Originally posted 2016-02-24 06:24:15.
Autogynephilia was defined by Dr Ray Blanchard. His studies focussed on patients born male who desired Genital Reconstruction Surgery (GRS) to change their male genitalia into cosmetic facsimiles of female ones.
Blanchard’s work is the definitive basis of the science on the subject of Male-to-Feminine (MtF) transition desire.

He defined, in the first place, a group he called ‘Homosexual Transsexual’ (HSTS). The most important factors that link the individuals together is that they are uniquely sexually attracted to men, in exactly the same way as women are, and that they are remarkably feminine in manners, comportment and appearance. Their parents and siblings would have noticed from an early age that they were ‘like girls’.
Today, the consensus is that these individuals were subject to in-utero anomalies in hormone delivery. This has been supported by digit ratio studies, neurology and more. These anomalies cause a phenomenon best expressed as Sexual Inversion, in which the subject is psychologically, sexually and morphologically more similar to norms for the opposite sex.
Classic HSTS

Perhaps more importantly, however, Blanchard considered another group that was presenting in significant numbers. This group had long puzzled researchers. The people in it were older. They were not in any way feminine or effeminate and they had extreme difficulty ‘passing’ as women. They were overwhelmingly white, with middle-class, professional backgrounds who had been successful in their careers. In addition, they were nearly always married and usually had children. Frequently these last were at the point of becoming independent, when the subject ‘came out’.
They were rarely different from other related males in their physical characteristics. Most importantly, however, these individuals were never attracted to men, at least prior to transition.

This dichotomy had been observed before, since the time of Magnus Hirschfeld, but nobody had been able to explain what was going on. Blanchard HSTS, the Sexual Inverts, were easy to understand: they are socially, sexually, romantically and behaviourally women. It really is that simple. They may not be women in a biological sense but in every other way, that is what they are.
The second group was not like that and their profile was more difficult to describe. These individuals were sexually, socially, romantically and behaviourally men as well as being biological males. They could not have been more different from the HSTS profile. Blanchard argued that the root cause of their condition must reside in their male sexuality, since they clearly could not have a female one.
This observation, backed up by statistical surveys and questionnaires, led Blanchard to discover that the most important factor in this second group was their attraction to themselves, as women. This allowed him to formulate a testable hypothesis:
‘Autogynephilia is a man’s propensity to be attracted to himself, as a woman.’

Fundamentally, this remains unchallenged science. However, other researchers have highlighted differences in the profiles of the AGPs they studied, from the Blanchard model. This probably means that there is significant cultural influence on the basic condition.
Looking at the situation in Asia, where most AGPs present with markedly different profiles from the West, tends to confirm this. So while the attraction of the subject to the idea of being a woman remains the underlying motivation, the precise manner in which this may be satisfied is varied.
Most people, including HSTS, are attracted to personalities outside the self: other people. AGPs are different: their primary objects of sexual attraction are themselves, but as women. Blanchard called this misdirection of sexual attraction an ‘Erotic Target Location Error’ or ETLE.
In the West, many men with this condition remain secret fetishistic cross dressers all their lives. Their visibility is directly related to social factors: the less acceptable it is for a man to wear women’s clothing, the more likely that they will keep their behaviour a secret. A great many go to their graves without their wives or children ever knowing the truth.
Autogynephilia in Childhood.
Psychologically, the development of the condition follows a defined path. Usually, either at or at some time after puberty, the subject becomes sexually aroused by the thought of himself in women’s clothing or, more rarely, just by conceiving of himself, in fantasy, as a woman.
Increasingly, however, evidence is appearing that some people experience autogynephilic episodes in childhood, before puberty. What may be happening is that the subject is having early crushes on the idea of being a woman.
This appears to be consistent with the way that people with other orientations show early crushes on the target that will become their adult sexual desire. This suggests that autogynephilia is a distinct orientation which may sit alongside a more conventional one.
Sexual reward.
Although many AGPs masturbate while dressed as women, not all do. However, Blanchard was able to show that there were other activities which, while not specifically sexual, could still provide sexual reward. .
