The New Atheists, New Age woo & Cultural Marxism

The New Atheists,  like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, the late Christopher Hitchens and many others, purported to offer a sane, secular attempt to roll back religiosity for the betterment of society. Instead, their efforts have begat the mother of all calamities. How did this come to pass? Scientific atheism, as promoted by the New Atheists, lacks any unifying central structure or code. Essentially it is based on a negative -- not believing in God. So it can't have a defining structure. Richard Dawkins, one of the most prominent New Atheists, tried to answer this with his 'brights' -- which was an embarrassment. (Since at least 2014, Dawkins has self-identified as a 'secular Christian' anyway.) After the Enlightenment and especially the French Revolution, European secularism based itself around Reason as the core methodology that would replace, in the minds of those who were atheist, religious belief. This reflected a rejection of hierarchical religious authority, which had be
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3 Replies to “The New Atheists, New Age woo & Cultural Marxism”

  1. **QUOTE = The decline of Christianity is sending us back to a Dark Age of woo, post-modernist denial of reality and Marxist utopianism, while the astringent and masculine cult of Islam drives us like sheep to the slaughter.**

    Rod – Great Article, can you imagine MASSES of Westerners (Especially Working Class/Lower Middle Class) Converting En-Mass to Islam? You are right the human soul needs Spirituality and Christianity Served the west very well.

    I would also get your reader to Read up about the Frankfurt School. Most of the folks are now dead, but their legacy still continues.

    The Cultural Marxists (CM’s) are scared of Islam BUT they still deride Christianity and to a lesser degree Judaism.

    Islam is certainly beating its chest (again) at the West however I do not believe it will succeed, I believe Christianity will face a resurgence and it maybe a stronger/hardcore Evangelical Version. The CM’s will also try to sell Ex-Muslims and Push many Muslims into Christianity! The CM’s are Globalist. You and me are Nationalists, but believe collectively Nations can work for the greater good!

  2. Very interesting thoughts, Rod. I wonder about “The core of all this, however, is a conflict of religions.” Are we really seeing religions in conflict or are we seeing Christianity side-stepping the issue because, on the one hand, those who profess to be Christians feel that it somehow indecent to argue for the culture and way of life that Christianity has been instrumental in offering the West and on the other, a repudiation of what we have built in the West since the Enlightenment (and perhaps the French Revolution). Rather than a conflict, it seems we are seeing a vacuum left by well-meaning, liberal-minded people in the West into which is flowing, aggressively, a less desirable system of beliefs that are uncomfortable within the secular world and would like to replace it with their own religious edicts.

    1. Hi Ronald

      I think that the difference between what you’re saying and what I am is that between activity and passivity. You seem to be implying a somewhat passive process, a willing abandonment of the ground, which has allowed hostile ideologies to enter. I think there is some truth in that but the fact is that this vacuum is exactly what the Left has been ettling for, since Marx.

      So I think one side has been passive but the other not so; all that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. The materialist form of atheism prevalent today smacks too much of Marxism for it to be accident. Scientific atheists like Dawkins might pretend to distance themselves from that, but the fact is that their endorsement is used by Marxists — who promote their faith as a materialistic religion — to provide vindication for their views. I’m sure Dawkins is not a Marxist, but when he says ‘all faith is evil’, the left uses that to mean ‘all religious faith is evil, but look, we have an alternative’.

      As to the grave menace we face from Islam, this is being used by the Left to promote its agenda of social control. They have always promoted Islam and Islamic causes from the PLO to the appalling, Anti-Semitic social movements of today that aim to boycott and strangle the State of Israel, which they wish to see destroyed. (I am aware that there are AntiSemitic elements on the Right too, but I condemn them out of hand.

      Like Marxism, Islam is 100% authoritarian and brooks no dissent. They are ideal bedmates.

      I see what you mean, but I don’t think the issue is solely one of passivity. This is one reason why I have made YouTube videos stating that I no longer consider myself an atheist, but an agnostic secular Christian. I don’t want my name to be used by the Left in its attempt to destroy the finest culture the world has ever known.

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