LeNTAS: Let’s Not Talk About Sex


Originally posted 2020-05-06 14:57:22.

LeNTAS: Let’s Not Talk About Sex. That’s what ‘SOGIE’ really means. For those who have not heard of this utter nonsense, the initials SOGIE stand for ‘Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression’. It is an excrescence of so-called ‘queer theory’ — something that has no scientific basis whatsoever, so should be called ‘queer opinion’.

Anyway, this particular dose of bunkum has at its centre the propaganda that Sexual Orientation (whom you are attracted to) has nothing to do with either your ‘Gender Identity’ or how you ‘Express’ that.

books by rod fleming

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SOGIE is a lie. Sexuality and gender are inseparable

Originally posted 2017-07-19 21:48:02.

SOGIE stands for ‘Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression’. It is a popular concept amongst many Western LGBT, and they are assiduously trying to export it.

SOGIE, basically, posits — contrary to what you might think — that sexual orientation — whom you want to have sex with — and your gender are separated. Further that your sense of gender identity and your expression of that are also unrelated. So a person who looks like a man, behaves like a man, sexually desires women like a man, can still ‘identify’ as a woman — and everybody else just has to go along with this. But it is  utter nonsense. Sexuality and gender are two sides of the same coin and they CANNOT be separated.

A  standard explanation of ‘SOGIE’ is at the bottom, with my comments on it.


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Identity Politics = Totalitarianism

Originally posted 2016-02-22 07:01:30.

‘Identity politics’ claims, on the face of it, that everyone has the right to identify as anything they want, and we all have to accept that. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Brilliant. So egalitarian. And yes, if I decide that I ‘identify’ as a Prosthetic Vogon leading a constructor fleet across the galaxy which intends to obliterate the Earth to make way for an interstellar superhighway, or that I am Superman, Napoleon or for that matter Jesus Christ, then it matters little; I’m just barking mad and decent people will humour me until I become so delusional that I need to be locked up for my own safety. I would be, in common-sense terms, a harmless lunatic.

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