Ask yourself this, if you are a heterosexual man: would putting on lingerie and stockings make you feel sexy? Would wearing lip-gloss and eye-liner get you hot and bothered? What about a pair of hot pants or a push-up bra? A nice new hair-do and a manicure? Knitting?
If you are a heterosexual woman, ask yourself: would wearing a three-piece suit make you feel sexy? What about some nice brogues? Or growing a beard?

These feelings are sexual rewards, even though they are not sexual acts. And this is the basis of autogynephilia. It is an orientation in which appearing to be or feeling as if one is a woman provides a range of sexual reward.
Because sexual reward is so powerful a confirming agent for behaviour, this practise leads to an intensification of the condition. Sexual reward, after all, is the basis of human bonding. However the bond being formed here is not between two separate individuals, but within the mind of a single, male individual.
Second Personality.
This means that a second personality must be created by the subject, to fall in love with. Typically this appears soon after the onset of the condition.
This second personality grows within the mind of the subject. It was created as an object of desire and has been nourished through rewarding behaviour, often for decades. It may become so powerful that it overwhelms the male personality that invented it. At this point the subject becomes intensely uncomfortable with being a man and feels a need to transition.

In the West this typically happens in in middle age; it was overwhelmingly the case when Blanchard was researching autogynephilia. The results can be catastrophic. The wife of such an individual may be told she must ‘become a lesbian’ by the man she married. However he is no longer the man she married but a secret personality he has been developing for decades. The man she married is effectively dead, his personality swamped.
The classic, late-transitioning Western AGP remains a man in every sense except that of appearance. His attraction to women remains exactly the same as a hetero-normative male’s.
Two other forms.
This ‘classic’ profile accounts for some 60% or more of AGPs. However, Blanchard identified two other sexual profiles.
The first he termed ‘analloerotic’. Sometimes these individuals are misrepresented as ‘asexual;’ but this is simplistic. Analloerotics are unable to derive sexual pleasure from their genitalia. Instead they get it from things like using women’s toilets, ‘dressing parties’, which are frequently advertised in the media targeting AGPs; and from knitting and other stereotypically ‘women’s’ roles. Here the reward that feeds the autogynephilia is social acceptance as women — or a plausible veneer of it, at least.
The other group of AGPs identified by Blanchard he called ‘pseudo-bisexual’. Like the others, prior to transition, these men have no sexual interest in other men. However, once they begin hormone therapy and begin to feminise, these individuals explore being women in a more challenging environment. For them, going out in public dressed in women’s clothes is not enough. They need to be sexually desired by men.
This is an extension of their autogynephilia, in which the person they have created must be taken, not just socially but also sexually, as a woman. The individuals in this group may elect to have GRS, but not always. There is a significant number of sex workers who conform to this type. Many of their male clients are also AGP .
Competition reward.
Another path that AGPs may follow to assuage their condition is through competition against natal women. Mianne Bagger, for example was the first transwoman golfer. More concerning was Fallon Fox, who became an MMA fighter after transitioning. Today, AGPs competing in women’s sports has become a legitimate cause for concern and threatens the viability of those sports.
These satisfy the autogynephilia through the fantasy of being ‘accepted’ as women — though quite how using a man’s physique to beat the pulp out of natal women can be tolerated is unimaginable; well, if you’re not persuaded by the Post-Modernist bunk of ‘Identity Politics’.
A more civilised form of competition — or at least one less likely to cause physical harm — is in beauty pageants and modelling. This is hugely popular across Asia and elsewhere and HSTS and AGP transsexuals compete with each other on all fours– and the AGPs often win.
Competing in the sex market.
Even more interestingly, perhaps, is a phenomenon seen in Italy and Spain. Both are well known destinations of South American travesti, or transsexual prostitutes. Many of these advertise through websites like Arcaton or Distintas, which categorise escorts as ‘travesti’ or ‘women’. Only a minority have GRS but if they do, they will immediately remove all trace of their former selves and re-appear, as women prostitutes. They then compete directly with women for male clientèle.
Such avenues are closed to the majority of Western AGPs because they transition so late. By the time they do, they are thoroughly masculinised physically; they can never hope to pass as women, far less compete with them in physical beauty. Furthermore, their youthful socialisation has given them no training in how to act like a woman, so not only do they look like men, they act like them.
