Originally posted 2017-11-07 19:57:03.
It’s clear that there is a deal of brouhaha about the extent to which transsexuals are impacting on the lesbian and gay, and to a lesser extent bisexual, lifestyle and political hegemony in the West. This is contributing to an increasingly bitter spat about young transitioners — people transitioning gender before they reach their majority.
There is no doubt that political activists are operating on this body of young people, some with laudable motives, others not so; but why is the lesbian and gay lobby so exercised?

I first published this article on 5 May 2018 and while my thinking has evolved since then, the article remains sound and particularly in an era of increased transphobia, especially in the UK, on point. Today I would perhaps use some different terms but the sense is correct.
Proper Concerns
Some are motivated by proper concerns. One of these is a reservation that I share about major surgeries in the pursuit of transition. I am completely opposed to the following: all forms of vaginoplasty, so-called ‘sex change’ surgery, by its many names; all forms of phalloplasty being performed on females; ‘gender affirming’ mastectomies, hysterectomies and similar; the use of Testosterone in females. All of the girls in the picture below retain their penises and are quite happy.

But it is clear from the tone of the Lesbian and Gay (L&G) response that this is a fall-back position that they will retreat to when challenged. It is obvious that what they would prefer is for young Sex-Atypical people to be either Homosexual or Lesbian but not transsexual. They’re just trying to make it hard for Transsexuals to exist.
This is only the most recent efflorescence of this attitude. We should not forget Jim Fouratt, over twenty years ago, asserting that ‘trannies will destroy the way we live our lives.’ What Fouratt meant by ‘the way we live our lives’ was the accommodationist or assimilationist New Gay Man lifestyle, in which men attracted to other men appear to be men themselves. In fact this is caused by Autoandrophilia, a paraphilia similar to Autogynephilia.
This is a political movement that only become dominant after the 1960s, as I have discussed in my New Gay Man series on my YouTube Channel. Alongside it came the absolute suppression of all other forms, including a far older and more widespread form that I call the Roman Model. (This is actually older than Rome, but we know most about the Roman version of it.)

So the effeminate Homosexuals were bullied into appearing to be masculine by the more masculine males around them. Something similar occurred with females, though it has never been as intense. Noticeably masculine lesbians have always been present and were not suppressed in the way that feminine males were.
Simple observation in places where homosexuality is more tolerated than in the West should shed light on what is going on. We see, in places like Southeast Asia, a diverse range of sex-atypical expressions, from quasi-masculine ‘gays’, through effeminate ones, to intermediates who could either be girls or boys to full-blown Transsexual Homosexuals (Blanchard HSTS) who could not live as anything other than girls.
It is only the relentless historical homophobia of the West and particularly Anglo-Saxon culture, that ever suppressed this range of expressions.
Many people think that Homosexuality, for both sexes, is innate; I think that is true, as long as we are talking about congenital Sexual Inversion. But not all ‘gays’ are actually Homosexuals. I am going to take a break with the vague and woolly language that this debate is often couched in and state that when I say ‘Homosexual’ I am using a rigid technical definition. This is a male who is exclusively attracted to masculine men from childhood. They will typically be effeminate sex-atypical boys who grow up to show the standard homosexual clusterings of slight build, fine bones, neoteny, naturally feminine speech and behaviour, feminised digit ratio and so on. In sexuality, they are almost all fully receptive and seek only to be penetrated. Socially, they will be deferential to their men. In other words, Homosexual and congenital Sexual Invert are synonymous in my usage.
Other forms of ‘gays’
These are not the sole occupants of the ‘gay’ territory in the West. Firstly, there is a scale of affect within congenital Sexual Inversion, from mild to severe. As a result, some Homosexuals can pass as men fairly easily. Then there are many who call themselves ‘gay’ but who are not actually Sexual Inverts, or Homosexuals. These include Pederasts and non-trans Autogynephiles. The married mature father who comes out as ‘gay’ is not a homosexual; he is likely pseudo-bisexual, who has been satisfied with a woman, but now wants to try something else. His ‘egg’ as they say, has cracked.
As well as this, Situational Homosexuality, describes the habit of men having sex with other men for reasons such as unavailability of women (prison and school sex) and money (gay for the pay.) We have no idea how much of this is taking place.
So there are many ‘gay men’ who might exclusively have sex with other men but are actually non-homosexual. Unsurprisingly, they do not show the clustering of characteristics that genuine Homosexuals do.
It is these two latter groups, the genuine Homosexuals at the opposite end of the scale from Transsexual Homosexual, and the non-Homosexuals, which have, for 50 years, completely dominated the gay world in the West. Transsexual Homosexuals, as a result, have been caught between savage homophobia from the straight world on one side and relentless intimidation from the conformists on the other.
A Transsexual friend, Melissa Manchester, writing on YouTube, put it like this:
‘HSTS are taking the brunt of abuse from all ideologically motivated groups .We have the trans (AGP) “community” who wishes to transition every single (sex-atypical) child, as young as 3 years old. They don’t want us (HSTS) to grow into women socially, as we did out of necessity in past generations; they want us to be “trans women” socially, so they can use us indefinitely to advance their f****d up political movement. We have the gender critical feminists who oppose transition at the onset of puberty; they want to make us into lifelong “gender warriors.” We have the gay male rights brigade who wanted us to remain “gay boys”, all the while deriding us for our femininity. We have the religious right, who accurately quote desistance rates, but conveniently leave out the reality that kids who desist do not go on to become normal heterosexual adults.’
Similarly, in an exchange on Twitter, a well-known Autogynephilic (AGP) activist stated that Transsexuals transition ‘because of homophobia’ which is either a blatant lie or a complete failure to understand the nature of Transsexuals. Unfortunately, Western Autogynephiles, even the more pleasant ones, have no understanding of Transsexuals at all.
Transsexuals get in in the neck
So there is no doubt at all that Transsexuals get it in the neck, from just about everyone — except the men attracted to them, like me. And I would say to those men that the transsexuals we love are under attack and it is about time we did something; and stopped hiding our orientation.
There is a strong case to be made — and this was recently made by Dr James Cantor here, that feminine gay men are just ‘not fully formed Transsexuals’.
When you look at it like this, then the resilience of Transsexuals, and the fact that even after five decades of relentless suppression they still bounce back, becomes clearer. They are not ‘gay men’; actually a significant number of gay men are transwomen. This was backed up by Juno Dawson’s piece , which expressed her view that many gay men suffered from Gender Dysphoria; again, however, Dawson is an Autogynephile so what he’s actually saying is that many who self-identify as ‘gay’ are actually Autogynephilic. (Others, perhaps paradoxically, are Autoandrophilic.)
Transing Children
The ‘transing’ of children presents a problem. We have, thankfully, gone from a position wherein carers, psychologists and everyone else would do anything they could to prevent a sex-atypical child from transitioning to HSTS. Dr Ken Zucker famously held the opinion that it was a better result for such a boy to turn into a ‘gay man’ than to be Transsexual. Well, leaving aside the obvious question ‘and why should that be?’ it was not Zucker’s position to make that decision. It is for the individual to decide, in the light of knowledge.
Today, we are at the other extreme; AGP transactivists are campaigning for every child who shows the mildest sex-atypicality to be transitioned. Clearly this is as bad as the opposite approach.
Gays and Transsexuals in Southeast Asia

