Is the New Gay Man a failed transsexual?

For many years now, the New Gay Man's promoters, speaking through activists from Jim Fouratt to Peter Tatchell, have claimed that HomoSexual TransSexuals (HSTS) are a form of ‘failed gay man’. But is this true? No. In fact, far from completed Sexual Inverts (homosexual transsexuals) being 'failures', all feminine homosexual males are transsexual but for various reasons some repress or deny this -- as demanded of them by the New Gay Man cult. Updated 19/12/2021 True Transsexuals vs the New GayMan In the first place, only HSTS are true transsexuals. They are congenitally Sexually Inverted and exhibit a consistent set of characteristics, different from the norms for males in their ethnicity. That makes them readily identifiable, at least to those familiar with their profile. Among these are, for males: tendency to be smaller than the average and lightly built for the
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One Reply to “Is the New Gay Man a failed transsexual?”

  1. As a HSTS who in my late teens fell victim to those pseudo conversion tactics but was lucky enough to to recognise and escape them early. I truly hope we never see a return to the acceptability of treating Young HSTS males with testosterone. It never worked as so many of us show clear androgen insensitivity.

    Young HSTS in the West, provided that they avoid trans and NGM culture can live happy fulfilling lives within wider society. While there appears to be more straight men willing to form relationships with HSTS now, it is just that, an appearance fostered by the digital age and social media. These men have always existed! The reality is that Straight men have always formed long term relationship bonds with HSTS but now some of these relationships are more visible as society has become more tolerant of GNC people.

    As for an end to the NGM culture, that is probably not going to happen but there is a definite contraction and change of that culture caused by the new trans movement (cult). Those men who seek to hunt sexually the young fem presenting males now, as a result of the new trans movement causing AGP’s to emerge earlier, have a fair supply of younger pseudo-homosexual AGP trans-women to hunt in a game where the prey is a willing up unsuspecting and unprepared participant.

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