Transsexualism: the science

Originally posted 2017-09-01 11:11:57.

Although this is often deliberately obscured, there is actually a significant amount of scientific literature on the subject of transsexualism or transgender, particularly Male-to-Feminine (Male sex, Feminine gender.) I have linked to the most important papers below and have commented on some.

Essentially, the so-called ‘Feminine Essence’ hypothesis, which is often touted by propagandists for one type of MtF, for example Julia Serano, who is actually autogynephilic, has absolutely no basis in science at all. It is an artefact of Postmodernism and Serano, in espousing the hypothesis and deliberately ignoring the actual science, betrays an underlying hostility to science that is typical of Postmodernists.

We know what causes transsexualism. Both types are firmly rooted in sex drive and sexuality.

More links to scientific papers on related topics can be found here.

Enjoy reading!


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Autogynephilia: a compulsive disorder


Originally posted 2021-02-24 18:32:38.

Autogynephilia  shares characteristics with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and in particular, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD. This latter is often made fun of but in severe cases, OCD can be debilitating. One characteristic of it is that the subject knows that whatever he is doing is not rational, but is unable to stop. This is typical of Autogynephilia, although as the condition progresses, the attachment to reality may fail altogether.

Since gender is how we advertise our sexuality to others, sex, sexuality and gender are normally linked. If the sex/sexuality link is broken, gender will follow the sexuality, not the sex. This is a condition known as Sexual Inversion or transgender homosexuality. In more complete cases this will result in the individual desiring to live in accordance with his or her sexuality and required gender, rather than social norms for sex.

Candy from Pattaya: a gorgeous Homosexual Transsexual

As far as we know, Sexual Inversion is innate. It appears early in childhood, sometimes as early as three. It is just a part of natural variation. Commonly, those who elect to live in accordance with such inverted sexuality are known as HomoSexual Transsexuals or HSTS.

books by rod fleming

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Autogynephilic and HomoSexual MtF in Asia

Originally posted 2017-10-16 15:39:20.

All male-to-feminine (MtF) trans  are EITHER homosexual (exclusively attracted to men from childhood) or non-homosexual (not exclusively attracted to men from childhood.) The latter are commonly known as autogynephilic. This distinction is obvious and has been observed since the 19th century. It is recognised as fundamental by all serious scientists working in the field.

Homosexual Transsexuals (HSTS) exhibit a cluster of trait characteristics in addition to their sexual desire for men. They tend to be small, delicately built, light for their height, naturally feminine and neotenous. They have intense difficulty learning to be masculine, if they ever do. Non-homosexual trans exhibit no such clustering; in fact they conform to the averages for men of their ethnicity and are attracted to women.

The explanation for HSTS is easy and has never been disputed: they desire men and are feminine, so to attract men, whom they know to be attracted to femininity, they make themselves more feminine. Again none of this is true of non-homosexuals; so why on earth might it be that a man, who is not attracted to or seeking to attract men, would want to appear to be feminine?




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Ladyboys and the two-group social model.


Originally posted 2023-02-04 17:28:54.

Over the last eleven  years’ I have spent much time in the Philippines and was lucky enough to be invited into the company of Filipino families on many occasions. I was fascinated to observe a two-group social model in full operation. This two-group social model was particularly obvious at large family gatherings.

two-group social model
A family party in the Philippines

Here, the men would congregate around one or more tables — often drinking heavily — while the women and children socialised completely separately. There were never any women or children at the men’s tables. Because I am obviously a man, I was directed to the men’s group and watched from there, as the rising tide of alcohol — in the form of ‘Empi’ or Emperador brandy — rose to my gills.

two-group social model
Notice: almost no men.

This separation into two groups, however, was not to do with alcohol. As a foreigner and a guest — a person of important status in a Filipina household — I was also invited to join women’s drinking parties on several occasions and I can attest that Filipina women party just as hard as the men do.

books by rod fleming

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Sex is a social bargain


Originally posted 2021-02-09 16:53:55.

Sex is a social bargain, formed by Evolution. Men agree to behave in certain ways in order to have access to it. Women, who need fathers for their children, are prepared to give that access, as long as men behave in certain approved manners.

However, men’s need for sex is in their need to orgasm, as women have so often pointed out. If they can do that without women, then much of the need to bargain with them vanishes. This is because, while Evolution requires that we reproduce, for men, this is largely felt as a desire to have a lot of orgasms by penetration. Men do not have the visceral connection between the act of sex and the arrival of a baby that women do. For men, babies really could be delivered by the storks.