Looking at the situation in SE Asia I think I can make some predictions. As the levels of social intolerance fall, we will see both more Transsexual and Autogynephilic transitions. Further, the latter will be much younger than we have seen in the past. This is already happening.
The extent to which this will impact the L&G ‘community’ remains to be seen. In the past, Transsexual Homosexuals had nothing to do with this culture, or at least, they did so only rarely. Staying invisible was much more important to them. There might be some relaxation here but there are still far more high-profile Autogynephiles than Transsexuals in the West.

Transsexual Homosexuals then, do not appear to be a threat to the ‘gay’ community, so why are its members exercised, as Fouratt was? That is because the community depends for its survival on the influx of young feminine gay boys whom the older males can pursue as partners. This is what troubles men like Fouratt; if all the gay boys turn into girls, will this not put an end to gay male culture as it exists today? By completing as a girl, a Transsexual Homosexual redefines herself; she is no longer a ‘gay’ but a girl. When the mainstream ‘gay’ scene is predicated on narcissistic self-love and complete rejection of femininity, this does cause some offence,
Evidence from the Philippines, however, says differently. Here, there are huge numbers of out gay males. Yes there are also large numbers of transsexual and tranvestites, but if anything, they divert attention away from the gays. Everybody notices them — if they notice at all, and this is a culture wherein gays — usually known as ladyboys, baklas, bekis, and so on are literally everywhere. It ceases to be a subject worthy of interest.
Gay males are everywhere across SE Asia. Across the region, tolerance of homosexuality, even in Muslim areas, has always been high and remains so. Filipino television has numerous gay stars and anchors of popular shows. I think the gay male community in the West should look at this and calm down. While the number of boys who complete will probably rise, it will not be more than the increase in numbers coming out as gay because of the reduced social intolerance.
What about Lesbians? Well there are plenty of those too and they present in a range of forms from the classic butch and transman to just wearing a boyish haircut and clothes. There’s certainly no evidence that those who do exist are causing a problem.
The upshot, I think, will be a marked increase in the numbers of transitions, but their success remains unpredictable. We might be setting up a lot of distressing ‘detransitions’ with accompanying regret in the short to medium term. We are already seeing some of this. Where sexual and reproductive organs have been radically modified or removed, these individuals, especially the females, will have deprived themselves of the chance to be parents. This is likely to cause extreme distress and unfortunately a backlash — and as ever that backlash will hit Transsexuals the hardest.
Take a deep breath
Gays in the West, then, should take a deep breath. Transsexuals won’t wipe out their lifestyle. They are not obsolete yet and I do not predict their disappearance any time soon.
However, at the same time I do predict a significant rise in the numbers of Transexual Homosexuals. I think that horse has galloped, boys, and it ain’t coming back. What this might mean in terms of society and culture, dating and the relationships of men to women I will deal with in a future piece.
I’m unsure I can agree that HSTS are necessarily victimised by all quarters of the LGBT community especially if they choose not to be a part of it. There are specific dangers to young HSTS from the politicised AGP movement forsaking their anonymity and from fame whore parents who elect to sacrifice their trans child’s anonymity.
Gay’s simply reject HSTS once they decide to transition. I like many HSTS tried to live as a gay male in my teens and the reaction I got from my gay friends was worse than the reaction from family!
Many lesbians have always had a problem with AGP’s but are indifferent about HSTS, radical feminists don’t really understand HSTS and unless they are “out” don’t even realise we are transsexual. The one good thing AGP trans activists have done forHSTS by denying autogynephillia is real is to distract the world from us. People think transsexuals look like Catlin Jenner and behave like Gigi Gorgeous or Julia Serrano.
