French Onion Soup! A Mad Scotsman in France


Originally posted 2021-03-16 21:20:07.

French Onion Soup! tells the story of a mad Scotsman (me) taking his family to live in France.

It’s full of hilarious anecdotes as well as lots of useful information that you’ll need if you are planning something similar. Most of all, perhaps, there is lots of humour…because moving to a different country will make you laugh or cry, and laughing is a lot more fun.

Brilliantly funny tales of the life of a mad Scotsman, his wife, children, two dogs and a cat, who escaped the rat-race to live their dream in a country house in France. In 1993, photographer, journalist and Francophile, Rod Fleming and his artist wife bought a house in France. French Onion Soup! is the first in a series of books describing their life in France.

Published by: PlashMill Press


Print ISBN:  978-0-9565007-3-1


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Heterosexual men, transwomen and femboys

Originally posted 2018-12-12 09:26:36.

Heterosexuality is an orientation which is, in males, based on male sexuality. This, at its most simple, is the desire to penetrate. Femininity is the set of gender signals used by heterosexual women (ie, those who wish to be penetrated and are attracted to masculinity) to advertise their female sexuality. Heterosexual men respond to these gender signals. At the same time, to advertise their own male sexuality, they express masculine gender characteristics.

Gender is clearly about more than just sexual attraction, since it has reproductive components like nurturing, protecting, desire for children and so on. But its biggest, most important and most obvious factor is the signal it sends out about the sexuality of the individual. Such signals and the gender binary can even be observed in populations where the people wear no clothes and do not follow Western patterns of heterosexual, monogamous marriage, eg the Zoe people of the Amazon.

This is because the whole of human culture is based on the binary structures of sex, sexuality and gender.

Zoe people — no clothes but clear gender division

books by rod fleming

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The enslavement of men: Enkidu and Shamhat.

enslavement of men

Originally posted 2022-09-04 16:25:48.

The cities of Sumer had been established for over a thousand years by the time the Epic of Gilgamesh was written, circa 2500BC, but they did not control all of the land. Most of it remained uncultivated and taming the wilderness, to make more commercially productive farmland, became important to the cities. That required an ever-increasing labour force, which could only be achieved through the enslavement of men.


Civilisation depends on the enslavement of men.

Many early civilisations were built on the enslavement of men, in the sense that we now understand it, but others were either not slave states or were only partially so. So how could the enslavement of men be effected, other than by force?

One answer is illustrated in two great tales: The Epic of Gilgamesh and  Genesis. The enslavement of men to the city was brought about not through violence, but through love, or at least, lust.

books by rod fleming

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Islam and the death of freedom

Israeli soldiers.

For several years now I have not been writing much about Islam. Partly this was because my interest was elsewhere. However the recent murderous attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians, many of them children and even babies, have forced the issue. None of us can stand by and watch this demonic genocide without protest.

Israel occupied the Gaza Strip and the West Bank after the 1967 War and had maintained control, although it had mistakenly allowed Hamas and Hizbollah to establish Islamic schools within these areas.


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Sexual Inverts and transition

Originally posted 2018-12-10 06:24:25.

Sexual inverts, or, in males, ‘feminine homosexuals’ — along with a range of much less polite vernacular terms — make up a class of homosexuals which have been identified, for over 100 years, as having characteristics of the opposite sex.

I’ve just been reading over a group of papers on this, with one typical being Zucker 1993 ‘Physical Attractiveness of Boys with Gender Identity Disorder’. That is by no means the most recent, with numerous studies by a swathe of researchers making the same findings, along with 2D:4D finger length ratios and other measurable parameters.

The observed facts are that male sexual inverts are naturally feminine (and female ones are masculine.) This was first noted, in the modern era, by Karl Ulrichs, was written about in depth by Havelock Ellis and has NEVER been refuted. It remains the scientific consensus.

books by rod fleming
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Narcissistic rage attacks, marks of the transvestite

narcissistic rage

Originally posted 2022-08-28 14:56:13.

Narcissistic rage, grooming and predation are the hallmarks of the Autogynephilic transvestite.

