Trans men: Real men or lesbians on steroids?

We've spent a lot of time on this blog discussing trans women. But as yet, I've said very little about trans men. Essentially, just as in MtF, there are two forms. One is a homosexual form; they are in fact lesbians with a social desire to appear as men. This is consistent with their sexuality: to attract female partners, they wish to appear to be men. FtM HSTS transsexuals are theĀ  equivalent amongst females to the MtF transsexual who is, let us state again, a person born male who is attracted to men from childhood and is naturally extremely feminine in every way -- so much so that they can never be successful men and are better off transitioning. HSTS trans men are the exact opposite. There is a major difference, however. The key to understanding this difference is to realise that males can perform in either the male or the female role in sex. That is, they can either penetrate or be penetrated. MtF transsexuals are fully psycho-sexually and socially inverted: they hav
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47 Replies to “Trans men: Real men or lesbians on steroids?”

  1. transmen, Lord Willing, are both real and men, however “unconventional” their path to manhood may be. a man with a micropenis would still be a man. a man with damage to his genitals would still be a man. a transwoman, despite any hormonal or anatomical anamolies they may endure, is a woman as, Lord Willing, The Lord Made her. and a transman similarly is a man as The Lord Wills. and there are nonbinary individuals. By His Grace, Lord Willing, transfolk are able to seek medical intervention and His Healing otherwise.

    1. ‘transmen…are both real and men, however “unconventional” their path to manhood may be.’

      Transmen are not men, they are lesbians on steroids. There is in fact only one category of true transsexual: highly feminine male homosexuals who present as women because their sexual desires make them feel like women. The others are all mental disorders.

      As you say, a man with a micropenis is still a man. That is because he has XY chromosomes.

      1. This article is riddled with misinformation and inconsistencies, but I’d just like to address the most glaring issue. Claiming that transmen are lesbians makes little sense due to the fact that many, if not most, transmen are attracted to men.

        1. You have some science to back up your claims? Of course not. So I’ll say to you what I say to every other Snowflake SJW that comes on here with their shit: get some hard evidence and then come back.

          There are some ‘women who identify as men’ who are attracted to men, but they are not transmen. They are a form of female supremacist who seek to dominate men by adopting masculine social roles and appearance. They then predate on gay men, especially feminine ones, who are more like women (because they actually are women, sexually at least). Thus they can satisfy their heteronormative attraction to men while gratifying their resentment for the imaginary ills they think men have done them, by abusing them sexually and romantically. This is an artefact of Snowflake Culture.

          1. Science? No I suppose not. (snip)

            So yet again, you come to the table with opinion and hearsay. See my reply for the rest of your comments, and my rebuttals.

          2. ‘What I do have is firsthand experience interacting with dozens of transmen. As a matter of fact, I do so on a daily basis.’

            In what capacity do you do this? And where do you find all these ‘transmen’? In some liberal arts college?

            ‘I’ve noticed you’ve made a number of assumptions about the people who call themselves trans and they’re motivations for transitioning. ‘

            It’s ‘their’. Tenure eludes you, does it?

            ‘You’ve stated that gay transmen are “a form of female supremacist who seek to dominate men by adopting masculine social roles and appearances.” This is a very grave statement to make about a group of people. What evidence do you have to back this up? As you’ve presented it, it sounds very much like an opinion.’

            What, like the opinion you present? You have a monopoly on that? Further, how can a statement be ‘grave’? A statement is of fact; it is neutral. Further, there is no such thing as a ‘gay transman’. Those who affect to be are women displaying a perverted form of female attraction to men. They are no more ‘gay’ than autogynephilic transwomen are lesbian.

            ‘Also, you’ve made the claim that these individual are “gratifying their resentment for the imaginary ills they think men have done them, by abusing them sexually and romantically.” In what way do you believe they are abusing these men that choose to date/sleep with them?’

            They predate on gay men who want other men as sexual partners, not women with beards.

            ‘Finally, as an anti-feminist, anti-SJW, libertarian,’

            Appeal to authority. I don’t give a fuck what you “identify” as. I am Jesus H Christ and my address is Tomb 666, Golgotha, Jerusalem. Don’t bring that IP shit here and expect sympathy. Bring facts, I’ll listen. But you have not done that, have you?

            ‘I’m not sure where you get off calling me a Snowflake SJW. It’s ironic to say the least. Perhaps you’re making assumptions about a person you know nothing about (again)?’

            Assumptions made on your prior comments and the context — and which I stand by.

            ‘I look forward to your response.’


      2. Oh my: “highly feminine male homosexuals who present as women because their sexual desires make them feel like women. The others are all mental disorders.” Why everyone has mental disorders except the “highly feminine male homosexuals”? If you’re going to act “red pilled” I’d say that the mere fact of being a “highly feminine male” and “homosexual” already qualifies as “mental disorder”, as both serve no biological function and are abnormal. Not sure what you’re biases are to redeem “highly feminine homosexual men” from having a disorder, but it just stresses the total lack of objectivity and seriousness in this article.

        P.S. I don’t see any of these (necessarily) as a mental disorder, just highlighting the inconsistency.

        1. Hi thank you, this is a good question and I will briefly outline the answer. True or HSTS transsexualism is a function of Sexual Inversion. Such individuals develop either into transgender homosexuals (fem male/masc female) or they transition. This has been described since for well over a hundred years, first by Ulrichs and it was extensively discussed by Ellis. Despite the fact that the term is today unfashionable, it remains accurate and the underlying hypothesis has never been challenged scientifically — indeed, it keeps being confirmed, eg Guillamon 2016.

