Sexual Inversion and Gender

sexual inversion

Originally posted 2023-01-11 17:05:20.

In Sexual Inversion, the expected norms are shifted innately towards those found in the opposite sex. This affects body morphology, neurology and most importantly, sexuality. This produces major changes in gender.

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Gender is a complicated set of appearances and behaviours which depend on many things. Mainly, however, gender is dependent on sexuality, since its primary function is to attract mates. It conditions how we feel about ourselves, the way we like to dress, the way we present to others, the social roles that we play, the responsibilities we feel we have to family, friends and society and so on.

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Transsexualism: A position statement

Originally posted 2017-10-29 15:07:12.

Many people don’t quite understand my position on transsexualism, which is fair enough because I have never stated what that position might be. I have been asked why I talk so much about transsexualism here, in general writing  and on my YouTube Channel. So here we go.

My background is in photography and journalism. I had a scientific education but was always propelled towards practicality, so I studied things that could make money, like photography and journalism (duuh.)  I did consider reading English but then discovered that this was a pathway into academic insanity and it is not  a reliable route into journalism (if you want to be a journalist, study a subject of public interest, like politics, economics, law, medicine…not English. They all assume literacy and if you can’t write to the style of the New York Times, with a reading age of 13, you are too challenged to be a journo.)

I have always been interested in human sexuality, since the time I was at Art School. This was because there, I was exposed to a myriad of different ones. People today forget how open the culture, at least in Scotland, was in the 1980s. New Romance was the big thing, everybody wore mascara and it was rightly called the ‘gayest era ever.’

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Moser’s mischievous intervention.

Originally posted 2017-09-10 12:28:09.

In 2009 Dr Charles Moser entered the discussion about Blanchard’s Typology of transsexualism. It is worth revisiting Moser because his mischievous intervention not only hindered the progress of the science of transsexualism, but damaged some people, while favouring others.

As you may know, Blanchard separates male-to-feminine (MtF) transsexuals into those attracted to their own sex from their earliest arousal, and those who are either not attracted to their own birth sex or who develop such an attraction, usually partially, in later life. These are called, using Blanchard’s terminology, ‘HomoSexual Transsexuals’ or HSTS and ‘Autogynephilic Transsexuals’ or AGPs. (We will later quote studies that call the latter ‘non-homosexual’.)
Blanchard’s underlying thesis is that both these forms of transsexualism are stimulated by male sex drive. MtF HSTS are, essentially, seen as extremely feminine homosexual males. This is relatively easy to understand and this type was formerly known as the ‘Primary’ or ‘True’ type. The other type is much more complex and shares an aetiology with fetishistic cross-dressing men. These individuals are romantically or sexually attracted to themselves, but as women.

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Sex atypical kids are usually transsexual.

Originally posted 2018-05-01 08:44:15.

Sex atypical children, also known as ‘gender nonconforming’ or ‘sex nonconforming’ children, that is, young people who have not yet reached puberty but who persistently show cross-gender behaviours and sex atypicality, are, today, a hot-button issue.

Parents should realise that it is quite normal for children to indulge in cross-gender role-play; it’s one way that they find out who they really are. Nearly all will move on to another form of play very quickly. Boys liking pink are not necessarily sex-atypical, nor are girls liking blue.  Loads of boy children like playing with dolls and plenty of girls like cars and motorcycles; yes there are distinguishable, statistical trait characteristic differences that allow us to be quite sure that the bases of gender are indeed innate, but these are not absolutes at all and there is huge individual variation.

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The ideal partner for an HSTS transwoman?

Originally posted 2013-09-29 14:32:42.

The fact is that the HSTS transwoman’s dream–of finding a young, fit, handsome, financially secure, STRAIGHT Mr Right, who will stick around, will but rarely happen and a lot of broken hearts are made along the way. I know there are some exceptions and I wish them all the very best. So who is the ideal partner for an HSTS?

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Most straight men will eventually want children; I don’t care what they say. This will hit them usually no later than their mid-thirties, and by and large, that’s when the fantasy ends; they go and find a genetic woman who can provide what they’re looking for. Adoption just doesn’t cut it for men, unless it’s the only recourse because they are sterile themselves.

