Autogynephilic male? What’s that?

autogynephilic male

Originally posted 2022-02-20 18:55:58.

You know, if you really want to ruin your Saturday night, go hang around an Autogynephilic male message forum.

An Autogynephilic male is besotted by himself — as a woman.  The condition is a form of autoeroticism.  Dr Ray Blanchard’s coined the term the 1980s at the Clarke Institute in Toronto. It is safe to say that neither this institution nor Dr Blanchard have found favour with many an Autogynephilic male.

Blanchard was trying to put some statistical flesh on the ‘two types’ theory of transition.  In fact, the idea that there were two clearly differentiated types of male who might want to appear to be women had been known for many years, since the time of Magnus Hirschfeld. One type was easy to understand, the other so complex that some researchers thought there was a multiplicity.



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Homosexual Transsexual vs Autogynephilic males

Originally posted 2017-08-29 18:01:06.

By Guest author

Much has made about the differences between autogynephilic transvestites (AGP) and homosexual transsexuals (HSTS). However, most of this work remains largely clinical and as such, it fails to connect to the sympathies of the public. An exception to this of course being J. Michael Bailey’s The Man who would be Queen, an almost pop-science interpretation of the data on transsexualism. Even this, despite being a nice read, is written from the perspective of a researcher. What I am getting at, if not already obvious, is that not much is written from the perspective of Homosexual Transsexual women.

I am a Homosexual Transsexual woman, and was invited by Rod to write a piece or two based on my experiences. I don’t usually get to share these with other people, and I thought this a good opportunity. I won’t get into much about my childhood — after you’ve heard a couple of Homosexual Transsexual’s childhood remembrances, you’ve pretty much heard them all — but I will give some basics.


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Autogynephilic men: cure or management?

Originally posted 2018-12-19 06:43:49.

Autogynephilia is ‘a man’s propensity to be aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman’ (Blanchard)

Autogynephilia is the cause of all non-homosexual Gender Dysphoria in males. This is completely different in nature from Homosexual Gender Dysphoria (HGD), which is a function of Congenital Sexual Inversion and  leads to Homosexual Transsexualism or HSTS. It bears no relationship to Autogynephilia.

Briefly, Completed Sexual Inverts or HSTS are indeed Transsexual, but Autogynephiles are transvestites, even though the source of their sexual satisfaction might not be clothing per se. Essentially, the body they inhabit becomes the ‘woman suit.’

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Social class and gender in the Philippines

social class and gender

Originally posted 2022-02-14 14:47:08.

I have met significantly more than a few Asian autogynephilic transvestites and the majority profile is quite clear.

They tend to have their first ‘feelings’ at around the age of 15-16 and begin HRT, usually in the form of contraceptive pills, soon after that. While late-transitioning autogynephilic transvestites do exist, they are rarely public. A good recent example would be Ian King, a racing driver and son of a wealthy ‘Fil-Am’ family.  Social class and gender are strongly linked, as we shall see.

This particular individual fits the Western profile of the Autogynephilic transvestite exactly, but that appears to be related to his social class. This is interesting, because a similar social divide is found between masculine presenting homosexual males, macho gays locally or the New Gay Man, and the traditional highly feminised type. Here again, the former tends to be rare and found only in higher social strata, while the latter is both much more common and more associated with lower social class.

Homosexual transsexuals: The true transsexuals

Originally posted 2018-08-24 06:56:57.

One of the most important articles on the subject of homosexual transsexuals was written by Dr J Michael Bailey and the late Kiira Triea. This has been published widely on the internet and in the blogosphere, but I take the liberty of republishing it here, to widen the spread of its influence.

Homosexual transsexuals are often hard to spot, since they are so feminine. It’s not usually a question of establishing whether they are transsexuals or transvestites, but whether they are transsexuals or girls. Outside an environment that gives context, it’s  almost impossible to tell, especially where the girl was lucky enough to begin hormones early. Encountering one in a mall, like this, nobody would have a clue. Ain’t she a poppet?

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books by rod fleming

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Autogynephilia: Sex as a woman

Originally posted 2018-09-19 06:45:38.

Autogynephilia is a narcissistic, sexualised self-reward syndrome. It is a non-homosexual man’s compulsive desire to be, or appear to be, a woman. It is satisfied by achieving this, more or less. Although there are other rewards, the most powerful one is by having sex as a woman.