          The best state of knowledge we have is that Sexual Inversion, but not the other forms of homosexuality, is caused by prenatal disturbance in testosterone delivery to the foetus in utero. Put bluntly, boys who don’t get enough are feminised across a range of parameters including but not limited to sexuality (and therefore gender). It’s more complicated than that because pregnancy is a process and different effects will occur with anomalies at different times, it will vary with intensity of the under-supply in males (20% too little? 40%? None at all?), or equally, the excess in females. (That is a very brief synopsis of a very complex system!)

          This is a good overview article but there have been dozens of papers on this:

          So what this tells us is that Sexual Inversion is categorically different from other forms of homosexuality and Gender-Dysphoric issues. These are NOT RELATED. Sexual Inversion is not a mental condition per se, but a physical, innate condition that does have mental consequences, principally in having a sexuality that is a mismatch to physical sex. Other forms of homosexuality and transsexualism have to be explained differently, but most are a consequence of Narcissistic personality disorders; there also appears to be significant effects of both lifestyle choice and acquired sexuality (ie, you have sex a certain way and like it, so you do it again.) Sexual Inversion, the cause of both Transgender Homosexuality and HSTS, stands apart because it is innate.

          The ‘biological function’ argument is null because Sexual Inversion is caused by a partial failure in epigenetic hormone delivery systems. Such failures are extremely common in all animals and humans have, for hundreds of generations at least, accommodated them. You might as well argue that myopia should not exist because clearly, myopic individuals can’t see well enough to perform properly in a competitive environment, unless they have glasses, which were only invented recently. Yet there are plenty of people like me who are blind as bats. The fact that a phenomenon cannot be directly explained in terms of a specific evolutionary benefit does not mean it is not real; it just means that your proposed explanation is wrong and you need to study harder.

          Further, many papers have explored the value that sexually-inverted individuals may have in terms of assisting the survival of closely-related children. Humans are not social animals by chance, we are evolved to be the way we are. Sexual Inversion is real and innate and as such is quite different both from other forms of homosexuality and from non-homosexual Gender Dysphoria.

          My articles reflect the science, not bias. You got a pass this time, but mind your manners in future.

  2. wow you are unbelievably misinformed – not only do transmen exist and this is backed up in research shown through brainscans and physiological differences – a mirror of mtf ‘homosexual transsexuals’ but so does autoandrophilia, it is less common but plenty of evidence of it out there. Look into ftm crossdreamers.

    1. How nice of you to be so rude. You may expect no mercy. First off, while there has been one study that claimed to find neurological differences in ‘transmen’, it did not control against lesbians and further, the lead researcher, Antonio Guillamon, says ā€œResearch has shown that white matter matures during the first 20 to 30 years of life.” In other words, we cannot tell if the changes are behaviourally induced or if the behaviour is neurologically induced. So they remain ‘lesbians on steroids’.

      Further, so-called autoandrophilia has never been shown to exist and the only people touting this BS are AGP apologists like the odious Jack Molay — not his real name, of course — who are seeking legitimacy for their clandestine, crossdressed fetish. Females simply do not have these fetishes, and so-called transmen are female, just as all transwomen are actually male. Blanchard recently reaffirmed: autoandrophilia does not exist.

      However, while there is an argument that so-called ‘transmen’ are equivalent to HSTS male to feminine transsexuals, this fails because of penetration: a male may perform the sexual role of a female because he can be penetrated anally. Females do not have penises, so cannot penetrate. The best they can do is a lesbian muffslurp or maybe a cucumber here or there. That is why ‘transmen’ are, literally, lesbians on steroids. End of story.

      Do pop by again, petal, it’s always nice.

      1. No really, autoandrophilia is a thing. I experience it… (it usually does not involve crossdressing and is instead based on anatomy and role etc)

        (snip repetition of points I have already written 1000 words rebutting)

        And you thought my post was rude? Are you for real? Your whole blog is needlessly offensive (out of ignorance mostly,) to the majority of transexuals.

        1. No, you do not experience autoandrophilia, if that is an inversion of autogynephilia, because 1) AGP is all about crossdressing and b) autoandrophilia does not exist. You ‘transitioned’ for socio-cultural reasons.

          It was rude. I have not anywhere been offensive to transsexuals, one of which you are not, and I think a look at the links page should satisfy you that I may be a few things but I am not ignorant. Nor am I rude, although I do enjoy challenging Politically-Correct bullshit such as you are so fond of.

          Just because you are a Snowflake does not mean you get to make it all up and go unchallenged.

          1. “b) autoandrophilia does not exist” – proof? Just because it’s not well known you jump to “does not exist”?

            And no, why would auto-philias need “cross dressing”? I can imagine it based on a variety of things. It just means sexual desire for yourself. Cross dressing can be a means to that end, not mandatory.

            So you’re invalidating someone’s experienced based on a) Wrong definition and b) Out of the blue, not backed up statement. But no wonder, it’s just consistent with the article.

          2. AH, I see, you are a non-homosexual female transitioner; I must say that you express all the aggression, arrogance and entitlement typical of the type. The fact is that until very recently, Autoandrophilia was not recognised by the science, and we do science here. In fact, even now no serious work has been done on it, although we do now see large numbers of women presenting at gender clinics complaining of it. I personally suspect that it is an artefact of feminism, a social contagion.

            Might I suggest that you actually read the articles before commenting? This was all discussed in this one.

            Many AGP males do not transition, but either cross-dress secretly or satisfy their fetish through other means, eg, being penetrated. They are famous for abusing pre-op transwomen in this regard. I have not seen enough evidence to comment on the behaviours of AAP females, but given the attitudes of those who visit here, like yourself, it would appear that being arrogant and offensive is a significant part of the MO.

