Autogynephilia Counselling (Post)

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Originally posted 2022-03-21 12:18:34.

Autogynephilia is a dissociative mental condition which in extreme cases may make a male attempt to appear to be or otherwise mimic a woman.

Although Autogynephilia also occurs in females, where it is much less well understood and very little researched, most individuals with clinical Autogynephilia are men.

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It is vital to understand that men with this condition are not women and indeed, always retain a powerful attraction to femininity. In fact they are so attracted that they attempt to make themselves into the objects of their own sexual desire. Autogynephilia therefore is both narcissistic and auto-erotic in nature.

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Autogynephilia sets on at puberty, at what is called Tanner Stage 4, the point at which the boy begins to masturbate. At this point an error occurs which maps the boy’s Erotic Target, that is, the person he would like to have sex with, onto the self. This is an error, because the Erotic Target is meant to be another person, outside the self. This is because the whole Erotic Targeting system is central to human reproduction.

When an elderly autogynephile looks in a mirror, he doesn’t see himself. He sees himself as he was decades before, when he first began self-pleasuring.

So in Autogynephilia, the Erotic Target is wrongly located and so we call this the Erotic Target Location Error or ETLE. Since this condition, in males, uniquely affects heterosexual ones, the ETLE builds for itself a suitable representation of the self as a woman. This is the Autogynephilic artefact.

The formation of this Artefact and the ETLE that provokes it are central to Autogynephilia. Indeed, there can be no diagnosis of Autogynephilia unless an ETLE can be identified. This we do by identifying the Autogynephilic artefact itself.

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Fairly early in the development of the condition, the artefact is likely to be given a name. Usually the boy will be at pains to keep this secret, but the presence of the artefact can be established through other means. Once it has been, the subject will usually admit to it.

The existence of the artefact means that the subject’s personality is bi-located, oscillating between the male/masculine host and the pseudo-female/feminine artefact. But these are both part of the same Psyche, always.

The artefact has no separate existence from the host; she is a figment, literally, of the host’s imagination. However, this is no fol-de-rol. The artefact can be determined, scheming, angry and is always implacably hostile to the host. She will react with fury against any attempt the host might make to deal with his Autogynephilia, since she rightly sees this as an attack on herself.

What is popularly known as ‘death face’. Nobody’s fooled.

Men with Autogynephilia are often secretive and may even hide the condition from themselves, because the artefact knows that publicity is its worst enemy. That is why ‘transitioned’ Autogynephilic men often deny the well-established existence of Autogynephilia as a condition. They will go further and attack and attempt to discredit anyone who has discussed it or attempted to help anyone with it. The artefact fully denies that she is merely the product of a mental condition and sees herself as the rightful owner of the host’s body. That is why these men often make the entirely spurious claim that they are ‘real women’.

They are not ‘real women’, they are men.

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Autogynephilia, if suppressed, may reappear with a vengeance in later life and here is is a truly dangerous condition. Men with it may lose their wives, their families, their careers, any respect they might have had and even, in some cases, their lives. Unfortunately, in recent years, therapy for Autogynephilia has adopted an ‘affirmative’ philosophy.

This is not an Autogynephilic male. She is a completed Sexual Invert, an HSTS or True Transsexual. She bears no resemblance at all to Autogynephilic males, except in their imaginations. You’ll never look this good, sorry.

This approach is absolutely appropriate in dealing with the other condition that may cause males to appear feminine, Sexual Inversion, which will naturally lead to HomoSexual or True Transsexualism. For these individuals, the process is less of transition than of completion anyway.

Because of a stubborn refusal to accept that there are in fact two completely different types, a common approach has been applied. This has roots in the work of Dr Harry Benjamin and has grown even stronger today. While we fully support and applaud the affirmation method as regards Sexual Inverts, it may be a disastrous error when applied to Autogynephilia.

This is because Autogynephilic males are always nonhomosexual. Their principal attraction is to femininity and they are not, themselves, naturally feminine. Male Sexual Inverts are always homosexual with regard to birth sex and are moreover, highly feminine in appearance and behaviour, naturally. In appearing to be, often, very beautiful girls, they are doing exactly what other girls who seek men do: make themselves gorgeous. Autogynephiles are attracted to women and often pretend to be ‘transbians’, that is, a lesbian with a penis. The absurdity should be obvious.

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My studies of Autogynephilia

I have studied these phenomena for many years and have written a great deal about them. I have often been approached by men with Autogynephilia and asked for help. Clearly there is a need for this and since the mainstream, affirmative approach so badly fails these men, I am making myself available as a counsellor.

Except she’s not a woman, she’s a figment of a man’s imagination, and that’s all she ever will be. Do not let yourself be fooled. Only a tiny percentage of Autogynephilic men can ever be convincing as women, even if they begin hormones in adolescence, If you’re already in your twenties, it’s already too late.


I have studied this field in great depth and am satisfied that my understanding is deeper and broader than most ‘therapists’.

I charge a rate of GBP £50 (USD $65) per hour for this counselling. However the first session is ninety (90) minutes and costs GBP £75 or USD $99. Subsequent sessions can be either ninety minutes or one hour but it’s important to spend time on the first.

I highly recommend a first consultation then follow-ups at least once a month for several months, ideally at least six. This is because the artefact will fight back like a wildcat against any attempt to subdue it and so good practices must be established and maintained, in order to get it under control. This takes time.

Please contact me on if you would like to know more.

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