Originally posted 2017-05-29 12:06:26.
Most ‘transgenders’ are not transsexual, they’re either transvestite or transtrender.
Only males can be transsexual, in the purest sense and to be so they must identify as girls from childhood and be exclusively attracted to men. They will usually take the receptive role in sex, though a small number may either desire to penetrate or be prepared to do this. Most male ‘transgenders’ are actually transvestite — wearing male clothing and affecting conforming mannerisms, but remaining heterosexual. Many have a condition called Autogynephilia.
‘Transgender’ is not a scientific term. It is a socio-political umbrella term that covers everyone from true transsexuals to fetishist transvestites to fashionista transtrenders. The purpose of this unhelpful conflation will become clear once you understand the different types.
The profiles I’ll discuss in this article apply ONLY in the West. Although the fundamentals of gender are innate, many expressions of it are cultural. So in different cultures we see differences in gender expression.
The Science
Anyone familiar with trans people will be aware that historically there are two distinct and easily identified types of males who present as women. Basically, these are the small cute pretty ones and the large, not so cute, not so pretty but sometimes striking ones. The first group are convincing as women, the second are usually not.

Dr Ray Blanchard used a questionnaire to assess whether transsexual and transvestite forms were the same or whether, indeed, there was a myriad of forms. Statistically, he showed that there were indeed two types (and only two). We call these transsexual and transvestite. A critical difference is that male transsexuals are always homosexuals, while transvestites are heterosexual men.
Definition by sex drive
Because of this, Blanchard defined the two types by sex drive. There are three broad influences on gender: birth sex, hormones and socialisation. Although the first two are strong, by far the most influential is the last, socialisation. This means that our expression of gender is conditioned by the expectations of the people around us.
So homosexuals, that is, feminine males who desire sex with masculine males tend to adopt feminine mannerisms. That is because the principal function of gender is mate attraction. Blanchard observed this and found that a significant number of his interviewees precisely conformed to this model. He called them ‘homosexual transsexuals’ (he did not invent the term, it was already current.)
To be clear, a homosexual transsexual is a homosexual who lives as a woman. They will dress as women, grow their hair, usually take feminising hormones and some will seek Genital Reconstruction Surgery.

Homosexual Transsexual
These tended to be extremely feminine in manner; smaller than average for their ethnicity and lighter in build also. They were often ethereally graceful in their movements. They tended to retain youthful features (neoteny). They often were hairdressers, dancers or had another occupation that would normally have been considered feminine. They presented to Blanchard young, nearly always before the age of twenty and would by then be dressing and perhaps living as women.
Consistently, across this group, they reported a strong attraction to men that began in childhood. They were attracted to males, but were themselves born male.
These individuals are easy to identify, if you know that they are trans at all. They’re the kind that surprise you; you can’t really believe they were born male. They’re just so feminine, cute and attractive. These have long been considered the ‘gold standard’ of transsexualism; however, and to Blanchard’s surprise, they were a minority.

The other type was not like them at all. These were, in the first place, much older, with a median age of 43 at presentation. They tended to be big, masculine men; not at all feminine either as children or adults. They were definitely not graceful or stylish. They had incredible difficulty ‘passing’ as women, if they tried. They were often married with children and probably had stereotypically masculine careers, in the armed forces, in industry and so on.
Again consistently, this group reported no attraction at all to men, before they transitioned.
This puzzled Blanchard. People in the first group were easy; their childhood identification as girls led to an adult desire to appear as women and to attract dominant male partners. They were showing exactly the same gender behaviours as women used to achieve the same result. There was no mystery there: they became transsexual because they were homosexual.
In the other group there was a mystery and Blanchard wondered what the explanation might be.
Following from their admissions that males in this second group often cross-dressed in private, Blanchard dug deeper. He found that most had a history of dressing in women’s clothing and masturbating. They usually used a mirror while doing so.

Blanchard cross-checked. Did the first group display this? Well, on his stats, only around 15% admitted to doing so. He reasoned that the second group of males’ desire to transition must also be rooted in sex drive, but how? Most of them were attracted to women. Indeed, they might be called ‘hyper-heterosexual’. So they could not be using feminine gender as a mating strategy; something else must have been provoking them.
That was when he realised that these males were attracted to themselves, as women. Their intense attraction to femininity had somehow been misdirected onto themselves. Further research confirmed this and allowed him to develop the theory of Autogynephilia, which posits ‘Autogynephilia is a man’s propensity to become sexually aroused at the thought or image of himself as a woman.’
These men are best described as ‘transvestite’.
Two groups
So now we have: transsexuals, homosexual males who are so feminine that they are unable to live successfully as men and do better as women; and on the other hand, transvestites, heterosexual males who are erotically stimulated by the idea of themselves as women.
The distinction between these two groups has never been scientifically challenged; indeed, recent papers by Rametti et al, Savic and Arver and Guillamon strongly support it. These two groups are real and Blanchard correctly identified them.