          3. (comment edited for aggression)

            Autoandrophilia not being recognized by science – do you have anything to back this up? But anyway, it seems less known for sure, but I’d rather connect this with the subject of female-to-male transgenderism being less known as well. There’s plenty of people who think that transsexual means only transwomen and have no idea about the existence of transmen. Most scientists are men, thus also Transwomen, so they gravitate around their own issues. Besides obviously sexism, which makes females often being perceived as not even having own sexual desires, so such thing as autoandrophilia is not even imagined, which leads to it not being talked about and researched. This is also my “personal suspicion”. I’d say it’s more plausible than “an artefact of feminism, a social contagion”.

            (edited for aggression)

          4. The first paper I am aware of that discussed non-homosexual female transition was by Dickey and Stephens in 1995. It described 2 cases. In 2009 Bockting et al discussed a tiny sample of cases. It has only been in the last two years that statistically significant numbers of non-homosexual female transitioners have been reported. The fact that this is occurring in the same time-frame as an extremist, female-supremacist form of feminism supports the idea that it might be a function of that feminism.

            In any case, once reports of statistically significant numbers of non-homosexual female transitioners appeared, I accommodated that in my writing. My principal area of interest is southeast Asia and Latin America, in the former at least, the contamination of feminism is less evident, and I have to say that here, despite the fact that there are numerous trans people, lesbians are nearly all of the butch les/transman type, and while there are certainly plenty of non-homosexual male transitioners, I have never encountered a non-homosexual female transitioner. This again tends to confirm that it is a social phenomenon or rather, contagion, which would fit with the generally more socially-based nature of female sexuality. There may be genuine Autoandrophiles in the West, but the vast majority appear to be suffering a social contagion, see Littman 2018. (These might not be mutually exclusive.)

            Your presumptuous and inaccurate comments about science and the science of sex in particular, are hardly unexpected. You exhibit all the arrogance, entitlement and hostility that we have come to associate with female transitioners, especially non-homosexual ones. I suspect it’s the testosterone; you just can’t handle it.

            For your information, which you obviously need, many scientists working in this field are women, including the two women who wrote the first paper I mentioned. But to ascribe anything you don’t like to men ‘being sexist’ is a well-known and long-debunked feminist tactic.

      2. I’m not sure if my other comment went through since I’m on my mobile so I guess I’ll try and retain the key points… I am an autoandrophile – biologically female, I think I know what I get off on thanks. Not like I want to be, I’m trying to find alternative explanations for why I want to look like some guys I find attractive, and fantasise as a guy having sex with men (and occasionally men with hemephroditic bodies. I like feminine/crossdressing men a lot.)

        And here is a blog not from an AGP, from a ‘homosexual transsexual’ as it were, discussing autoandrophilia (and in other entries she talks about gynephilic ftms.)

        Even Blanchard (who is woefully unaware of the extreme minority of autoandrophilics despite the literature still to this day it seems,) accepts that there is a subset of dysphoric females. There is a spectrum of degrees of masculinity too. Just like degrees of feminity on the other side.

        Oh and phalloplasty + strapons are a thing.

        I’m not sold on the ETLE theory, but if it is correct then it’s worth noting female furries exist too..

        Still in a way it’s hilarious, we’ve perfectly slipped under most people’s radars. I guess believe what you want, gay transmen are going to keep transistioning regardless. Between people like you and the crazy feminists who bizarrely share your views on oh so pure women… (except the radfems who are all about ‘internalised misogyny’) We’ll never have to worry about being branded perverts at least like the poor ‘AGP’ I do feel sorry/protective of them in a way.

        1. ‘I am an autoandrophile’

          No, you are a woman

          ‘I want to look like some guys I find attractive, and fantasise as a guy having sex with men (and occasionally men with hemephroditic bodies. I like feminine/crossdressing men a lot.)’

          That would not make you autoandrophilic, if it is taken to mean an inversion of autogynephilia. You are not the object of your own sexual desire.
          ‘And here is a blog not from an AGP, from a ā€˜homosexual transsexualā€™ as it were, discussing autoandrophilia (and in other entries she talks about gynephilic ftms.)’

          If you read the blog, you would known that Kay and I are old friends. We don’t always agree.

          ‘Even Blanchard… accepts that there is a subset of dysphoric females.’

          Yes there are. They just are not autoandrophilic, if that is taken to mean a female version of autogynephilia. Their dysphoria has other causes.
          ‘There is a spectrum of degrees of masculinity too. Just like degrees of feminity on the other side.’
          I am not aware of ever having challenged that.

          ‘Oh and phalloplasty + strapons are a thing.’

          Indeed; it is just that that ‘thing’ is not a penis, and using one does not make you a man.

          ‘Iā€™m not sold on the ETLE theory’

          Yet you consider yourself to have an inversion of autogynephilia, which is by definition an Erotic Target Location Error. You are very confused.

          ‘itā€™s worth noting female furries exist too.’

          Please give us a break. |We’re trying top be serious here.

          ‘Still in a way itā€™s hilarious, weā€™ve perfectly slipped under most peopleā€™s radars. I guess believe what you want, gay transmen are going to keep transistioning (sic)regardless.’

          There is no such thing as a ‘gay transman’. If transmen exist, they are a form of lesbian.

          ‘Between people like you and the crazy feminists who bizarrely share your views on oh so pure womenā€¦ (except the radfems who are all about ā€˜internalised misogynyā€™)’

          Uh? I am not a critic of transwomen. I just don’t believe we should promulgate touchy-feely lies and obfuscation in the name of New Age Postmodernist obscurantism.

          If you look like a man I will use masculine pronouns and likewise if you look like a woman, I will use feminine ones. I even extend this courtesy when it might choke me, a la Bruce ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner or Justin ‘Riley’ Dennis.

