The fact is that the HSTS transwoman’s dream–of finding a young, fit, handsome, financially secure, STRAIGHT Mr Right, who will stick around, will but rarely happen and a lot of broken hearts are made along the way. I know there are some exceptions and I wish them all the very best. So who is the ideal partner for an HSTS?
Most straight men will eventually want children; I don’t care what they say. This will hit them usually no later than their mid-thirties, and by and large, that’s when the fantasy ends; they go and find a genetic woman who can provide what they’re looking for. Adoption just doesn’t cut it for men, unless it’s the only recourse because they are sterile themselves.
Love of transwomen is a little-discussed area. There are at least two forms, in males: Autogynephilic and non-Autogynephilic. Plus, since there are actually two distinct types of males who appear to be women, unsurprisingly this affects the type of men who display love of transwomen.
A ‘Homosexual’ in the original definition, understood throughout history and everywhere in the world until after World War Two and changed only in the West, is an unmasculine male. This conforms to other terms used elsewhere in the world, like kathoey, bakla and travesti. It also conforms to older Western terms like catamite. Obviously, the most complete expression of this is the Homosexual Transsexual.
However in the West, because of Kinsey, ‘homosexual’ has come to mean ‘male who has sex with other males’. I’ve addressed this HERE. This was extremely unhelpful and has spawned reams of claptrap about ‘same sex attraction’ and ‘sexed bodies’. These concepts are nonsensical. The function of gender is to attract; we are attracted to gender and not to sex. Love of transwomen, on the part of a man, is therefore not in itself homosexual.
Homosexuals may be smaller, lighter and more neotenous than other males. They are cross-gender identified from childhood. All such males have the potential to be successful as women. They are attracted to masculine gender features—muscular taught bodies, facial hair, prominent jaws, assertive attitude and so on.
If it were as simple as that, then that would be it. But it’s not. There are some other issues to deal with, especially where the girl retains a penis. I’ve made a YouTube video discussing this, here.
They’re the elephant in the room, where relations between transwomen and men are concerned.
Elephant, you say? Well, almost without exception, the assertion is made that the men who like transwomen are straight. Yet when you talk to transwomen in private, a very different picture appears. Half at least of men who seek out transwomen far from being straight or anything close, are closet autogynephiliacs (AGP) (and homophobic to boot). They’re not homosexual, but they are gay.
We would not expect honesty from these men about this; after all, look at the lengths they go just to deny their own sexuality and maintain a false façade of hetero-normativity. The elephant must be hidden. Their words may be taken with a moderately-sized bucket of salt. But what about the girls? Why do transwomen ever lend credibility to this falsehood? Why don’t they just call out these guys as closet queens from the get-go?
Another informative video for the lovers, and would-be lovers of that precious delicacy, ladyboys. Yummy, there’s nothing quite like a ladyboy in the night. But be nice.
If you want to find yourself a sweet lovely ladyboy, you should follow my advice here and most of all, you should be here.
Well, so there you are. You find yourself with an attraction to ladyboys, traps. transsexuals, whatever. These are not your Western autogynephilic transvestites a la Bruce ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner.
We’re talking about sex crazy, man-obsessed homosexual males who live as women. They are wonderful, beautiful, so sexy that just watching a ladyboy walking down the street will get your dick hard. And they are the Ladyboy Trap. Yes. Those ones right there.
Here’s an awesome new video following up on the theme ‘How to make love to ladyboys’.
Making love with a pre-op ladyboy, or any other intact trans woman, requires the use of the rear entrance. This is delightful, to put it mildly, for the man penetrating it, but there are some complications and some precautions that should be taken with ladyboys.
An inexperienced girl can be hurt in the crucial first encounters and an inexperienced man is more likely to cause that. If she is hurt, then future lovemaking will be affected until she recovers her confidence. The subjects discussed in this video and the previous one will help both to make sure lovemaking is as much fun and pleasure as it should be.
Most of the video’s content was written in response to questions posed by viewers, many of which did surprise me, but I’ll let you watch the video to see why. It’s quite safe for work, there are no explicit images.
What men like is ladyboys. When we want ordinary women, there are plenty.
The cover girl is an ex, who is very sweet and in addition to being beautiful had one killer little body on her. Unfortunately (or perhaps not,) she struck up with an Ozzie with more money than brains. The next time I saw her she had a nose job, bolt-on boobs and silicone all over the place…I didn’t see those as an improvement and I wish ladyboys wouldn’t do things like that that.
What men like about you is that you’re ladyboys. You don’t have to do more than be one, to make us happy. There are squillions of natal women out there, we can pick our choice. There are far, far fewer ladyboys than ordinary women, you’ll always be the special ones. It’s the fact that you are ladyboys that men like about you. It’s what makes you special women, not just ordinary ones.
Researching the history of transsex is not at all easy. In the first place, the activities of transwomen, feminised males and sex workers are rarely considered appropriate material for men of letters to discuss. Even where such histories were written, cultural revisionists have done everything they could to erase them, with much original material being deliberately destroyed.
Transsexualism is high profile these days. But what actually causes it? Who are transsexuals? Since there is clearly a deal of ignorance over this, I’m going to go over the explanations again, in a short series of articles.
Women trapped in men’s bodies?
Many people are familiar with the idea that male -to-female (MtF) transsexuals, or transwomen, are ‘women trapped in men’s’ bodies. At the same time, they probably have heard the inverse about Female to Male (FtM) transsexuals or transmen. That is to say, they are ‘men trapped in women’s’ bodies.
A moment’s reflection should make anyone with a brain ask a pertinent question: how can they possibly know that?
I am in a relationship with a transsexual (TS) woman. This places me in a position of responsibility, because my girlfriend, like all her sisters, is in danger. Transsexual women are abused, insulted, and disrespected; but worse, they are beaten, falsely arrested, harassed by authorities that should protect them and frequently murdered.
This means that men like me must stand up and be counted.
Men attracted to transwomen are a little-discussed sexual orientation which nevertheless is both commonplace and getting more so.
The men attracted to transwomen are sometimes called ‘gynandromorphophilic’ or GAMP for short. The term gynandromorphophilia was coined by Ray Blanchard, who gave us the current scientific position on transsexualism. He has always been a one for the tongue-twisters too.