Most ‘transgender’ born males in the West are autogynephilic transvestites.
In the West, until recently, nearly all the ‘transgenders’ (remember, we are only talking about born males here) that were high profile in public were autogynephilic. There are a number of reasons for this, all cultural. Residual homophobia is the main one, especially that of the ‘gay’ male community. This ruthlessly polices ‘gay’ men and condemns any expression of femininity.
Julia Serano, Lynn Conway, Andrea James and the new generation, like YouTuber Justin ‘Riley’ Dennis and Bruce ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner, are autogynephilic transvestites.
These individuals have seized the public debate and twisted it to their own definition. In doing so they deliberately erase transsexuals and colonise their identity. They do this because they know that they can never compete with transsexuals on looks or femininity; they know that as soon as they are put alongside an actual transsexual, the truth will out. So they erase them. And, of course, if they transition in middle age, they are fully socialised as heterosexual men who are used to browbeating everyone else into submission.
Paradoxically, transvestites erase and colonise transsexual identities and at the same time may adopt a pseudo-feminist political position, claiming that looks should not be important and that ‘passing’ (as a woman) is ‘transmisogyny’. That’s easy for them to say, since most of them are not interested in attracting men anyway; they predate on women, and even try to shame lesbians — by definition, women who do not have sex with people with penises — into sex with them. Plus, of course, most of them couldn’t ‘pass’ on a bus. (Even in Asia, where transvestites are much better looking than is typical of the West, they’re still easy to identify.)

