How to make love to a ladyboy part 1


Originally posted 2021-11-24 16:48:59.

I have been asked many times about the technical details of making love with ladyboys and at last I decided to do it.  By the way, I know this is in the wrong order, blame my stupid software. The stuff in my head, that is.

Anyway, how does a straight man make love to a ladyboy? With a little care and sensitivity, is the answer. I know there are men out there who like to fucked but most of us are not like that and for those who are, you’re either Autogynephilic or suffering from internalised homophobia. Neither of these are desirable.  The ladyboys we are talking about are what Blanchard et alia call HSTS, that is, homosexual transsexuals and what I call True Transsexuals.


They are exclusively attracted to men, have been girls since the age of two and will only play the female role in bed. We are not talking about the other type, Autogynephilic transvestites here. In southeast Asia these can be fun to play with, but in the West they are a nightmare and should be avoided. Granted there are a few exceptions, but caveat emptor, or maybe, caveat futuour.

In my experience, transsexual ladyboys are lovely girls, attentive, caring and great in bed. They are beautiful and unassuming, if occasionally a little crazy. (It might be the hormones.) Transvestites, who often call themselves transgender in the West, are practically impossible to have a relationship with. I shouldn’t even try with a Western one and certainly not with one who transitioned over the age of around 18. Bad bet.

Beautiful bottom.

It pays to find out exactly what the girl is interested in before getting her into bed. Having spent a night fighting off a girl who suddenly got it into her head that she was the man, I can assure you it’s no fun and you will not get out of that bed without a fight or a sore bum.

Maybe invest in handcuffs. Seriously.


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books by rod fleming

Transgender, Autogynephilia and Narcissistic Rage

Originally posted 2017-06-11 16:44:21.

Transgender,  Autogynephilia and Narcissistic Rage


Autogynephilia, defined as ‘a man’s propensity to become sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman’ is the primary cause of male to feminine transgender expressions. It occurs all over the world but takes different forms depending on the local cultures. Continue reading “Transgender, Autogynephilia and Narcissistic Rage”

Sex, Sexuality and Gender: Part One


Originally posted 2020-12-01 15:01:20.

Sex is determined by chromosomal makeup. In humans, this has specific and recognisable morphological effects that place the individual into a recognisable set. Sex is either Male or Female, in normal humans. Males have penises and testes and females have vaginas and ovaries. There are some rare conditions which may result in an indeterminate physical condition. These are called Intersex. For almost all humans, however, Sex can accurately be determined at birth, just by looking at the genitalia.

books by rod fleming

Continue reading “Sex, Sexuality and Gender: Part One”

Make love to more ladyboys


Originally posted 2021-11-24 14:21:24.

Here’s an awesome new video following up on the theme ‘How to make love to ladyboys’.

Making love with a pre-op ladyboy, or any other intact trans woman, requires the use of the rear entrance. This is delightful, to put it mildly, for the man penetrating it, but there are some complications and some precautions that should be taken with ladyboys.

An inexperienced girl can be hurt in the crucial first encounters and an inexperienced man is more likely to cause that. If she is hurt, then future lovemaking will be affected until she recovers her confidence. The subjects discussed in this video and the previous one will help both to make sure lovemaking is as much fun and pleasure as it should be.

Most of the video’s content was written in response to questions posed by viewers, many of which did surprise me, but I’ll let you watch the video to see why. It’s quite safe for work, there are no explicit images.

What men like is ladyboys. When we want ordinary women, there are plenty.

The cover girl is an ex, who is very sweet and in addition to being beautiful had one killer little body on her. Unfortunately (or perhaps not,) she struck up with an Ozzie with more money than brains. The next time I saw her she had a nose job, bolt-on boobs and silicone all over the place…I didn’t see those as an improvement and I wish ladyboys wouldn’t do things like that that.

What men like about you is that you’re ladyboys. You don’t have to do more than be one, to make us happy. There are squillions of natal women out there, we can pick our choice. There are far, far fewer ladyboys than ordinary women, you’ll always be the special ones. It’s the fact that you are ladyboys that men like about you.  It’s what makes you special women, not just ordinary ones.

Available on my Odysee channel

Youtube below



books by rod fleming

Sexual terminology: what you should know.

Originally posted 2017-03-22 09:25:15.

Sexual terminology has become a major issue, or well, at least one that should raise a laugh.

So let’s clear it up, shall we?

Physical Sex:

Either male or female, defined at conception. This is immutable and cannot be changed.

Male: an individual specimen with XY chromosomes. Will normally have a penis and testicles.

Female: as above, but with XX chromosomes. Will normally have a vagina, clitoris, ovaries and breasts (in adulthood.)

Continue reading “Sexual terminology: what you should know.”

Trump restored rights to women. Fact.

Originally posted 2017-02-27 06:25:25.

In 2017 US President Donald Trump reversed one of the most egregious acts of anti-science perpetrated by the catastrophic Obama administration.

He rolled back the infamous ‘guidance’ to US Title IX, issued in 2016, which attempted to force Federally-funded programmes to remove protections for women based on their sex and biological science.


Continue reading “Trump restored rights to women. Fact.”

The Sex Market

The Sex Market

Originally posted 2023-06-05 19:43:16.

An essential part of the closed sex market is that women must be the only permissible sexual providers. But the fact is that men are not so fussy. In the dark, well, then — one cul is much like another, n’est-ce pas?


This is one of the most interesting questions. Most males, as teenagers, would have no issues with having sexual experiences with another boy; indeed, across the planet, such behaviours are normal. As Dr JM Bailey said, it seems that men are conditioned later to reject them. That doesn’t mean that they would prefer it, but simply that, left to themselves, they would not be shamed by their teenage jerking sessions with other boys.

books by rod fleming

Continue reading “The Sex Market”

Thai kathoeys: transwomen of Siam


Originally posted 2022-11-18 18:58:50.

Thai kathoeys have long been recognised in the Kingdom of Siam and are now known globally. This article was translated from the original French, by me, and edited and improved.

Thai kathoey
Chananchida “Blossom” Rungpetcharat

According to Buddhist precepts, being kathoey might be a “punishment” from a previous life: in it, the man cheated on a woman and to understand how she feels, he is reborn as a woman in a man’s body. In part thanks to this legend, the kathoey are accepted in the Land of Smiles. After all, in a culture where male philandering is practically standard, being a kathoey might be the fate of all such men, in a future life.

books by rod fleming Continue reading “Thai kathoeys: transwomen of Siam”

Opening the closed sex market: Happy Men’s Day


Originally posted 2020-11-19 18:45:17.

The 19th of November being International Men’s Day — which you probably did not know — I thought I’d do a humorous little piece about freedom. Escaping the gynocracy and its would-be closed sex market, that is.

An essential part of the gynocracy’s closed sex market is that women must be the only permissible sex providers. But the fact is that men are not so fussy. In the dark, well, then — one cul is much like another, n’est-ce pas? So why can’t we have a free sex market? Why do women have to control it, especially in cultures where they have effectively given up motherhood?


Women have always tried to make male sex with other males taboo, in order to control men. After all, it would not do if a man refused his wife’s demands because he was getting his knob polished by that cute batang bakla from next door, you know. Women have to maintain power over men somehow. And shaming them for the way they have sex, well, that’s an easy one. It’s the go-to weapon and always has been.

Despite this, across the planet, especially where cis girls are strictly verboten, men pursue sex with other males, who look like girls and can be fucked.

books by rod fleming

Continue reading “Opening the closed sex market: Happy Men’s Day”