          Male-to-feminine transsexuals exist because they are capable, without surgery, of playing the sexual role of a woman. It would be true to say that they lie at the end of a scale of homosexuality, where the innate femininity of a homosexual man is so strong that to resist it manifests as dysphoria. Homosexual men who present as men just have less dysphoria.

          A ‘transman’ is simply a lesbian on steroids (you do realise that is meant as a pun, I hope), just as an HSTS transsexual is an extreme form of homosexual male. However, you are claiming that your ‘transman’ status comes from an inversion of autogynephilia, but his is not the case.

          An autogynephile is the object of his own sexual desire. This is central. It is the basis of an ETLE, without which, autogynephilia could not exist. But that is not what you describe. Have you ever dressed up as a man and masturbated in front of a mirror?

          I will venture to profile you. I think you are a USican millennial. You consider yourself to be on the left, and sympathise with SJW, possibly even identify as one. You are steeped in Snowflake Culture.

          Fundamental to this culture is the contemporary feminist ideas that men are all rapists, that being male is evil in and of itself and that women should play the dominant role in society.

          You have swallowed the Snowflake myth wholesale, probably for reasons of peer-group conformity. It has led you to believe that you should present in a masculine fashion, to conform to the mores of the social group you are in; to help displace the monstrous real men and replace them with ‘transmen’ — since the typical Snowflake Beta or Omega male is a waste of time and space. Women have to become men, in order to run the patriarchy successfully, don’t they?

          Yet you retain a completely heteronormative sexual desire to men. However, Snowflake culture debases your status if you are a woman who allows a man to penetrate her, but will raise your status if you appear to be a woman who penetrates men. This is because Snowflake culture, while it would never admit it, is as affected by Roman ideas as the rest of us and thinks that a man being anally penetrated has lost all his status to the person who penetrates him.

          So, as a result of the above two factors, you present as a man and want to penetrate men.
          Now all this is fine and dandy, within the context of a culture that is at best debased, but IT IS NOT AUTOANDROPHILIA. This is because, again, if autoandrophilia were actually a thing, you would be principally attracted to YOURSELF, as a MAN. Since you are not, it can’t be autoandrophilia, because no ETLE is involved. QED.

          Are you a transman? I argue that you’re not, at least in a real sense. You are a product of a cultural bubble, which appears to have reached, thankfully, its maximum potential. I should guess that in a few years you’ll desist and become a tomboyish woman. There’s nothing wrong with that.

          ‘Weā€™ll never have to worry about being branded perverts at least like the poor ā€˜AGPā€™ I do feel sorry/protective of them in a way.’
          You probably don’t need to overdo the protectiveness of Western AGPs; they’re a pretty hard-nosed bunch.

  3. Just my two cents…I’m a transmale female to male, fully transitioned medically and legally. I am exclusively attracted to men. I married one. I am a gay transman. They do exist. You, sir, are wrong in your claims. Have a nice day.

    1. Pity you didn’t read the article, or was the testosterone getting in your way?

      ‘Snowflake culture is animated principally by misandry, the hatred of men, and specifically, white men. Women are the top dogs. It is a matriarchy seen through a glass darkly. Within it, some women seek to become alpha males in order to replace the real males the culture has removed.’

      That describes you perfectly. You are a misandrist female who thinks that she can replace men and play the role of a man. But you are conflicted because your innate sexual desire is for men (yes, sex drive is innate, like so much else.) At a guess, you like to inflict pain on your (actually male) partner during the act of sex, because feminism has indoctrinated you to believe that all sex is rape and so your role, as a pseudo-man, is to rape men. That makes you a very sick puppy.

      A female who is attracted to men is a heterosexual female. You are a transvestite heterosexual female whose transvestism extends to body modification. You are not a ‘gay male’ of any description whatsoever, because you are not male. You have XX chromosomes, end of debate.

      So, you’re still not a man, you’re a woman with a major psychological issue, exacerbated by, if not derived from, the sick snowflake culture that you are a part of. You will never be a man. Deal with it.

  4. Dear Rod,
    (nice patronising start. Why do I just know there is more passive-aggression to come?)

    while I feel it is good different viewpoints are made, and I do not have a issue with others disagreeing with mine, I do feel there’s a certain theme running through your works….. You seem to feel that being very feminine and attracted to men would make social, sexual and financial success improbable for a very femme Gay Man so they decide to become a TG.
    (This is a strawman argument. I never said any of that.)

    This both simplifies humanity to a cookie cutter viewpoint which fits in with your white male hetro privilege
    (There is no such thing as white ‘hetro’ privilege, and besides, this is another strawman. I never said any of that either.)

    way of viewing the world, and it isn’t accurate. Look around you in fashion, media, TV, beauty, sales and you will see many femme guys who do just fine.
    (Straw man; I never said there were not. Again.)

    Further a desire to sleep with men isn’t enough of a reason to make someone go and shift genders. It’s not hard to get sex.
    (Straw man; see above)

    There are loads of men out there who will have sex with a masculine looking cross dresser let alone a feminine trans woman.
    (Straw man; see above)

    A combination of genetics, childhood experiences, and the society one lives in, are far more likely to be the cause for gender transition.
    (Straw man, see above. This is getting tiring)

    Your use of images of poor uneducated trans prostitutes from Thailand doesn’t exactly help the cause of your arguments either….
    (How do you know they are poor or uneducated? Straw man. And why should I care what a closeted freak who dresses up in his wife’s undies to crack one off thinks ‘helps the cause of my arguments’, anyway? They stand or fall on their own merits and your relentless misrepresentation of them just shows how well they do stand up.)

