Ladyboys, Binibaes, Incels and Trannymaxxers

In the Anglo-West, we have been bamboozled by what amounts to a pile of nonsense about sex, sexuality and gender, often known as 'Queer Theory'. This takes most of its foundation from that most rancid and poisonous modern ideology, feminism. Now it's not that I don't like women; I do, very much. Great when they have their legs on your shoulders. But most feminists are man-hating lesbians and make no sense. What is okay for one sex is not for the other, it would appear. After all, if it's all right for an angry land-whale like Andrea Dworkin (late and unlamented) to call for all men to be raped, why is it not all right to call for all women to be raped? No sane man would advocate this, least of all today, but it illustrates the double-standard at the heart of this toxic ideology. Men never 'oppressed' women, in fact the very opposite. But women constantly make demands of men and if men are unwilling or unable to satisfy these, feminists call it 'oppression'.  
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