Filipino skin, baklas, sex and men

I was shocked, when I came to the Philippines first, at the level of discrimination that exists, not between Filipinos and other ethnicities, but between pale-skinned Filipinos and dark-skinned ones. Filipino ethnicity is essentially built on a Malay base, but with many later additions. This gives rise to both a hierarchy and a whole industry. The paler one's skin tone, the more beautiful/handsome one is. This is a universal rule. Extremely beautiful women with spectacular bone structures but dark skin are regarded as less attractive than plain, pale women and the same is true of men. This is true across Asia, but in the Philippines it reaches extreme levels. Westerners who have not visited may not appreciate how diverse Filipinos are, while remaining resolutely and proudly Filipino. Take a look at a map and you'll see that the Philippines' position makes it a natural centre for trade as well as a strategic asset. For over a thousand years, traders have been coming here,
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