    Could it be said you represent a type of straight western man who lacks the social skills and appearance to make a relationship work with western women so has to use money as a tool to appeal to trans girls in the far east?
    (You freakish fetishistic transvestites just can’t hide your inherent repulsiveness and unworthiness of the title ‘human’ can you? But I do fine thanks and I certainly don’t need a delusional transvestite’s help. You make me feel like I have to go and take another shower. Like there were bugs crawling on me. Go and paint the ceiling, but don’t get it on your wife’s pantyhose.)

    But that would be oversimplification of you and maybe not fair as there’s likely to be more to you isn’t there?
    (Ah, the passive aggression again. I’m not passive; I think you’re an utter cunt and a disgrace to your species.)

    As you are well educated and successful in life and do make some valid points in some of your debates.
    (Passive aggression, the stock in trade of the repulsive Western autogynephile, a deranged man who wanks off in women’s underwear. Nice.)

    Just like Myself as a Trans woman of 38 with 4 kids and a very glamorous cis female wife..
    (A woman whose life, if she exists, you will ruin without a thought when you finally ‘come out to live your dream’ not to mention warping your children forever. And how Freudian that you capitalise ‘Myself’. Because that’s the only person on the planet who actually matters to an autogynephile, isn’t it, pet? You’re vile.)

    I am not a pronoun obsessed person, I do not live in a bubble
    (actually, yes you do. You’re a delusional fruitcake.)

    and at times my life is hard however to not be able coward and hide behind the cloak of heterosexuality or manliness where I was very successful with both women and men .shows Guts and courage…. A coward dies a thousand deaths…. A brave gender dsyphoric person but one……
    (Aww diddums not brave enough to be seen in public in a frock. That much of a fright, are we?)

    I’ve had relationships with men before Meeting my wife, I am attracted to both men and women and I remember feeling different to other people from a young young age….. There is something about people like me that Is a little different and we don’t fit neatly in boxes…… Food for thought.
    (Aye, right. You need psychiatric help, big time. And your wife should empty the bank account, take the kids and the car along with anything else that’s not bolted down and run while she still has a life. You are a monster.)


    (Don’t let the door catch you, ‘Alexa’)

    1. You know, sometimes I wonder if there’s actually just one autogynephilic transvestite freak out there, or if they’re all clones, cause they all come it in exactly the same way, like they were singing from the same songsheet. Anyway, this mutt felt he just had to comment; enjoy. My responses are in brackets.
      Dear Rod,
      (nice patronising start. Why do I just know there is more passive-aggression to come?)

      while I feel it is good different viewpoints are made, and I do not have a issue with others disagreeing with mine, I do feel there’s a certain theme running through your works….. You seem to feel that being very feminine and attracted to men would make social, sexual and financial success improbable for a very femme Gay Man so they decide to become a TG.
      (This is a strawman argument. I never said any of that.)

      This both simplifies humanity to a cookie cutter viewpoint which fits in with your white male hetro privilege
      (There is no such thing as white ‘hetro’ privilege, and besides, this is another strawman. I never said any of that either.)

      way of viewing the world, and it isn’t accurate. Look around you in fashion, media, TV, beauty, sales and you will see many femme guys who do just fine.
      (Straw man; I never said there were not. Again.)

      Further a desire to sleep with men isn’t enough of a reason to make someone go and shift genders. It’s not hard to get sex.
      (Straw man; see above)

      There are loads of men out there who will have sex with a masculine looking cross dresser let alone a feminine trans woman.
      (Straw man; see above)

      A combination of genetics, childhood experiences, and the society one lives in, are far more likely to be the cause for gender transition.
      (Straw man, see above. This is getting tiring)

      Your use of images of poor uneducated trans prostitutes from Thailand doesn’t exactly help the cause of your arguments either….
      (How do you know they are poor or uneducated? Come to that, how do you know they’re prostitutes? Are you sex-worker-phobic or do you just assume every TS who can pass is one? I mean, I get it — no man would go near you on a dark night in the rain in a power-cut. Must sting, that. And why should I care what a closeted freak who dresses up in his wife’s undies to crack one off thinks ‘helps the cause of my arguments’, anyway? They stand or fall on their own merits and your relentless misrepresentation of them just shows how well they do stand up.)

      Could it be said you represent a type of straight western man who lacks the social skills and appearance to make a relationship work with western women so has to use money as a tool to appeal to trans girls in the far east?
      (You freakish fetishistic transvestites just can’t hide your inherent repulsiveness and unworthiness of the title ‘human’ can you? But I do fine thanks and I certainly don’t need a delusional transvestite’s help. You make me feel like I have to go and take another shower. Like there were bugs crawling on me. Go and paint the ceiling, but don’t get it on your wife’s pantyhose.)

      But that would be oversimplification of you and maybe not fair as there’s likely to be more to you isn’t there?
      (Ah, the passive aggression again. I’m not passive; I think you’re an utter cunt and a disgrace to your species.)

      As you are well educated and successful in life and do make some valid points in some of your debates.
      (Passive aggression, the stock in trade of the repulsive Western autogynephile, a deranged man who wanks off in women’s underwear. Nice.)

      Just like Myself as a Trans woman of 38 with 4 kids and a very glamorous cis female wife..
      (A woman whose life, if she exists, you will ruin without a thought when you finally ‘come out to live your dream’ not to mention warping your children forever. And how Freudian that you capitalise ‘Myself’. Because that’s the only person on the planet who actually matters to an autogynephile, isn’t it, pet? You’re vile.)

      I am not a pronoun obsessed person, I do not live in a bubble
      (actually, yes you do. You’re a delusional fruitcake.)

      and at times my life is hard however to not be able coward and hide behind the cloak of heterosexuality or manliness where I was very successful with both women and men .shows Guts and courage…. A coward dies a thousand deaths…. A brave gender dsyphoric person but one……
      (Aww diddums not brave enough to be seen in public in a frock. That much of a fright, are we?)

