Originally posted 2022-02-20 18:55:58.
You know, if you really want to ruin your Saturday night, go hang around an Autogynephilic male message forum.
An Autogynephilic male is besotted by himself — as a woman. The condition is a form of autoeroticism. Dr Ray Blanchard’s coined the term the 1980s at the Clarke Institute in Toronto. It is safe to say that neither this institution nor Dr Blanchard have found favour with many an Autogynephilic male.
Blanchard was trying to put some statistical flesh on the ‘two types’ theory of transition. In fact, the idea that there were two clearly differentiated types of male who might want to appear to be women had been known for many years, since the time of Magnus Hirschfeld. One type was easy to understand, the other so complex that some researchers thought there was a multiplicity.