I think HSTS and the Trans issue will certainly have SOME impact on the Gay Lifestyle. I personally think the gay lifestyle is mostly about SEX! and Fun/Hedonism… I have found so many Gay Men Lonely and Single in the Older ages +40…. But f*cking around with all sorts before then during their youth. I think the modern Gay community and relationship commitment is like fire and ice….
I find the Western Gay Scene completely artificial (AKA – The Macho Gay Man, are probably 20% to 25% tops) they are also so obsessed with youth/looks/and other bullshit (yes hetros are to some degree as well) and “other vain/artificial stuff”… and Gay Marriage (Peh leeze do not get me started). I say each to there own… But Marriage is about Life Long Commitment/Family etc..
*This is a great article about the problem of Gay Marriage. Legalizing Gay Marriage will not “Fix Gays” thats the govs hope. Gays need to look at themselves in the Mirror….*
I would say get rid of the Super/Hyper-Sexualized Gay Pride parades (it serves no purpose )….
Folks say oh well Gay Lovers could still get lynched/beaten up… I say Bull Shit to that 50 years ago Mixed Race/Ethnic Couples could get Lynched/Beaten… Where were the “IR Pride Parades” (Oops I forgot there were NONE”…. Gays need to take a page from that IR Relationship book and look within and fix the public image they have… Shoving it down peeps throats (via screaming at them or the Government Gustapo) will only create greater Resentment and Anger towards them!
I think Rod is 100% right. The Gay/Homosexuals in the West can learn a lot from their Filipino/SE Asian comrades! However I think Gays/Homos/Trans are far more tolerated (always have been) than the west… But I reckon the SE Asian model is the future and is a Better model (Amen to that I hope)!…
I thought the Girly Gays in the 1995 Stonewall Film were actually quite “hot” in my younger/experimenting days (LOL)!
I also think despite the public image of a “Artificial New Gay Man” I am an Alpha Plus Guy….. Deep down at least 75% of Gay Men have a reasonable to strong/very strong degree of Femininity within them. I think some like the video above are “Searching/Pre – HSTS” some just have a varying degrees of strong feminine essence within them…
I know a friend of mine who is Bi-but Gay leaning and Likes mostly Femme Guys (he is now settled down with this Femme guy he met).
He went out with this (Supposed Alpha Gay Muscular guy/Cross-fitter type body, with long hair/waxed body “should ring alarm bells – LOL” he met in the gym), my friend is a pretty average in looks/body type but very Alpha personality, he said within a few dates once you peeled back the (front layer slightly deeper down/his natural inner being he was very girly/femme)…..
Within a few weeks (and as his partner relaxed) he knew this guy wanted “to be taken care-off” and wanted to be the “women/femme in the relationship”.
Once after about two months in their relationship, his partner said he has a “surprise for him” after a short while in the bathroom (I think!) he suddenly came to bed dressed in Satin Lingerie and High heels, needless to say my friend was thinking WTF and OMFG (at the same time) what the hell is going on (but he loved it, as he liked femme guys very much)! Its worked for them… and they have been together for a few years (and my friend says) monogamous since they met. That said I must say this Femme guy is Colombian though muscular when he/she put some make/up, with the long hair/waxed body and a nice dress Jeez he/she is pretty passable….
I think this story + the link below explains the modern problem with the Gay folks in the West… Longer Term relationships need a “Ying and Yang” or PLUS and MINUS….. the problem with 2 Alpha Gays (fake or otherwise) is eventually they breakup as there is too much Frigging Alpha in the relationship (so it gets pulled apart), sure there maybe other dynamic involved as well but I gather this is a major reason!…. I have seen this with even Hetrosexual relationships, if there are 2 Dominant
partners eventually it leads to conflict/division/breakup if someone does not give way.
Also I think without a good degree of Feminine Nurturing in a relationship eventually the relationship buckles and breaks… This is why so few Gay Relationships last… Its more “bling/short term/style than substance/long term”….