      I’ve had relationships with men before Meeting my wife, I am attracted to both men and women and I remember feeling different to other people from a young young age….. There is something about people like me that Is a little different and we don’t fit neatly in boxes…… Food for thought.
      (Aye, right. You need psychiatric help, big time. And your wife should empty the bank account, take the kids and the car along with anything else that’s not bolted down and run while she still has a life. You are a monster.)


      (Don’t let the door catch you, ‘Alexa’)

    1. I see I really got you with my last, ‘Alexa’. Low-life vermin like you do not impress me, although your predictability is remarkable. Triggering an insane rant from you is like teasing a cat. Except cats are more pleasant. But I do think your rantings tell us a lot about the nature of Autogynephilia and how the Western form in particular perverts its victims. And you really are a pervert, aren’t you? Which other nasty little proclivities do you have, I wonder? Personally, I’d suggest Child Services should open a file on your kids. Just in case, you know? Who knows what you get up to while wifey’s out working, eh ‘Alexa’? šŸ˜‰

      Kisses, sweetie-pops. Don’t strangle yourself with your wife’s knicker-elastic. Oh wait…

      1. Dear Rod,

        {More wank from the ceiling-painter} – who then says ‘I won’t dignify this with a detailed reply’ but manages a 340-word litany of insult and innuendo. My, you freaky fetishists are fragile. And despicable.

        1. The thing is ‘Alexa’, you’re disgusting. You dress up in women’s undies to wank off yet you pretend to everyone around you that you’re a normal family man. There’s nothing ‘normal’ about you. You have a severe mental disorder which is frequently associated with others, like paedophilia, coprophilia, necrophilia and a whole bunch of other nasty paraphilias, not to mention more ‘mainstream’ mental disorders. You’re not safe around children and probably should be locked up.

  5. Rod, these comments are bloody disgraceful, I know you have strong opinions but given I’m a gay trans man (straight men don’t want me therefore I fit into the gay/bi catagory), I think you should apologise for suggesting that I’m either a lesbian on steroids or mentally ill. As a meninist who lives as a domestic single parent I don’t think any of the comments here fit into my life. Try to be nicer to total strangers on the internet you don’t know what provoked them to comment, some of this looks really immature. And yes I see they are older comments so may not reflect current thinking.

    1. Hi. Did you read the article? Anyway, I stand by it. HSTS transmen (natal females) are homosexual females who use hormones and surgery to change their bodies to more closely resemble those of men, just as HSTS transwomen are homosexual natal males who do the same to make themselves more closely remember women. ‘Lesbians on steroids’ is accurate, if purple. On the other hand, if female Autoandrophilia actually exists (I’m sceptical) and is the female equivalent of AGP then it would be, by definition, a mental disorder. I don’t see where the apology comes in. I suppose, if AAP is the inverse of AGP then we should expect subjects to be rampant disorder-denialists, but I leave those with it to deal with that.

      If you are a non-homosexual transman then, as the article explained, this might be caused by AAP but there is no science to back that up. ‘AAP’ as an explanation for non-homosexual female transition looks to me to be a conveniently cobbled-together hypothesis with little or no evidence to back it up, save the claims of subjects. We don’t accept similar claims when made by AGPs so I wonder why we do when AAP comes along. Is it because the subjects are by definition female and thus get female privilege? That would be a bad thing. It could just be a social phenomenon akin to the recently-identified ‘ROGD’, which is not a true Gender Dysphoria at all, but a social contagion provoked by feminism.

      I write what I write; I do not ‘try to be nice’. There is far too much of this nasty USican PC double-talk on the internet and an intense and ongoing attempt to stifle free speech and expression. A spade is a spade and should be called such. No article I write is targeting a specific individual.

      I am not aware of ‘not being nice’ to you, in fact I have bent over backwards to be pleasant; if you are referring to the exchange with ‘Alexa’ however, then, with all due respect, it’s none of your business how I deal with a deliberately offensive visitor who was using off-topic comments to insult me (typical of an AGP transvestite; we get plenty of them coming by to drop their little hate-bombs. I’m sorry if I treat them with the contempt they richly deserve. No, scratch that; I’m not.)

      The article was rewritten to reflect current thinking before being reposted. In fact was substantially changed from the original, which did not allow for AAP in females at all, since only a couple of years ago, nobody thought it was really a thing. I’m still not really convinced, but I give the benefit of the doubt. However I am increasingly confident that we will see a rash of regret and desistance amongst non-homosexual FtM. My primary concern is that this should not be allowed to impact on HSTS. They do no have a mental disorder and need to be assisted to get on with their lives as best they can. I now view HSTS as a form of intersex rather than a classic gender dysphoria.

      I do think non-homosexual GD is a thing; I think Autogynephilia causes immense distress and is a very serious disorder indeed, but I am completely unpersuaded that transition, especially surgical transition, is an appropriate or even useful way to deal with it, at least in the long term. Since we know so little about AAP, I would have those reservations about that too.

      1. Yes, I read the article.

        I feel an apology is required for consistently asserting your belief that transsexuals are catagorised based on sexuality. It is insulting to our overall identities, very black and white and does not account for diversity.

        A ‘non-homosexual transman’ is known as a gay transman in general society, whether you like it or not, sexuality is based on the person, not what others think of them. If it was insisted that I was actually a woman on testosterone, I would never be able to integrate into society and never be understood- both socially and sexually. People assume a lot based on perceived gender and change their own behaviour according to what they think the other person is.

        testosterone; I’m fully aware that men ‘get seriously injured all the time’ for overstepping the mark so to speak. If an academic man such as yourself were to try and smack me one over this, there’s something very wrong with you. I am direct in my comments because I don’t respect yours.

