Originally posted 2013-06-04 20:34:20.
Plenty of men find transsexuals attractive and will seek them out and even pay in order to have sex with them. Why? The travestis of Brazil and South America might show us.

In Brazil
Brazilian women are unquestionably amongst the most beautiful in the world, but they tend to be rather short in stature, at least on average. However, many South American men are attracted to the classic Anglo-Saxon standards of beauty—tall, slender, blonde, blue eyes, pale skin and so on. Enter the travesti, as transsexuals are often known in Latin America and parts of Europe. With her naturally greater height she has an immediate advantage in this marketplace. If she began taking hormones young, as many do, there is every chance that she will be naturally pretty, and she will certainly do everything she can to maximise her assets.
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