Trans men: Real men or lesbians on steroids?

Originally posted 2018-09-10 06:35:20.

We’ve spent a lot of time on this blog discussing trans women. But as yet, I’ve said very little about trans men. Essentially, just as in MtF, there are two forms. One is a homosexual form; they are in fact lesbians with a social desire to appear as men. This is consistent with their sexuality: to attract female partners, they wish to appear to be men.

FtM HSTS transsexuals are theĀ  equivalent amongst females to the MtF transsexual who is, let us state again, a person born male who is attracted to men from childhood and is naturally extremely feminine in every way — so much so that they can never be successful men and are better off transitioning. HSTS trans men are the exact opposite.

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