        I particularly don’t like the way you keep trying to diagnose strangers sexual conditions from a few online comments. You don’t know the background of who you are having a conversation with.

        However, if it means anything to you; from your youtube + the article on here (admittedly haven’t watched every vid) I must say you do appear to be exhibiting the classic signs of a man who is so horrified by masculine sexuality, he has created this online network as a coping mechanism/self defense. You promote feminine transsexuals, seem to prefer them as a subject (yet have disrespected many by using the term ladyboy); you say that all transwomen who are attracted to women (lesbian t girls) never ‘pass’ and that the only true TS are what you call the homosexuals. Put together a case of 1000 different transwomen, and 1000 different transmen, see if we all think they ‘pass’ or not, see if anyone complains and says it’s not up to you- or anyone- to say exactly what is feminine or masculine, to award someone with a ‘pass’ like it’s an exam or something. Any suburb is teaming with a huge variety of people, many of whom (it could be said) are not magazine-worthy attractive models. Why should trans people be perfect when no one else is? The TGgirls you look at are often from beauty pageants, is that fair? How many women would want to do that? How many guys would feel comfortable as the local gym poster boy? Your trans opinions focus too often on the superficial. Transsexualism is not a fashion statement and a person, regardless of gender, should not have to be a fashion victim, or be told they don’t look right, which is a kind of fashion statement in itself. I have kids and am aware of those like you who insult my parenting values; such as teaching acceptance of diversity; not putting too much focus on looks, but placing more value onto behaviour.. and it bothers me that for every opinion like yours about TS, it throws a shade over all trans people like me. The more who agree with you; the more will think I’m wrong and thus my belief system must be wrong. Most of us are just trying to get on with our lives/work/raise children etc not have the hate crime cranked up.

        You can’t view or promote the view that some transsexuals are like intersex people, medically intersex is a physical condition people are born with as a result of chromosomes, leaving the individual with a different/mixed reproductive system at birth.

        Though I think it’s great that you are promoting some transwomen, they are often targeted the most and murdered regularly in some countries, just a shame you are focusing on the aspects that you personally like and insulting the rest.

  6. Rod, you responded in exactly the way I thought that you would. If we were in a bar in the UK I could report you for hate crime.

    Though according to you, because I have the nerve to be assertive to ‘a natal man’, I’d be beaten up.
    You seem to have removed/edited some of your comments, or maybe they are simply not loading on my laptop.

    There’s a fine line between having an opinion and actually insulting people, which is what you ARE doing. Why don’t you get permission from the people who’s photos you have used in your article? It could be percieved as targeting individuals as long as you use these. Buck Angel is a huge activist and promotes a rather different attitude, that is, of accepting diversity. Regardless of what you think, using excuses of science, you can still be viewed as trolling.

    Any comments we exchange are clearly not going to leave us in a friendly place. I’d like to agree to differ. I’m not impressed with the last response from you, which is not showing on here… when will you realise that exclusion and barriers push people away, many of whom are not a problem in society; and this discrimination/exclusion spreads. You don’t like a lot of trans people. Get over it instead of making repeat vids about how YOU think it’s wrong. And I’m not impressed at the insult you snuck in about my kids. Again, strong insults and comments about people you don’t know. You are a self styled tabloid esque journalist, throwing about other people’s research and making yourself look like an idiot. This is one of the reasons why people will not take you seriously.

    *When Brexit was announced there was a sudden increase in racism, police everywhere in my home town, a friend witnessed abuse in the City and other incidents were reported in the news. Many people voted to remove anyone not born here, meaning anyone who looked foreign was attacked at least verbally.

    Since trans people are in a minority, why obsess over it? Does it actually affect you? Do we interfere in your actual life? Really, it’s the transsexuals who are being pulled apart, as we struggle to integrate. If you don’t understand the massive differences between male/female living you won’t understand what we go through. I can see you secretly supporting conversion therapy. Also; different races of people look different eg. Japanese men often have little or no body/chest hair so would likely ‘pass’ better on oestrogen than the average white British man. You are selective, it doesn’t support any of what you are trying to do; which is to force people to conform to ideals of sexuality. I do not want to reply to you again.

    1. Women cannot penetrate naturally. Transmen need numerous operations to have a a fake penis installed, which, frankly, looks nothing like a penis and requires animatronics to work. We might term it a ‘Frankenprick’. Males can be penetrated, simply by turning over. Therefore, they can play both the male (dominant, penetrating) and female (submissive, penetrated) roles in sex. Females can’t, aside of fingering. Basic stuff, petal.

      1. Essentially you’re saying that an anus is superior to a prothesis? Besides operations are not even necessary, there are prothesis that look fine and stimulate the wearer. And can be acquired everywhere for a low price, making this just as “accessible”. The clitoris is essentially a small penis, which gets somewhat bigger and more sensitive with testosterone. So it just gets extended via prothesis. I may offend anal sex fans with this, but personally not fond of this part of the body for sexual purposes, because of its actual function and well known side effects. The fact that many transwomen decide to operate may also confirm that it’s not an ideal substitute.

        All this to say that I don’t see a substantial difference, concerning this, between anus and prothesis (and would also not be sure in favor of what it would be). In any case not enough to justify that “men can be women but women can’t be men”.

        1. ‘I donā€™t see a substantial difference, concerning this, between anus and prothesis (sic)’ Really? You don’t? One is flesh and blood and a natural, functioning part of the human body, while the other, assuming we are talking about frankenpricks here, is a dildo with a pump in it. Yet you ‘don’t see a difference’. That sounds disingenuous. So, if it comes down to it, an anus is superior to a prosthesis, yes. The relative merits and demerits of anus vs vagina is not relevant here, other than to cause offence, which appears to be your aim. The majority of transwomen, including HSTS, retain their penises, so they have no other option.

