Gateways to Heaven: Ladyboy bars

Roman sex

Originally posted 2018-10-08 06:42:21.

Ladyboy bars in Thailand are real gateways to Heaven. They are overspilling with femininity and the girls are all so eager to please. It’s a matter of staying calm long enough to choose the right one — or two. They’re always up for a threesome.

If you don’t know what the inside of  ladyboy bars are really like, then I advise you to correct this with as little delay as possible. I hope this little video will help you visualise the legions of feminine — and available — angels of  loveliness that populate these gateways to heaven..

I found the video below a few years ago and decided to re-edit it to Billy Idol’s ‘Rebel Yell’. It’s an all-time favourite and frankly, is far more in tune with the passionate yelps of a toothsome young ladyboy in bed than the music the video originally had!

Please check out my post ‘Ladyboys in Pattaya’ for some information useful to the gentleman who seeks the pleasure of ladyboy company.

You’ll need a ‘guest-friendly’ hotel, if you don’t use one of the ubiquitous short-time hotels which are, by definition, open to customers bringing along a girl or three. Although generally, budget hotels are fine, it’s probably better to avoid those run by farangs. I have to say, with regret, that the only time I’ve ever had any real issues with ladyboys in bars, restos or hotels in southeast Asia, it has been in establishments run by that species of bigoted Australian male who would, frankly, have been better left as a stain on his mother’s bedsheets.

This link is an excellent resource, detailing the guest-friendly hotels in Pattaya. If in doubt, email or call before booking as some may be cool with natal girls but not with ladyboys. Which would somewhat defeat the point, I fear..

Philippines 2015-2016; a land of surprises

Originally posted 2017-07-27 20:56:35.

I am not ashamed to say that I love the Philippines. Nowhere else that I have ever visited manages to capture so much of humanity’s amazing variety. It’s an incredible place and I am so lucky to have found it. This is a selection of pictures from that trip. I’ll let them speak for themselves.



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books by rod fleming

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West Coast Road trip with Charis

Originally posted 2017-07-23 15:55:47.

This was a crazy trip in which the weather did all but defeat us. But we still had fun.

Please feel free to download and use these images , for your personal purposes, including for non-commercial websites. Larger sizes are available, along with reproduction and commercial licences. Please contact me using the form below.

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A Christening in the Philippines

Originally posted 2018-01-11 10:10:07.

Christmas 2017, Angeles City, Philippines. My girlfriend Sam and I were invited to a Christening and duly trooped along.

This is a gallery of more pictures from  the day.


Ladyboys in Pattaya: A guide to Thailand’s Funtown


Originally posted 2017-08-28 21:04:30.

So you’re planning to meet some ladyboys in Pattaya? Read this.

Pattaya is home to some of the yummiest trannies in southeast Asia. Its reputation as a ladyboy-friendly tourist resort brings huge numbers of young transsexuals to the city, as well as legions of men anxious to taste this most prized and precious of tropical fruit: the ladyboys in Pattaya.

The whole of south-east Asia is remarkable for its highly visible populations of transsexual women, known locally as ladyboys. These are not at all the same as you may be used to, if you are a Westerner. They’re not like Bruce ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner, Dave ‘Debsmate’ Hayton or — one hesitates — The Thing. (See my discussions on Ray Blanchard for more details.) So let’s discuss those toothsome delights, ladyboys in Pattaya.

Ladyboys in Pattaya

ladyboys in Pattaya
Ladyboys specialise in cute bottoms. And being them.

Ladyboys in Pattaya and across Asia are not like that at all. They are beautiful and very sexy, extremely feminine in their appearance and manners. From their early teens or even before, they use female hormones, often birth control pills which are freely available without prescription. These can turn them into staggeringly beautiful women. And the fact is that men are powerfully attracted to them.

books by rod fleming

Continue reading “Ladyboys in Pattaya: A guide to Thailand’s Funtown”

In France, Everything Shuts On Monday


Originally posted 2013-05-24 17:53:48.

Everything Is Shut On Monday.

Not for the French the quaint Anglo-Saxon habit of neighbouring towns staggering their half-days—or even taking half-days in the first place.

On Monday, the whole of France is as dead as that chap they poisoned on St Helena. You know the one. In fact, I think he was responsible for it. And of course, the reason is quite fair; all the shops are open on Saturday so that the people who don’t work in shops can do their shopping, and why should the commercants and their staff not enjoy a proper two-day weekend?

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Travels With A Ladyboy 2: Culture Shock

Originally posted 2013-05-21 22:35:39.

My plan had originally been to make my trip to Asia after Christmas, but Crissy had told me that she was unlikely to be available then. I was in contact with a number of girls, but only she had that spark, and I knew I wanted to meet her. She was lively and enthusiastic, but had an edge about her and a depth too, that I liked. She had a way of just knowing what I was thinking, even before I said it, that always bodes well for a new relationship.

 So I rearranged my schedule. In fact, November is the best time to go to southeast Asia in any case. The typhoon season should have come to an end, and the temperatures are relatively low, with lots of sunshine. In addition, flight prices are twenty per cent or so cheaper then, than in March or April. I readily persuaded myself that making the trip sooner was justified on a whole raft of counts; other, of course, than my interest in getting to know Crissy a whole lot better…

Continue reading “Travels With A Ladyboy 2: Culture Shock”

Travels With a Ladyboy: 1. NAIA

Originally posted 2013-04-28 18:07:20.

‘It’s as if a couple of jumbo-jets of Western culture crashed into a container-ship of Asia and the wreckage is still settling.’ These words jump out at me as I read over my notes. And it’s true; the Philippines is a cultural conundrum, a Rubik’s Cube of interlaced and interlocked themes, memes, images and sensations.


It’s not like India, where the veneer of Westernism added by a couple of hundred years of British domination is so thin it seems as flimsy as a bride’s veil, yet definitely attached, as if the bride herself is shy about lifting it, nor Thailand, where Western cultural influences seem grafted on, bizarrely co-exiting with something older and fundamentally opposed. Instead, the Philippines is a genuine melting-pot, a sculptor’s crucible where metallic elements are alloyed to make something completely new. The roots of European culture here go deep, deep into the fertile soil of Asia, and the resulting foliage is strange, at once familiar yet surprising.

Continue reading “Travels With a Ladyboy: 1. NAIA”