In general, transsexuals are comfortable with Blanchard’s theory. Nearly all openly admit to having previously thought themselves to have been homosexual boys who identified strongly as girls in childhood. They see no problem with describing their gender in terms of their sex drive; they know that they look beautiful and feminine because they want to be attractive to men. (The fact that they succeed, of course, has earned them the visceral hatred of feminists.)
Western transvestites and their sycophants, on the other hand, loathe Blanchard and his theory and do everything they can to deny it. They spread misinformation, because they do not wish it to be known that their ‘gender identity’ is a function of a misdirected sex drive — a fetish.
In fact, it would be a reasonable diagnostic, for determining whether a Western trans is transsexual or transvestite, simply to ask if they support or reject Blanchard (assuming they understand him.) A transsexual will say ‘yes’ and a transvestite will say ‘no’. But despite all the touchy-feely, ‘lived experience’, Postmodernist autogynephilic moonshine, the science is solid.
“Transtrender” … refers to people who identify themselves as transgender with the purpose to solely reach fame on the internet.
The third type prevalent in the Anglo-West today is the transtrender. To understand these, we have to discuss a much-abused concept: gender dysphoria — because it is absent in transtrenders.
Gender Dysphoria is a condition of feeling ‘discomfort’ in one’s ‘assigned gender’. It comes in various flavours; all are entirely subjective. It is better described as ‘transition desire’ since in the first place, this is better English and in the second it actually means something.
True Gender Dysphoria is always sexual
However, in both transsexualism and transvestism, the impetus for the dysphoria or transition desire is always sexual.
Proponents of the gender dysphoria theory see it as something more than desire to appear to be of the opposite sex. They see it as a clinical condition and indeed, the precursor to all legitimate forms of transition. Most importantly, they see Gender Dysphoria as being sexual in nature. This appears to be correct, even though some transvestites deny it.
Pupils switching gender just to cause a stir, says former head of St Paul’s School for Girls
Transtrenders do exhibit transition desire, obviously, but rarely gender dysphoria and most importantly, their desire to transition is not provoked by their sexuality, but by a desire to occupy a certain political position, to appear fashionable and trendy, and often just to annoy the grown-ups.
Indeed, many condemn the ‘medicalisation’ of transition, normally eschew any hormonal treatments and reject conventional standards of gender-appropriate dress. However, and this is problematic, some go ‘all-in’ for these procedures. This leads to two opposing groups, the ‘trans-medicalists’ and the ‘anti-medicalists’.
Unlike transsexuals and transvestites, transtrenders are not trying to conform to any socially-accepted standards of gender. In fact they desire to destroy gender entirely, which by implication means they wish to destroy the culture that they live in. Transtrender therefore is yet another expression of adolescent discontent and nothing more. It has no more value than punk or emo; it is a social identity and a fashion statement. It is a popular rejection of accepted norms.
Transtrenders are nearly always middle-class and college educated; they are overwhelmingly female and have been poisoned by feminist theories such as those ascribed to Butler and Dworkin, but which they do not understand.
They are in short, whether they are actually male or female, a product of feminism. This is a paradox because most feminists despise transsexuals and transvestites, yet their own ideology produces transtrenders.
Medical transition in transtrender
While anti-medicalist transtrenders may be deeply irritating and definitely do try to harm genuine transsexuals, the pro-medicalist ones are frankly much worse. These will launch themselves into a programme of medical transition and if they are female, completely destroy their bodies using testosterone and even surgery. Then, when the fog of their neurosis lifts, they realise what they have done, experience tremendous remorse and typically call for a ban on all transition therapy, because of what they themselves demanded should be done to them.
The notorious Keira Bell case is apposite — a young woman who threatened a clinic with legal action if it did not prescribe the therapy she demanded, and then took the same clinic to court for doing so. Such is the consequence of feminist ideology. (Fortunately, after an appeal, her claim was rejected.)
In general terms, because of the upsurge in transtrender, hormonal and surgical therapy to girls should be severely restricted. However, because it is vital for them to stop the masculinisation process if they are to live successfully as women, hormone therapy for young male transsexuals should commence as soon as they are properly identified, in line with the latest WPATH guidelines.
Found this while searching for the word Autogynephilia, thought I’d comment. I’ve seen the rise of these trans trenders and hundreds of different names for gender types within the last 3 or 4 years.
Having been part of the Trans community in the US and even Crossdresser type groups I can say that these youtubers you describe like the guy in this article are likely not even Autogynephilc in their gender expression. They are young snowflake types trying to get attention.
In the 90s and 2000s there were grunge, and hipster type trends and this is the new thing. I doubt these kids that go out and claim they are gender non binary are dealing with any sort of struggle with their sexual identity and desire to be female like an actual trans person or CD.
An actual trans person even if you describe them as having Autogynephilia would be longing and crushing to push further to be the opposite gender. Wanting to take things further and further, needing to be seen as a woman etc.. These kids on youtube throw on some eyeliner, keep their manly voice and say they are gender non binary. So likely these youtubers are not in any way transgender or dealing with any sort of condition like autogynephilia.
You obviously picked the extreme examples to picture. There are several examples of trans women who are from the USA and even on youtube who are much better presentable and passable and would even fall in the Autogynephilia category. They aren’t trying to makeup their own genders etc.
Hi Pri
I think you’re absolutely right that within Snowflake Culture there is a movement for males to appear feminine — and even to claim to be women — simply for the ‘oppression points’. This is a part of the general emasculation of society that is central plank of feminist ideology. However, I think Justin ‘Riley’ Dennis probably does qualify as an autogynephile, though perhaps he is more motivated by seeking peer approval. Dave Muscato, whom I discussed here https://www.rodfleming.com/dave-muscato-non-trans-autogynephile/ is different. I thought he was probably a closet AGP who only dressed in private but your explanation seems more likely — it’s a political gesture to gain ‘oppression points’ in a very sick and dysfunctional culture.
I wrote the piece on Muscato before Snowflake Culture became so evident, and I will have to revisist Mr Muscato in the light of the new information.
Blaire White, the other YouTuber mentioned in the article, is very passsable, feminine and definitely transsexual so I presume you were not referring to her.
Thanks for your contribution, please enjoy the site!
Very interesting. How would you classify this one? https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2010/jul/28/bethany-black-transsexual-comedian
Hi Joe and thank you for commenting
The person in the link you sent is clearly autogynephilic. Transexuals are never interested in women; it is literally impossible to be a transsexual lesbian. Black is a tranvestite autogynephile. These retain a standard male sexual interest in women, though they call it ‘lesbianism’ in order to fit their ‘real women’ sales pitch. (While some do become attracted to men, this is a minority and the phenomenon is ‘pseudo-bisexualism’. That’s too complex to explain here I’ll do a post on it.)
Also ‘bookish and geeky’ as a child — classic AGP. Transsexuals are almost always noticeably girly and it is ALWAYS the first thing they tell you about — that and their crushes on boys, teachers, other men.
The bit about thinking about being transsexual as a kid is unlikely to be true; AGPs habitually invent childhood memories and histories supportive of the pseudo-feminine personality they are developing.
Age of transition is below the average for Blanchard, but AGP is heavily culturally influenced and transition ages have been getting lower for AGPs in the West generally. When you consider that AGPs in southeast Asia usually transition while still at school it becomes clear that this is possible in the West also.
This: ‘sexuality and gender identity isn’t the same thing: gay men don’t want to be women, and lesbians don’t want to be men.’ is utter bullshit. The exact opposite is true. However it is the standard LGBT whatever narrative which they are doing their best to convince everyone of. But it’s still BS. There is no such thing as ‘gender identity’, insofar as it might exist as separate from sexuality. It doesn’t.
I’ll be covering that issue in more depth in a post soon; actually I was going to do one today but somethiing happened in London…