Transsexual women attract straight men. How?

The Sex Market

Originally posted 2021-03-11 18:53:25.

It’s easy to see why men are attracted to transsexual women — they’re gorgeous — but how do they cope with the presence of a penis, if she has one?

This is a transsexual woman.

What is a transsexual woman?

First of all, when I use the term ‘transsexual woman’ I’m referring to a HomoSexual Transsexual, HSTS, otherwise known as a True Transsexual. This person will have had Childhood/Early Onset or Homosexual Gender Dysphoria. I am not referring to non-homosexual transitioners, who are ordinary men with an obsessive-compulsive delusion called Autogynephilia or AGP which they have let get out of hand. These individuals are Pseudo-Transsexual. They feel a different form of Dysphoria and are essentially high-performing (or not) transvestites.


Girls have dicks too

So how does it work? All boys, when they are little, believe that girls have a penis just like they do, although they may either forget this or lie about it in later life. This was  first described by Sigmund Freud and led him to his theory of Castration Anxiety. Freud was not the only one to notice this and it has been well documented. Boys, if they see a naked girl, will assume she is hiding her penis; that she has ‘tucked it in’.

books by rod fleming

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Wolf pack: analogy of male homosexuality


Originally posted 2018-10-15 10:57:00.

Wolf pack social hierarchies give a useful insight into homosexual male society in the West, the New Gay Man culture.

The great myth of ‘gay sex’ is that it occurs between two big alpha males. In reality, usually what happens is that weaker, submissive males offer themselves for, or are simply coerced into, sex with an alpha male, to use the wolf-pack analogy.

Wolf packs contain both patriarchal and matriarchal hierarchies, which makes them even more interesting, but for now we’ll concentrate on the male, patriarchal side.

There is a phenomenon called ‘situational homosexuality’. In this, weaker males may sexually pair with stronger ones, if women are not present or available. One example of this is ‘prison sex’ which occurs in all-male prisons (we’re only discussing male homosexuality here. )



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Nature or Nurture: the debate

sexuality with rod fleming

Originally posted 2022-02-12 13:00:32.

The ‘nature or nurture’ debate has been central to the discussion of sexuality for over two hundred years. In brief, the nature school  believes that human behaviour is largely inherited, while nurturists believe it is the result of experiences in childhood, particularly in our interactions with our parents and siblings.

The nature or nurture argument over sexuality spreads out into other areas of thought. So let’s examine it.

substackWhat does ‘nature or nurture’ mean?

The nature school is sometimes called ‘Essentialism’. It is fundamental to the Christian concept of Original Sin, which insists that we are not sinners by choice or because of our background, but because we are human. Our nature is that of sinner and Christ came to absolve us of this. That is how is possible for a newborn infant to be a sinner, in the eyes of Christians, even if she has done nothing other than suck her mother’s tit; sin is innate to being human. However, human nature, so hated by the Constructionists, is not seen as a flaw by the nature school but rather the source of our strength. It is what binds us together and makes us human, for better or worse.

nature or nurture
Nature or nurture. How likely is it that this girl is as she is because of her childhood environment?

Nurturism is sometimes called the ‘blank slate’ or tabula rasa. It was present in the thinking of men like Rousseau, an eighteenth-century philosopher whose thinking gave rise to many of the social movements we know today. It is also central to Marxist dogma, for example. In many ways it is a  development of the idea of individual autonomy, which informed the cultural revolution of the era and gave us the Enlightenment. Nothing is written and we are all able to shape every detail of our lives independently of the past. Today it is commonly known as ‘Constructionism’.


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The free sex market and why feminists hate it

free sex market

Originally posted 2021-03-05 17:24:49.

The rules of a free sex market are simple. Women want money, so they fuck. If you have money, you get to fuck them. No money, no honey. Sex is the currency with which a woman earns tangible benefit; money is the tangible benefit needed to buy sex. It’s honest.

Walking Street, the pedestrianised area of Fields Avenue, is a delight to visit. There are many like it, from Pattaya, to others across the planet. These streets have been here for thousands of years; they are areas where a free sex market is in place.

Women go there to have sex and make money; men go there to spend money and have sex. Some just like to watch, all of life really being a fair in places like this, and alcohol lubricates the system.

books by rod fleming

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Social class and gender in the Philippines

social class and gender

Originally posted 2022-02-14 14:47:08.

I have met significantly more than a few Asian autogynephilic transvestites and the majority profile is quite clear.