That is to say, by being penetrated, usually anally.

Because it is self-reinforcing, the more often the satisfaction is achieved, the stronger it gets. It is narcissistic because it is focussed on the male self in role as a woman. Because sexualised reward is so strong, autogynephilia is extremely powerful and quickly becomes an obsession. Sex as a woman can turbo-charge it.


books by rod fleming

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Erotic target location error and Autogynephilia

erotic target location error

Originally posted 2022-06-18 17:54:55.

Autogynephilia is the most common cause of male-to-feminine transition in the West. Dr Ray Blanchard, who first proposed the theory of Autogynephilia, estimates that in the USA, it accounts for about 70% of such transitions, although this is a difficult call to make.

This means that it’s important to realise that Autogynephilia is a real thing and that it affects many men. In some cases it can be so debilitating as to be life-threatening and certainly is the cause of many ruined marriages. It is caused by an error in Erotic Target location.

Unfortunately, there is a group of activists, some Autogynephilic themselves, others their supporters, who refuse to accept the reality of their condition. These range from serious researchers, through quacks, to poorly educated internet pundits such as a person hiding behind the fake name ‘tailcalled’.


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Socially-induced autogynephilia

this has nothing to do with socially induced autogynephilia

Originally posted 2022-08-01 19:07:04.

We have , over the last decade, seen a new form of mental disorder afflict our young people. This is called ‘transgenderism’ and it has established almost a stranglehold on Western culture. Yet almost no ‘transgenders’ are actually transsexual and this bizarre situation is getting worse every year. So how has this come about?

This article is about socially-induced autogynephilia, so what is that? Surely autogynephilia is a function of sexuality? Well it is, but it can be socially-induced too, given the right climate. Let me explain.

In males there are two traditionally recognised pathways to transition. One is innate homosexuality, also known as sexual inversion. Individuals in this group will be remarked while still very young, usually pre-school. Not all will transition, it depends on the level of social intolerance, but if they persist through puberty, then the overwhelming majority will either be feminine homosexual or transsexual. I am not going to comment further on that here, but I have written numerous articles about this.

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Autogynephilia: a compulsive disorder


Originally posted 2021-02-24 18:32:38.

Autogynephilia  shares characteristics with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and in particular, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD. This latter is often made fun of but in severe cases, OCD can be debilitating. One characteristic of it is that the subject knows that whatever he is doing is not rational, but is unable to stop. This is typical of Autogynephilia, although as the condition progresses, the attachment to reality may fail altogether.

Since gender is how we advertise our sexuality to others, sex, sexuality and gender are normally linked. If the sex/sexuality link is broken, gender will follow the sexuality, not the sex. This is a condition known as Sexual Inversion or transgender homosexuality. In more complete cases this will result in the individual desiring to live in accordance with his or her sexuality and required gender, rather than social norms for sex.

Candy from Pattaya: a gorgeous Homosexual Transsexual

As far as we know, Sexual Inversion is innate. It appears early in childhood, sometimes as early as three. It is just a part of natural variation. Commonly, those who elect to live in accordance with such inverted sexuality are known as HomoSexual Transsexuals or HSTS.

books by rod fleming

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Autogynephilic and HomoSexual MtF in Asia

Originally posted 2017-10-16 15:39:20.

All male-to-feminine (MtF) trans  are EITHER homosexual (exclusively attracted to men from childhood) or non-homosexual (not exclusively attracted to men from childhood.) The latter are commonly known as autogynephilic. This distinction is obvious and has been observed since the 19th century. It is recognised as fundamental by all serious scientists working in the field.

Homosexual Transsexuals (HSTS) exhibit a cluster of trait characteristics in addition to their sexual desire for men. They tend to be small, delicately built, light for their height, naturally feminine and neotenous. They have intense difficulty learning to be masculine, if they ever do. Non-homosexual trans exhibit no such clustering; in fact they conform to the averages for men of their ethnicity and are attracted to women.

The explanation for HSTS is easy and has never been disputed: they desire men and are feminine, so to attract men, whom they know to be attracted to femininity, they make themselves more feminine. Again none of this is true of non-homosexuals; so why on earth might it be that a man, who is not attracted to or seeking to attract men, would want to appear to be feminine?




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