Sex Tourism: right or wrong?

What is 'sex tourism'? It's a subject that generates a great deal of copy and little enlightenment. Is it just 'mongering', the practice of buying sex, but this time in foreign lands? And if it were, why would there be anything wrong with that? Is it any sex abroad? Is having sex when you're on holiday 'sex tourism'?  What about if you live abroad and occasionally have dalliances with the locals? Sex tourism? What about, in the same country, if you marry a local? Still 'sex tourism'? What does 'sex tourism' actually mean? Is it really a thing, or is it just another nasty epithet that the lowest of the low, rabidfems, use to try to shame men into behaving by the rules that they and other feminazis set, without ever getting a say in defining those rules?  Can women be 'guilty' of 'sex tourism', or is that just holiday fucking?     Cultural Imperialism USican Feminazis say they hat
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