They tend to have their first ‘feelings’ at around the age of 15-16 and begin HRT, usually in the form of contraceptive pills, soon after that. While late-transitioning autogynephilic transvestites do exist, they are rarely public. A good recent example would be Ian King, a racing driver and son of a wealthy ‘Fil-Am’ family.  Social class and gender are strongly linked, as we shall see.

This particular individual fits the Western profile of the Autogynephilic transvestite exactly, but that appears to be related to his social class. This is interesting, because a similar social divide is found between masculine presenting homosexual males, macho gays locally or the New Gay Man, and the traditional highly feminised type. Here again, the former tends to be rare and found only in higher social strata, while the latter is both much more common and more associated with lower social class.

Pot, Porn and Prostitution – 3 Ps

Originally posted 2018-09-25 08:10:28.

There are three parameters that I think define the level of freedom we actually enjoy. I call them the ‘3 Ps’.

(This was written in the happier days of 2015, when we measured freedom more casually. Today, a mere six years later, in 2022, the real threat to our freedom is the relentless attack on free speech and expression, being pursued by the wokeist Left and its feminist, Portmodernist and Identitarian fellow-travellers. Even stating simple facts today is considered a ‘hate crime’ in many jurisdictions, including the UK. Sometimes, frankly, I wish we had the Cold War back. At least then we knew what we stood for. I still do; do you? Another war is coming, of that we can now be absolutely sure. Indeed, it may already have begun.)

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Prostitution: why feminists hate it


Originally posted 2017-08-25 18:44:03.

Prostitution is, they say, ‘the oldest profession in the world’ and, as far as the historical record goes, it’s at least close to being so. The first mention of prostitution that we know of was 5,500 years ago, in the city of Uruk, in Sumer in Mesopotamia, where priestesses in the Temple of Inanna performed this service.

The religious connection with prostitution, of course, is one that has long since been lost — though we might discuss it in another piece; yet of course, the practice itself continues. Until recently, the major push to suppress prostitution was religious, coming from, in particular, the Protestant Christian traditions and notably the Anglican one, which has always been a pillar of sex-negativity and repression.

Of recent decades, however, the attempt to prevent women from engaging in prostitution has come from other women. Indeed, it has become a bastion of modern feminism. But this throws up a thorny moral question: do we or do we not have the right to do as we will with our own bodies?


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Islam: Read all about it right here!


Originally posted 2021-02-23 17:43:03.

I’ve just refreshed my page that contains free downloads of all the major texts of Islam. For reasons that remain unclear, this page suffers frequent attacks. It’s almost as if Muslims don’t want people to read their texts…silly idea, no?

Actually, no. Islam does not want you to read the texts. Muslims go to great lengths to prevent you and condemn any version of the texts not written in Arabic. This, they say, is because ‘Allah’ speaks Arabic and so any translation of his words is blasphemous. However, a suspicious person, not me, of course, might argue that it sounds very much as if they don’t want we kuffars to read the texts at all. I wonder why that might be, if it were the case?

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Two myths about relationships with trans women


Originally posted 2021-02-21 14:41:58.

There are many myths about relationships with trans women but they are, for a man, little different from those with cis women. Obviously, in the case of an intact trans woman there is her penis to deal with, but this amounts to something around 1% of her; the other 99% is more important.

There are subtle nuances of difference but no more than one might encounter if in a relationship with someone from a different cultural background.

I think the most damaging of the myths, regarding transwomen who retain their genitalia, is that they will want to use it in the way that a man would. Outside of sex work, this is rare; most just won’t. (I do know some who do, for pleasure and in private but they are unusual, likely well under 10%.)

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Pederasts and homosexuals

Apollo and Hyacinth. Alexander Ivanov

Originally posted 2023-02-13 19:59:03.

We’ve talked a lot about homosexuality here, and explained how it is a specific personality type. We’ve also discussed the ‘gay’ lifestyle and explained that this, like ‘trans’ is an umbrella description covering several different personality types, only one of which is actually homosexual. Within the gay lifestyle there are two principal types, pederasts and homosexuals. A third group is made up of non-transitioning autogynephiles and there are several more, but pederasts and homosexuals form a natural opposition.


Pederasts, let me make it clear, are NOT homosexuals. They have none of the qualities that mark out the homosexual. Where homosexuals are feminine, pederasts are masculine, for example.

I want to address an important question: we know that homosexuality is innate and caused by hormone delivery anomalies in utero; but is pederasty innate and if so, by what mechanism might it be enacted? If pederasty is not innate, on the other hand, how does it come about? That would make it a learned behaviour. So are there any signs that pederasty does have a potentially innate basis, at least for some men?

How did it begin?

books by rod fleming

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