Baler: Pacific Paradise Escapade in Luzon

Originally posted 2017-03-27 09:09:27.

I had no idea what I’d find in Baler. I just knew I wanted to see the sea. After months in Plaridel, which, while nice, is neither favoured with mountains nor sea. I needed it. People like me, who grew up by the sea, pine away if we are too far from it. I’ll do another post about it later in the week, but for now I just want to say it is an unspoiled paradise. Beautiful.

Baler is on the Pacific coast of Luzon. The Pacific is magical and I was awestruck by the fact that I was literally standing on the edge of the Earth — or at least, the edge of the Sunda plate, which is advancing inexorably towards the distant and unseen America, subducting (lovely word) the Philippines Sea plate as it goes.

Anyway, this a wee taster. We’ll be going back to Baler and I’ll write more about it. Meantime thanks to our new friends Rich and Fely Cleaver, who run the Saltwater Lodge on Sabang Beach. Economical, comfortable, clean and good company, just like staying at home!


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Sexual terminology: what you should know.

Originally posted 2017-03-22 09:25:15.

Sexual terminology has become a major issue, or well, at least one that should raise a laugh.

So let’s clear it up, shall we?

Physical Sex:

Either male or female, defined at conception. This is immutable and cannot be changed.

Male: an individual specimen with XY chromosomes. Will normally have a penis and testicles.

Female: as above, but with XX chromosomes. Will normally have a vagina, clitoris, ovaries and breasts (in adulthood.)

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Pageants: the key to understanding ladyboys

Originally posted 2017-03-14 05:22:08.

On Sunday March 12th we went to watch the ‘Mr Lady’ beauty pageant at Robinson’s Place, Malalos, here in the Philippines. These pageants are a regular and important feature of life here.

During the event, an award was presented for Most Supportive Boyfriend. The winner took both his beloved and the crowd by surprise when he proposed to her on bended knee. The crowd went absolutely wild!

These events are very much family affairs and each of the contestants was supported by a strong turnout of highly partisan cousins, siblings and parents. It’s just good fun and everybody has a great time.

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Thai kathoeys: transwomen of Siam


Originally posted 2022-11-18 18:58:50.

Thai kathoeys have long been recognised in the Kingdom of Siam and are now known globally. This article was translated from the original French, by me, and edited and improved.

Thai kathoey
Chananchida “Blossom” Rungpetcharat

According to Buddhist precepts, being kathoey might be a “punishment” from a previous life: in it, the man cheated on a woman and to understand how she feels, he is reborn as a woman in a man’s body. In part thanks to this legend, the kathoey are accepted in the Land of Smiles. After all, in a culture where male philandering is practically standard, being a kathoey might be the fate of all such men, in a future life.

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The history of transsex: some notes

Originally posted 2022-11-16 17:41:46.

Researching the history of transsex is not at all easy. In the first place, the activities of transwomen, feminised males and sex workers are rarely considered appropriate material for men of letters to discuss. Even where such histories were written, cultural revisionists have done everything they could to erase them, with much original material being deliberately destroyed.

However, here are a few examples.

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Opening the closed sex market: Happy Men’s Day


Originally posted 2020-11-19 18:45:17.

The 19th of November being International Men’s Day — which you probably did not know — I thought I’d do a humorous little piece about freedom. Escaping the gynocracy and its would-be closed sex market, that is.

An essential part of the gynocracy’s closed sex market is that women must be the only permissible sex providers. But the fact is that men are not so fussy. In the dark, well, then — one cul is much like another, n’est-ce pas? So why can’t we have a free sex market? Why do women have to control it, especially in cultures where they have effectively given up motherhood?


Women have always tried to make male sex with other males taboo, in order to control men. After all, it would not do if a man refused his wife’s demands because he was getting his knob polished by that cute batang bakla from next door, you know. Women have to maintain power over men somehow. And shaming them for the way they have sex, well, that’s an easy one. It’s the go-to weapon and always has been.

Despite this, across the planet, especially where cis girls are strictly verboten, men pursue sex with other males, who look like girls and can be fucked.

books by rod fleming

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Gay child: a pederast’s fantasy.

gay child not

Originally posted 2022-04-30 14:20:57.

It horrifies me that in 2022 I still have to say this: There is no such thing as a ‘gay child’.

Even what is meant by ‘child’ as been deliberately obscured. As a result we have to specify what one is, since some USicans apparently think it’s anyone under the age of thirty. Well, the USA is the motherlode of bad ideas, after all. But we can’t really discuss the concept of a ‘gay child’ without knowing what a child is. Seems fairly basic.

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A child is, specifically, a young person who has not yet reached puberty. Age of puberty varies, but it is usually in the eleven to thirteen age range in males, with a few outliers. So we are talking about individuals — in this case, male ones — under the age of twelve or so. And note, only those. Adolescents are not children.

books by rod fleming

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Trans debate: My position in a vicious debate

trans debate

Originally posted 2021-05-03 18:30:10.

This is an unusual post for me. It is likely that my web presence will have to be significantly modified in the future. I’m afraid Covid-19 has caught up with us and we have lost all our sponsorships and support. This website generates no income and is really a vanity. So things will have to change and it is likely that I shall use other media more in the future.

However, before beginning these changes, I want to make a few things quite clear, regarding the ‘trans debate’, if something so vicious can be called a debate.

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The Man Who Would Be Queen

Originally posted 2016-05-17 12:53:54.

J Michael Bailey’s seminal book, The Man Who Would Be Queen (TMWWBQ) sparked huge controversy when it was published in 2003. The furore it caused, while small in focus, was spectacular in its incandescent rage at the author. This was categorically different from the conservative reaction to works of other controversial authors like D H Lawrence, or even Vladimir Nabokov’s deeply unsettling study of male attraction to pubescent girls. In those,  the hostility was principally against the work; not so here. It was J Michael Bailey in person who was vilified.

And to cap that, TMWWBQ is not a work of fiction, but of popular science. It is well written, in non-scientific language, is easy to read and deeply sympathetic to its subject. So what on Earth happened, to provoke such a furious backlash? It included entirely spurious attempts to end Bailey’s career, personal slurs and threats of violence against him. His attackers even accused him of sexually molesting his children.

The campaign against Bailey, coordinated by a small group of internet bullies, amounted to nothing more or less than a blatant attempt at censorship associated with a virulent personal attack on the author. It’s time, now, to revisit this book and see why it caused such a storm in a latte cup. Continue reading “The Man Who Would Be Queen”

Homosexual is a personality type.

personality type

Originally posted 2022-10-26 14:51:20.

A few years living outside the particular circumstances of the Anglo-West forces a question: are ‘gays’ in the West homosexual at all?  Is ‘homosexual’ a way of having sex, or does it refer to a personality type?

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Ever since Kinsey entered the fray, there has been a concerted effort to avoid seeing ‘homosexual’ as a personality type and to use it instead to describe a way of having sex. But this is completely at odds not only with the global usage of the term, but also of the historical antecedents.

This is important because, as so often happens, an entire group of people has been ruthlessly erased to suit the political agenda of another one, this time because of their personality type. To understand that, we have to understand what the terms mean.


‘Gay’ is usually taken to mean ‘ homosexual’ and has been used in this context since the 1920s, in the West. However, the term is vague and today really applies to a lifestyle rather than a specific sexuality. Several classes of people inhabit that lifestyle, which adds to the confusion, since many of them do not conform to the homosexual personality type

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