Sex Atypical Boys

Nearly all Sex Atypical boys, if they persist, will become adult Homosexual transsexuals (HSTS) or pseudo-masculine Homosexuals.  These are exclusively attracted to masculine men. This has been established beyond doubt and one would have thought that, in our enlightened era, we would be happy to go along with this. But a movement has coalesced that aims to challenge this: the 'gender critical' movement. Characteristics of Sex Atypical boys The obvious clustering of physical and behavioural characteristics around childhood Sex Atypical boys, makes it clear that these individuals are naturally shifted towards opposite-sex norms. In other words, people who are Sex Atypical in childhood are naturally so. Which type they will develop into, the True Transsexual or HSTS, or the pseudo-masculine gay, cannot be predicted in childhood. To attempt to condition them towards one or the other -- almost exclusively, in the West, towards the pseudo-masculine form, is grossly abusive, yet it is c
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2 Replies to “Sex Atypical Boys”

  1. Double edged sword.
    Yes there should be watchful waiting, but by the time a child who has been GNC since 5 or 6 years old reaches 14-15 years old and still maintains they are transsexual it is time to bite the bullet and help the kid transition (never before puberty though).
    Problem is kids now know that HRT and blockers are out there, how do you put that particular genie back in its bottle?

    There has always been this preference for LG lifestyles rather than trans both by the LG and Hetero lobies. When I transitioned 30 + years ago my parents had been content to accept me as a gay boy but went off he deep end the moment I told them I was going to transition. The trope that parents are trans-ing their kids because they homophobic is BS!

    1. Hi Amanda I could not agree more. It should be obvious that after many years of persistence, the GNC is not going away and it’s time to consider transition. Irreversible surgery should never happen before age of majority, but by the time a child is 14 or 15, and, as you say, has shown persistent GNC together with Gender Dysphoria, showing a desire, that is, to change their physical appearance, not just their dress or manner, then it is right that HRT should begin.

      The LG lobby has shown itself to be thoroughly nasty in its treatment of HSTS for decades and it’s high time it was firmly challenged. IT is NOT a failure to be HSTS, it is a successful expression of a person’s true nature. The whole New Gay Man + modern lesbian school is based in homophobia– that is, in a desire not to appear to be homosexual! How more homophobic can you get? But these people are today a part of the establishment.

      A backlash has, I fear, begun, fuelled by the LG movement but also by the usual suspects, that aims to shut down HSTS transition for good. Sites like ‘4th Wave Now’ deny ANY legitimacy for transition, and simply ignore the science. We need to much more strongly challenge them, because all they are doing is using parental fears to harm children, for their own political purpose.

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