaves. Here, young boys are groomed by older males who buy them alcohol, food, clothes and so on, and then seduce them into anal relations. The boys will typically be passed around a group of older men, for their sexual pleasure, until finally they become too old. Usually this is when they begin to grow a beard, although there is, incredibly, debate as to whether the development of ‘beard fuzz’ or an actual beard is the point at which they change. Indeed some pederasts prefer boys who do have ‘beard-fuzz.’ This may have to do with the dominance aspect of pederasty, in that sexually dominating an older youth implies greater power.
At this point, when he becomes redundant as a sex toy, the young male has a choice: he may either leave the ‘gay’ lifestyle and try to rebuild his reputation and his relationships with his friends and parents, which have probably been seriously damaged. This may be difficult. Establishing himself as a ‘straight’ man, which he needs to do to have any chance of a relationship with a woman, will be fraught, because his past will keep coming up and ‘once a gay, always a gay.’
Alternatively, if she is actually homosexual and has not left it too late, she might still be able to cut her losses by completing as a girl. But this course can be tricky for such individuals unless they are in a supportive culture, such as those found outside the West.

On the other hand and sadly this is more common in the West, he might ‘turn top,’ that is, become a pederast himself and start preying on younger males. This usually occurs between the ages of twenty and twenty-three.
Because pederasts are not Sexually Inverted, they may show no obvious variation from the norms for other males in their ethnicity. They can appear and may well be, masculine, sporty, perhaps tough, certainly not effeminate and so on, although they might be somewhat more dandified than other men. Most will have to unlearn the feminine attributes that had learned when they were younger and being used as girls by pederasts.
This group is enormously influential and yet hardly known, because of the conflation of the types in the ‘gay’ lifestyle. But many ‘gay’ activists are actually pederasts.
Pederasts always remain drawn to the youthful ideal — usually the reflection of themselves when they first were pedicated, so this is an auto-erotic condition.
These are two of the four horsemen of the Gaypocalypse. What about bisexuals?
There are two different forms of bisexual found in the ‘gay’ lifestyle. The first is related to Homosexuals and Transsexuals. These have the same underlying condition, Sexual Inversion. It’s generally accepted that transsexuals are just further along the scale. But what if there were people less far along it? Might they appear a little less strongly feminised and be a little less uniquely attracted to masculine men?
That does indeed match observation, certainly in Southeast Asia. There is a whole subgroup called, funnily enough, bisexuals, who will have sex with masculine men, each other and even, though rarely, women. Most importantly, they will both penetrate and be penetrated. That is they behave in conformity with male sex sometimes and with female sex at others. So they are ‘bisexual’ in the sense of performing two sexual roles. Note that these are not attracted to femininity and are not masculine. They may perform an attenuated femininity which allows them to swap sexual roles without compromising their gender, since their performance is ambivalent. In the West they might be called switchers. Since this is actually standard behavioural etiquette in the Western New Gay Model, most ‘gays’ there are de facto bisexual.
Asian bisexuals are less commonly attracted to femininity and generally will not pursue females. This is a significant variation from Western theory, which is inaccurately based on an ‘attraction’ model. Generally they pursue men but will ‘hook up’ with other bisexuals to get some sex. In cases I’ve known where two such bisexuals formed a more permanent relationship, one has become markedly more feminine and the other more masculine. Like abhors like in Asia.
However, this is not the only type of bisexual in the ‘gay’ lifestyle. Another is actually a form of Autogynephilia, which, remember is ‘a man’s propensity to be aroused at the thought or image of himself as a woman.’ But these Autogynephiles are rarely transvestic and get their kicks from having ‘sex as a woman’ — that is, by being penetrated.
There is evidence that, certainly in the USA, these men pick very young boys to be their sexual partners, that is, to penetrate them, even paying for it. This seems to be a way for them to overcome their natural revulsion towards masculine male bodies.
In the Philippines, they form a group called the silahis which means ‘the blade that cuts both ways.’ These are often married men, fathers with careers and so they may be extremely secretive about their sexuality. They seem to seek out markedly younger men to penetrate them and again, payment may be necessary. These younger men are known as ‘call-boys’ and can make a living out of this.

There is at least one more identifiable group that circulates in the ‘gay’ lifestyle. These are the last of the four horsemen. They are basically sexual adventurers who seek to penetrate other males either because they enjoy the particular sensations or just because it is easier to get males to have sex with them than females.

This appears to be a ubiquitous truth: it is not difficult to get sex with a Homosexual. As the worthy David Bonnie said, of Thai ladyboys, ‘If we’re honest, they’re just a lot easier.’ Strictly this is Situational Homosexuality; these men will usually pursue sex with females if that is available, although many may come to prefer the caresses of feminine males, who are often both beautiful and highly skilled in this area. There have been many such, for example the aforementioned David Bonnie. Perhaps the most famous was the legendary Sir Richard Burton.
Their behaviour might be because of the social circumstances: when women are not available, men may pursue feminine males. There is plenty of evidence to support this. There are many reasons why a man might do so, other than scarcity, however. For example, most men of experience know that getting sex within the ‘gay’ lifestyle is relatively easy, especially for one prepared to penetrate. As Michael Bailey quoted of Chicago’s ‘gay’ area, the bars there were full of ‘A hundred bottoms looking for a top.’ Clearly a man prepared to do the honours would have no trouble finding sexual relief there. On the other hand, dating females is expensive, does not have a guaranteed result and is fraught with risks, of accusations of impropriety and worse; and these issues have only been exacerbated over recent years.
Perhaps we should just call this ‘normal male behaviour’, as long as the man is penetrating. After all, one cul is much like another, n’est ce pas? Interestingly, these men may prefer encounters where the lights are out and to penetrate from behind, where their partners remain more anonymous. Again, they may perform as call-boys, as they are known in Asia, which is to say they demand money from the Homosexuals they penetrate. This is common in the Philippines.
Unfortunately, these men can be incredibly damaging to Homosexuals, the first of our classes, because as regular heterosexual, masculine men, they are the primary Erotic Target of all Homosexuals and Transsexuals. It’s very easy for one to fall heavily for a man like this, without understanding that where she sees love and a potential ‘lifetime partner,’ he sees some sex and sayonara, baby.