Sex is a social bargain

Sex is a social bargain, formed by Evolution. Men agree to behave in certain ways in order to have access to it. Women, who need fathers for their children, are prepared to give that access, as long as men behave in certain approved manners. However, men's need for sex is in their need to orgasm, as women have so often pointed out. If they can do that without women, then much of the need to bargain with them vanishes. This is because, while Evolution requires that we reproduce, for men, this is largely felt as a desire to have a lot of orgasms by penetration. Men do not have the visceral connection between the act of sex and the arrival of a baby that women do. For men, babies really could be delivered by the storks. This unquestionably leads men to have a somewhat cavalier attitude towards sex -- they'll take it wherever they can get it -- but it has also caused women to bolster the social bargain that keeps their behaviour moderate. Principally, this was through marriage, an
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