However, in the decades since Blanchard defined Autogynephilia, much has changed. Even in the West, AGPs are presenting much younger and can be extremely attractive (if tall.)
The fact is that Autogynephilia is an enormously complicated and disparate phenomenon which science still has much to learn about. Nevertheless it is real and the stimulus for an unknown percentage, possibly a majority, of Male-to-Feminine transitions.
Hey Rod, if you have the opportunity, I would love for you to check out and perhaps educate some of the folks here:
You are the foremost expert on all trans issues that I know of:P (we met on Youtube!)
Thank you for this Rod – and thanks for sending ‘jack’ a clear message, that we are onto him.
The existence of autogynephilia is perfectly clear to thousands upon thousands of spousal witness to these mens sexual behaviours both before and after transition – its interesting that those women’s observations are ignored, since i believe they offer some interesting clues into the psychological and sexual aspects of autogynephilia… Anecdotally at least, its also clear that there is a connection between trans sexuality and pathological narcissism. (as well as lying)
Fantastic Article Rod. I REALLY enjoy your TG/TS Articles (only been reading them for the last 2 weeks), they really do cut out the Bullsh*t and CLEARLY and LOGICALLY explain things. I agree I think Ray Blanchard stated a real truth about the Transexual debate (Thats why the Gay and Trans Lobby hates him). I think the majority probably 60-65% of TS are AGPs the remaining are HSTS completely/mostly, I don;t know if you agree with that figure or it could be more.
This is what we need, an honest and open debate about TS Issue. I think there are Trillions of humans cells in the average human body, 100s of Hormones/Chemicals and Enzymes + Our DNA strands, I can imagine our sexuality is made up via a combination of these categories + environment/cultural influences to some degree. What we need is the truth and even the Gay and Trans Lobby to keep an OPEN MIND.
Before I settled down with my Genetic Female Wife**. I too dated/had relationships with Transexuals/TG. I have noticed that Western AGP’s tend to be (even the femme ones) very sexual in nature and many (not all) talk about their penis a lot, and to some degree like to f*ck you in the ass and are proud of their “big penis” (yikes)!
Also like you said in one of your articles many of these AGPs in the west and to some degree Asia, take a low level of female hormones after they have reached a degree of femininity. So many still have some masculinized features/traits and remain quite athletic/muscular and stronger than the average guy, I have run into a few of these previously. So I recommend guys be real careful with AGPs in the west and to a lesser degree Latin America/Asia. This happens much less in HSTS.
Meanwhile the HSTS are so feminine (I dated 2) – 1 Mixed Latina/Filipino and 1 European from Big City America, both were hot and femme. One thing I noticed though both were feminine and pretty much 99% female passable, however I noticed that the Latina/Filipino HSTS liked the “gender conforming stuff within relationships” like making me breakfast/lunch and dinner and getting things ready for me/doing my ironing/washing and me being in charge in the bedroom etc (I liked it LOL), the Big City American HSTS had some of these traits but came across as somewhat “Feminist and Assertive”. Therefore I think culture plays a very pivotal role as well. I believe Western HSTS from Conservative/Rural/Religious backgrounds are like this as well (meaning similar to Asian/Latina Trans, and more Tradition gender conformity).
**So why did I eventually marry a Genetic Women. I hit 30(ish) and I wanted a Family :o) I think many HSTS or even Feminine AGPs rarely store their sperm. If they did I may have married the Trans I was with, and Adoption just does not cut it for most guys (except celebrities)! So eventually we decided to break. Generally speaking do you find the vast majority of AGPs/HSTSs have short term relationships. I know even amongst guys they seldom take them home to “meet the folks” and rarely marry them. Why is this? have you done an article on this issue. I guess many.most Transexual (AGP/HSTS) remain single and have sex on the side/short term flings.
The sad thing in the West in the last 50 years, is “soft femininity” is looked down upon by Feminists and their Mangina Supporters, so many western (Big City) trans folks, mainly the APGs types, but to some degree the HSTS like the feminist “tough” look/acting assertively, this is much less in Asia, but as we Globalize lets hope this does not change.