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Love of transwomen

Originally posted 2013-06-21 14:29:52.

Love  of transwomen is a little-discussed area. There are at least two forms, in males: Autogynephilic and non-Autogynephilic. Plus, since there are actually two distinct types of males who appear to be women, unsurprisingly this affects the type of men who display love of transwomen.

love of transwomen
Nice bump, baby.

A ‘Homosexual’ in the original definition, understood throughout history and everywhere in the world until after World War Two and changed only in the West, is an unmasculine male. This conforms to other terms used elsewhere in the world, like kathoey, bakla and travesti. It also conforms to older Western terms like catamite. Obviously, the most complete expression of this is the Homosexual Transsexual.

However in the West, because of Kinsey, ‘homosexual’ has come to mean  ‘male who has sex with other males’. I’ve addressed this HERE.  This was extremely unhelpful and has spawned reams of claptrap about ‘same sex attraction’ and ‘sexed bodies’. These concepts are nonsensical. The function of gender is to attract; we are attracted to gender and not to sex. Love of transwomen, on the part of a man, is therefore not in itself homosexual.


Homosexuals may be smaller, lighter and more neotenous than other males. They are cross-gender identified from childhood. All such males have the potential to be successful as women.  They are attracted to masculine gender features—muscular taught bodies, facial hair, prominent jaws, assertive attitude and so on.

 If it were as simple as that, then that would be it. But it’s not. There are some other issues to deal with, especially where the girl  retains a penis. I’ve made a YouTube video discussing this, here.

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Sex and HSTS: by Guest Author Amanda Grimes

Originally posted 2017-09-06 20:20:29.

I am an MtF Homosexual Transsexual (HSTS), who, having socially transitioned just after my 23rd birthday, some 30 years ago, underwent Sex Reassignment Surgery at age 25; this is how I see the issue. I will attempt to be as candid as possible about what is honestly a deeply personal and private part of my life.

I am doing so because there are a great deal of myths and misunderstandings surrounding the topic of sex with transsexuals and what they do or do not enjoy and or what they do or will not do during sex and about the men who have sex with them. This article is written from my own perspective based upon my own experiences and in addition recounting what I have been told by other HSTS whom I have known personally.


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Dysphoria: Homosexual and Non-homosexual


Originally posted 2021-01-12 16:35:24.

Homosexual Gender Dysphoria is a function of the relationship of sexuality to gender.  Here, presenting socially, sexually and romantically as a man, when you have female sexuality, is the root of the discomfort. These individuals may strongly reject using their penises to penetrate and even refuse any sexual contact with them. They wish to appear to be feminine and to have masculine male partners, and to play the receptive sexual role; anything that conflicts with these will cause dysphoria. (The inverse applies in females.)

These indicators may become visible as early as thirty months, though more commonly around forty, and in genuinely pre-transsexual children, or transkids, will likely be ‘insistent, consistent and persistent’ by age four to five.

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Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

Originally posted 2020-07-30 14:40:05.

In 2018 the Portman and Tavistock, (now the Portman Institute) the UK’s main gender clinic for young patients, reported a more than 4500% increase in referrals for Gender Dysphoria over 8 years. FOUR THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED PER CENT in EIGHT years.

The total referrals for Gender Dysphoria in the last year accounted for were some 2500, up from 97 eight years before. Of these later figures, 1800 were young females. Nearly 2000 were under 18, in the previous year alone. That beats any stats on this, anywhere and to make it even more shocking, whereas the historic prevalence amongst females has always been less than 1/3 that for males, in the more recent referrals this is reversed, with more than 2/3 being female. But what has this to do with Feminism?

In classic theory, gender transition is provoked by Gender Dysphoria, a sense of more or less intense discomfort at being obliged to socially present as the gender one’s birth sex might suggest. It occurs in males and females and in two completely distinct forms in each: homosexual and non-homosexual. This might not always seem to be the most sympathetic way to triage the forms, especially in cultures which remain deeply uncomfortable with sex, such as the Anglo-Saxon ones, but it works.

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