This unquestionably leads men to have a somewhat cavalier attitude towards sex — they’ll take it wherever they can get it — but it has also caused women to bolster the social bargain that keeps their behaviour moderate. Principally, this was through marriage, an arrangement whereby a woman only has sex with one man. In this way, he knows whom his own children are, something he otherwise could not. So the bargain becomes sexual exclusivity in exchange for heredity.

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Ladyboys, Binibaes, Incels and Trannymaxxers

Ladyboys, Binibaes, Incels and Trannymaxxers

In the Anglo-West, we have been bamboozled by what amounts to a pile of nonsense about sex, sexuality and gender, often known as ‘Queer Theory’. This takes most of its foundation from that most rancid and poisonous modern ideology, feminism. Now it’s not that I don’t like women; I do, very much. Great when they have their legs on your shoulders. But most feminists are man-hating lesbians and make no sense. What is okay for one sex is not for the other, it would appear.

Ladyboys, Binibaes, Incels and Trannymaxxers

After all, if it’s all right for an angry land-whale like Andrea Dworkin (late and unlamented) to call for all men to be raped, why is it not all right to call for all women to be raped? No sane man would advocate this, least of all today, but it illustrates the double-standard at the heart of this toxic ideology. Men never ‘oppressed’ women, in fact the very opposite. But women constantly make demands of men and if men are unwilling or unable to satisfy these, feminists call it ‘oppression’.


books by rod fleming

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Transsexuals: do they really attract straight men ?

lea T

Originally posted 2018-03-20 09:17:50.

Transsexuals are people born male who are attracted from childhood to men, who then change their physical appearance to more closely resemble women. (This phenomenon occurs in females, in reverse, but that is not the subject here.) Transsexuals are naturally extremely feminine in appearance, comportment and other factors, as I have discussed elsewhere and for them, being masculine is difficult. They find life easier as women and the deciding factor in whether or not to transition is often ‘Will I pass convincingly as a woman’. People like this know that straight men are attracted to women, not to other men, and their desire is always to be the submissive sexual partner of such a man. Depending on the level of social intolerance they have to face, if they think they can be more successful as women than as men, they will follow that path.

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Pederasty: How boys are turned ‘gay’.


Originally posted 2023-01-25 16:35:43.

Pederasty: a love whose name must not be spoken

Pederasty describes romantic and sexual relationships between adult men and adolescent boys, usually between the ages of twelve to twenty, though this varies. In some forms, such as the classic Greek Love and the Samurai Wakashudo, it was partly pedagogic; the boy was taught life-skills in exchange for sexual favours. In others, like the Roman, it is much more hedonistic with little idea of a teacher-student relationship. In still others it is largely a cultural phenomenon, which is not to say it is not enjoyed by the participants. An example of this would be the sexual practices of the Etoro peoples of New Guinea, but they are not alone.{1}

Etoro (Sambian) warriors.

Typical of traditional pederastic cultures is that young females are strictly unavailable to men for sex, although older courtesans might be. Thus there is an element of Situational Homosexuality involved. In the English Public School system, which persisted until recently, we know that most who went through it were not homosexuals and did not become so. Indeed, many have stated that had girls been available, they would have pursued them, but since they were not, they ‘had fun with each other instead.’

books by rod fleming

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Aswangs: supernatural beasts in the Philippines


Originally posted 2021-02-09 18:22:12.

The Philippines is steeped in folklore and mythology. The very air seems supernatural at times and even today, Filipinos firmly believe in the supernatural creatures which also populate their country. Best known of these are Aswangs and Engkantos.

Many of these beliefs certainly date from the pre-colonial period and before the establishment of Catholicism as the dominant religion. Prior to this, the Philippines was not a unitary polity, but was made up of many small kingdoms and tribal areas. These all seem to have believed in a somewhat similar form of Animism but were all brought together under one faith and one colonial rule, by the Spanish.

books by rod fleming

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Sex, Sexuality and Gender are real


Originally posted 2021-02-08 14:09:30.

Sex, folks, is real. So are Sexuality and Gender. But these are not always related as people might expect them to be. So let’s have a look at them.

In all sexually dimorphic species there are two morphs, which are directly linked to reproduction; that, after all, why sexual dimorphism exists. One of these produces large, relatively static cells called gametes, which contain half the DNA needed to make a new individual. The other produces small, highly motile gametes, which contain the other half. The former are called ova and the latter spermatozoa or sperm.

books by rod fleming


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