Originally posted 2021-12-31 14:06:37.
Christianity has pagan origins. This has been known for hundreds of years and is easily proven.
The pagan origins of Christianity and for that matter Judaism and even Islam have fascinated me for many years.
What does ‘pagan’ mean?
The term pagan comes from ‘paganes’, a Latin word meaning country person, or in other words, not a city sophisticate. It was coined by the Romans and curiously, later became attached to the principal Graeco-Roman cults, of the Olympian gods and goddesses, as well as others.
The irony is that Christianity itself has pagan origins and we’ll be discussing them. This video is a basic taster but there will be many more.
The origins of Christianity lie far back in time, even before civilisation first appeared in Mesopotamia in the fourth millennium BC. Naturally, our first recordings are from after that, because previous cultures did not write and so their mythologies were oral traditions. But the earliest religious mythology can be traced forward to Jesus, directly.
The story of how we evolved what became the most successful religion ever, still dominant today, is fascinating. Christianity is fundamental to Western culture and remains powerful within it. That culture has been responsible for the greatest triumphs of humanity in the sciences, the arts, philosophy and economics. No other culture has even come close.
In an era where this culture, the most successful we have ever invented, is under constant attack, we should re-examine its roots. When we do we will find a great. all encompassing universality.
The fact that Christianity has pagan origins should neither come as a surprise nor should it be seen as a challenge to either Christianity or the cultures informed by it. While they might not be perfect, these cultures, which originated in Europe and were developed by European men, remain the most seminal and power ever to have existed; and at their heart is the Goddess, she who both gives and takes life and who begat Jesus Christ himself.
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