I also think alot of the AGPs after the transition are still not happy (not sure about HSTS), apparently there is a stat where 40% revert back to their masculine gender. Maybe these AGPs need mental health first rather than going down the Transition route.
The only way we can separate the real trans from the fake trans is if we can have an honest and open debate about it. This cannot happen until “Identity Politics” gets destroyed, do you see within the foreseeable future Identity politics being buried? I am an American of Mixed Ancestry and I have to say I hate any form of Identity politics. What made America great is the Individual and Assimilation!
Hi Rick
Thank you so much for your insightful comments! I did not have time to reply till now. Essentially I agree with everything you say.
HSTS are fem to the max and it’s lovely. That is one of the things I like most about them. Living with an HSTS is like living with a really nice girl; living with an AGP is like sharing with a guy.
I don’t criticise your choice of longterm partner. Men have biological clocks and a need to have children too; the myth that this is something only women experience is yet another feminist lie. I actually advise HSTS that they should seek out an older man who has had children. This is not because I am an older man; there are plenty of hot HSTS interested in me already, but because such a man will really appreciate what an HSTS can give him, and, if he’s a decent guy, will look after her and make provision for her, for the time after his death. It is a great idea for an article and I will do one, thank you.
I agree 100% about Identity Politics, it is a curse. Liberty begins with the freedom of the individual, not the empowerment of the group over the individual.
Regards Rod
Thanks very much for your reply Rod.
Yes Identity Politics is nothing more than Cultural Marxism and tyranny (suppression of Individual Liberty and Freedom)!
Many of these things were pushed my the Progressives = COMMUNISTS/SOCIALISTS. The Commie label wold never have worked in the West (Esp. America) however our Sociopathic Elites changed the Name to “Progressives” – Progressives are are basically Communists.
Communists like low IQ/non-thinking populations to “take orders” rather than thinking for itself. In the End I think most of the major Metro Areas in the West will collapse via Civil Strife, this will form part of WW3, which I suspect will involve Islam to a large degree.
After the Cultural Marxists, Islam is the greatest threat to Western Civilization (as mentioned I am of Mixed Heritage, White and Latin American, with a bit of East Asian in me), however even many Non-Whites will agree the “West is the best”, there is no culture which offers its people and citizen the sorts of freedoms and liberty that the west does. Folks say oh how about “North East Asia” – Well NE Asia only became developed because the COPIED the west. However as one of the founders of the US stated Thomas Jefferson “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants” – This quote will be self evident in the coming decades. In the west we take our freedoms and liberties for granted. Also Cultural Marxists pushed the “Group” instead of the Individual.
I think the West needs a time out on large Scale Immigration (I believe it will happen, the Cultural Marxists are Sociopaths but not completely mad, they can see the dangers of open immigration + Islam), the US from 1.2 Million to about 250k and European Countries from about 100k to 200k to less than 40k-50k.
We also need to push the immigrants to Assimilate into Western Norms/Values/Culture (for the most part they do, however Islamic/Sub-Saharan and Some South Asians immigration the immigrants are “problamatic” and this mindset sadly gets pushed on their 2nd generation Western born children) and if they refuse start kicking them out (we must do this, they will eventually “submit” to western culture”) however because of Feminism this has reduced the power of the masculine this is why we have all this “sissy mantras” like Stronger together / Better together (cough…cough)!!
Even the Muslims know the West is at least somewhat Feminized. However like Nazi Germany I believe eventually trying to placate and coddle a barbaric regime/theocracy will ALWAYS fail, The West has the Overwhelming Technological Superiority to CRUSH Islam, however at the moment we just don’t have the “Will” to be brutal. Like 1683 when the Polish King saved Europe I can see Eastern Europe and Russia are closing it Borders and thus Europes to the Islamic Male Hordes! Islam will not win, but Like Nazism when folks warned them Early on to deal with Hitler and Nazi Germany (when they were weakened) they were shouted down by the Pacifists and the folks that scream “there will be peace in our time”! Thanks.
my bf is 42 years old, i am 22. he hasn’t had children. do you think his biological clock can still tick and he will not want me anymore. this is terrifying to me.