Narcissistic rage, grooming and predation are the hallmarks of the autogynephilic transvestite, especially the Western elderly form. It is characteristic and more: a badge. All autogynephilic transvestites will at some point indulge narcissistic rage attacks. In other words,  they will all turn nasty in the end. Every single one.

Narcissistic rage attacks: mental condition

Other mental conditions may give rise to narcissistic rage attacks, but rarely is it as vicious, vituperative and mean as in the autogynephilic transvestite. Worse, narcissistic rage attacks provoke such men into plotting or even attempting to execute, strategems that will cause real harm to their victims. They will try to ruin careers and lives, marriages and even have children removed from the homes of their victims, on the basis of smears, lies and fantasy.

Sometimes, they may go further and attempt to persuade – or to pay – others to harm or even kill their victims. Fortunately, these most violent narcissistic rage attacks generally remain in the realm of fantasy, for autogynephilic transvestites are, typically, weak and ineffectual men; though sadly, not all. This is most marked once they have allowed their pseudo-feminine alter-ego, the autogynephilic artefact, to take control.

I’ll illustrate this with two cases, one well-known and the other not.

books by rod fleming

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Autogynephilia: a cure?

Originally posted 2018-12-08 03:32:29.

Autogynephilia is defined as ‘a man’s propensity to be aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman’. It is a paraphilia or mental disorder which afflicts heterosexual men.

Autogynephilia is typified by a range of behaviours which the subject considers ‘womanly’. He gains sexualised or directly sexual gratification from them . These can range from cross-dressed masturbation to knitting to wearing typically female clothing under masculine work clothes. He may live full time as a woman and even undergo surgical transition, or he may be a ‘crossdreamer’ wherein all the cross gender gratification occurs in his imagination. All of these are symptoms of Autogynephilia.

Autogynephilia bears no relationship whatsoever to True or HomoSexual TransSexualism (HSTS) which is the natural end-point of Sexual Inversion, in which a subject of one sex has the sexuality normally associated with the other. Autogynephiles always remain ordinary men with an obsessive compulsive condition that makes them want to ‘be’ women. The question is, can it be cured?

books by rod fleming

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Autogynephilic males: a problem in the West but not in Asia

Autogynephilic males

Autogynephilic males are men, or at least males, who suffer from a narcissistic, auto-erotic paraphilia that causes them to be obsessed with their appearance – but as women.

Autogynephilic males are invariably heterosexual, in fact we might say ‘hyper-heterosexual;’ they are so consumed with lust for the feminine body that they turn themselves into pseudo-women. I have discussed this in great detail on this website and on my YouTube Channel.

books by rod fleming

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Bisexualism in males

Originally posted 2018-12-07 07:00:29.

Bisexualism in males has a chequered history. Beloved by its proponents, it lacks convincing support, at least in the West, where it is taken to mean, more or less, ‘equal attraction to both masculinity and femininity’. Actual studies are conflicting and the consensus must be that more depends on the way the question is put than reality. Look at the following pictures. Can it really be possible to be sexually attracted as much to the one as the other?

I don’t think so. Yet there is one form of bisexualism in males that is well-supported and documented. It is a function of Autogynephilia, a common fetish of straight men.


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Good European nation? Not Germany


Originally posted 2015-07-14 11:10:27.

Today I am spitting nails. I see that I have been lied to. Germany is not the good European nation it sells itself as. It is the same bullying, totalitarian monster it always has been. (This article was written in 2015; things are a lot worse now, in 2022.)

Today I am furious.

And why? Because I have seen Germany destroy a weaker nation for political ends. I have seen Germany destroy all notion of European solidarity. I have seen Germany reveal its true self — the monstrous bully of Europe that cannot suffer dissent and insists that its orders must be followed, on pain of destruction.

In 1871 Germans failed. In 1914 they failed. In 1939-45 they failed — although defeating them cost 72 million lives and the destruction of Europe, not to mention the horror of the Holocaust.

But in 2015 they have succeeded. They have finally achieved their end. They have crushed a sovereign nation, not with tanks and bombers, but with threats and usury.

books by rod fleming

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