          There is, similarly, no comparison between the frankenprick and a post-operative neo-vagina. The latter uses no silicone or animatronics and is just a cosmetic reshaping of an existing organ. It is visually and functionally the same as a natal vagina, if well done. It doesn’t have the full musculature of a vagina and, of course, it is not connected to a reproductive system, but in terms of cosmetic appeal and sexual practice, they do very well — which is more than can be said for the frankenprick.

          Males can indeed be women in sex, just by allowing themselves to be penetrated, but females cannot penetrate, since they do not have penises. Since penetrating is central to being a man (if it were not, why would female transitioners have frankenpricks installed), females cannot be men. Sadly, perhaps, there is a big difference between penetrating with the prick you were born with and one you paid a doctor to install. It’s a bit like putting a Hyundai motor on a Ferrari.

          Or perhaps we might say: ‘Fake cock, fake man,’ if you prefer.

          I realise this is a subtlety of understanding that might be beyond you.

  7. This comment has been moderated because of gross offensiveness, ad hominems and personal abuse. You don’t get to do those here, pet, and you left behind your female privilege long ago.

  8. Hi, I found your blog interesting. But what you say about man trans is not right. Watch this video where a Brazilian trans man speaks to his hyper masculine childhood and proves with photos. Today is a gay trans man.

    He has instagram. It’s called popo vaz. La ha pictures of her boyfriend, a biologically masculine gay male and a Celsenian. Popo vaz is passive and uses her vagina with her gay boyfriend

    1. Well, there’s a shitstorm on steroids for you. Nonhomosexual transmen, which is what this person is, have exploded numerically in the Anglosphere but this is the first I’ve seen from Brazil. Maybe Bolsonaro’s election was not before time.

      Let’s examine the case. You say she is ‘passive and uses her vagina’. This means she has female sexuality, that is, desire to be penetrated, using her principal female sex organ. Then you say that she has a ‘gay’ boyfriend who penetrates her, using his penis. So she is being made love to, as a woman, by something resembling a man, who is behaving, sexually, as a man. This individual’s homosexuality is highly questionable — most homosexual males won’t go near a vagina, no matter whose legs it’s between, let alone stick their dicks in one. So he is perhaps attracted to very masculine women, rather than actually being homosexual. Or perhaps he is just a sexual opportunist who knows that there are women who seek non-dominant men and they make easy sexual targets if one plays the role correctly.

      So effectively she is a masculinised woman who is attracted to a weak and emasculated man, who nevertheless is able to perform sexually in bed. This is an increasingly obvious artefact of feminism, coming from the sexual role inversion that is central to current feminist dogma.

      The one photo provided is of a child between 10-12, ie, after puberty. Homosexual transsexualism always appears before puberty and I wonder why there are no earlier pictures. There is a clear parallel with nonhomosexual transition in males (autogynephilia) who also often produce pictures of themselves at around that age and claim that these prove that they are HSTS or that the Typology doesn’t apply to them (the entire world always revolves around a nonhomosexual transitioner, who are all massive narcissists, whether they are male or female.) But this is nonsense: nonhomosexual transition desire or Gender Dysphoria sets on at or after puberty in males, never before, and showing pictures clearly taken after puberty proves nothing at all. There is increasing evidence that the two, puberty and AGP (in males) onset at the same time, but the subject suppresses the AGP either out of confusion or social intolerance. The same appears to occur in the female form of nonhomosexual GD.

      FUrther, one must question the mother’s role in this. I have certainly come across cases where mothers have so wanted a boy child that they effectively gaslighted their daughter into transition. This seems more common in boys, where modern feminists so hate masculinity that they raise their sons as girls, but it also occurs in traditional cultures where a daughter is meant to care for her parents into old age. Don’t have a daughter? Fine, turn one of your sons into a girl. This is widely reported, notably in Samoan and other Pacific cultures, but also right here in the Philippines. SO parental influence cannot be ignored.

      Nonhomosexual women should never transition surgically. They are not transsexual, only HSTS are, and surgical solutions for their condition are inappropriate.

      Testosterone is extremely powerful and will quickly masculinise even a very feminine girl. It is relatively easy for FtM transitioners to be passable, even if they are nonhomosexual, because of this. This contrasts with nonhomosexual (AGP) MtF, who rarely pass.

      I don’t have any hesitation in assessing this individual as a nonhomosexual FtM. She is not really a transman at all, she is a kind of transvestite or crossdresser who has taken the act on to hormones. I should imagine it will end in a train wreck, because nonhomosexual transition in females nearly always does.

  9. Why transitioning effeminate gay men? Why feeding a delusion?

    Gender expression is not 100% inborn. It is pretty much acquired. Transition is a delusion and a very unhealthy one. People should learn to love their biological sex and not reinforce the idea that men “are men because they should behave like this”.
    As a homosexual man myself I can say no matter how effeminate a gay man can be, he is a man and will always be a man.
    Reality should not be distorted.

    1. You sound very much like a person bitter at missing the boat. You have Sexual Inversion; therefore your sexuality is female and your gender should be feminine.

      An effeminate ‘gay man’ is not a man at all, she’s a woman in denial. Yes I know the NGM has been plugging the same lie for 50 years but there it is: at best you’re a not-man. You’re not a man. The fact is that Complete Sexual Inverts/HSTS don’t really ‘transition’ at all, they just grow into what their sexuality demands they should be: women.

      I realise it’s hard for you to accept, having bought into a scandalous lie, but that is how it is. As for me, if I can save young pretranssexuals from being corrupted into the hell of substance, emotional and sex abuse that is the New Gay Man lifestyle and instead live their lives as women, then great. I applaud myself.

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