Gosh you brought a lump to my throat there. I sympathise so much with your concerns. All you can really do is to talk to your partner about this. Tell him about your worries. He is twice your age and while there’s nothing at all wrong with that, he has a duty of care towards you and should accept that he must support and protect you. So I think you need to sit down with him and tell him that you are frightened about this possibility and get him to set his cards on the table.
TBH by 42 most men are past the worst of the biological clock problem; it seems to hit hardest in the thirties. But if he’s a nice kind man, then he should not be upset by your concerns and should discuss them with you
Take care and good luck
Thanks for the reply, it’s definitely my biggest fear. He’s been my biggest, my only support system really through this. Without him I just don’t know what I’d do. I’ll have to bring it up with him, it won’t be easy but at least it can alleviate hopefully my fears. Honestly this is the hardest thing to go through, being shunned by my family, friends, none of it would compare. Perhaps this is part of the reason I’ve always been attracted to men 40 plus only, hopefully the risk is much smaller/
Thanks for the advice
He sounds like a good man. he should not think you are accusing him or mistrust him, just be really honest and explain your fear to him. Tell him how much you love him and how much he means to you, and that you couldn’t lose him Obviously you know his nature and I don’t but he’s a guy like me and I know that side. Just pick your moment.
I feel like theres a lot i understand about men being born male. but there is soooo much more i don’t quite know about heterosexual men so thanks for the insider advice lol. I’m having cosmetic surgery this upcoming week which is putting me at a vulnerable place, being at peace with that would be like a 500 lbs weight off my back.
Michelle, you’re exhibiting anxiety which is made worse by the fact that you are about to undergo surgery. So cuddle up to your man and tell him you are worried and that you love him, that you hope always to be enough for him; and come to your concerns about the children catty-corner like. I’m sure he’ll respond well
Take care.
this is scary to me, i am an hsts no doubt and have a boyfriend who is 42– I’m 21. from what ive seen he has no reservations about major public displays of affection, he’s attentive sweet and just a perfect gentleman. I definitley take on the traditional feminine gender role and love being and exploring my femininity. i’m scared though, i do want a long term relationship. my worst fear is what you said, men don’t see us as long term relationship material… it terrifies me to think my guy could leave me for a genetic girl. i wonder if that contributes to unhappiness in hsts girls.
btw i think the number of atg is more like 75 percent which sickens me honestly. they are not real transgender women, they dont experience dysphoria and they dont have female brains or attributes. if you go to trans boards the vast majority are older men who like women.
Michelle, that insecurity is likely to continue for a few years I’m afraid sweetie, it’s one of the things we have to live with. My advice, for what it’s worth is to, keep as much of the trans shit out of his way as you can. Keep the neuroses and jealousy to a minimum as this freaks guys out especially if they have done nothing to warrant it. Concentrate on just living life as his GF/wife, integrate yourself into his life (family/friends) wherever you can. If you are compatible with each other this shouldn’t be hard to do.
Great advice Amanda, I’m actually pretty certain he does not want kids at this point. Some guys and women just don’t have that desire. I’m just taking life as it comes. I’m sure is anything like that came up I think we care about each other enough he wouldn’t just leave me anyways. I don’t do any do that sjw crazy stuff with him lol, I’m in no way part of the lgbtqpsnrtuvxyz community. Being trans obviously is a big part of my life but not all or even the majority of who I am. I don’t like identity politics at all- it reduces people to single traits they have
@Michelle – Sorry for the delay in my reply I would speak to your bf/partner. 42 is still “young” these days he may want kids.
Have u stored your sperm. Young Trans that ask me I always recommend they store some. Other alternative is if u both want kids to adopt but it’s not the same as genetic kids.
Wish u the best.
Rod this following statement alone is beyond “liberating” for myself, explain better a Life time of wanting to be a Female-roled-male,totally femininized both psychologically and physically, and the “battle” of it, living in culture of the United States, and at puberty at age 13 (1975) becoming a another male’s girly-boyfriend , shamed to point, it thrust me into isolation,depression for many years……Thanks so much ,Michael